“The God Who is For Us”

Preliminary Statement on Romans 8:31-39: In this passage, Paul celebrates the love of God for those who are in Christ. He speaks of their incredible security in Him. It is a fitting crescendo to Paul’s discussion so far on what it means to be united with Christ.

1. Read vv.31-32. (a) In v.31, what is Paul referring to when he said “these things”? (b) How could Paul possibly know that God is for us---what proofs do we have that God is for us?

2. Read vv.33-34. In these verses, Paul uses a courtroom imagery to expound on his point that God is for us. (a) Who is pictured here as our judge? How is that seen in this passage? (b) Who is seen as our advocate (“defense attorney”)? How is that seen in this passage? (c) Next time you fall into sin, how does this heavenly courtroom scene give you comfort? (d) But how does it also give you the incentive not to sin (since it could also be abused)?

3. Read vv.35-39. In these verses, Paul uses a different approach to convey his point that God is for us. He reminds his readers that believers are promised victory over every conceivable force in the world. (a) How does the list given in v.35 differ from the list given in vv.38-39? (b) Looking at the lists, nothing is said about ourselves. Can we sever ourselves from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord?

4. (a) Looking at v.37, what does it mean for us to “conquer” over the situations in life that Paul described? (b) In v.35 and v.39, Paul highlights the importance of the believer being in the love of God. How does v.37 increase our appreciation for the importance of the love of God in the life of the believer? (c) Based on what we have seen so far in Romans, how does Christ’s love help us “conqueror” these situations in life?

5. Verse 36 seems rather put of place. (a) What do you think is the function of this verse in Paul’s overall discussion in this section? (b) Does the truth of v.36 frighten you? Why or why not?

Personal Application:

1. Meditate on v.32. When your prayers or desires are not met by God as you had wished, how does this verse help you in your times of disappointment? How does it reaffirm to you the love of God despite the circumstances you’re in?

2. When you go through times of difficulty as the situations mentioned in v. 35 or vv.38-39, how can you “conquer” these situations “through Him who loved us” practically speaking? Share some real life examples of times when you overcame circumstances in life through Christ?

3. Are you experiencing in your Christian life God’s “conquering” kind of love that Paul described in vv.31-39? Why or why not? What can you do to experience this kind of love in your life?