The Twelve Keys Collection of Books by

Dr. Kennon L. Callahan, Ph.D.

Available with and

John Wiley Publishing

Living in HopeISBN-13: 9781516998845

We are blessed with strengths, motivations, mentors, and changes – when it comes to experiencing God’s gift of hope, the possibilities are nearly endless. And one or two possibilities can pave the way toward living a joyous, wonderful life, confidently living in God’s gift of hope.

Living in PeaceISBN 978-1491088753

Shares possibilities for living in peace. Discover ten helpful events, wonderful persons in Eunice, Mrs. Perkins, Gene, Charles, Ken, Opal, Grandma Ida and Kate, Mom, Mimi, Aunt Bea, St.

John’s, Dorothy, Grand Children, Orville, and Ken and Julie. Live in grace and peace.

Living in GraceISBN 978-1481200882

A joyful, encouraging book that shares possibilities for living in grace. Discover twelve decisive events. Discover remarkable persons of grace. Strengthen your living in grace. You will find this book helpful in your own life—living in grace.

Available with John Wiley Publishing

Twelve Keys for LivingISBN 0 7879 41409

Claim the strengths for living that God gives you. Develop a whole, healthy life. This is an excellent Lenten or Advent study for growing forward your life in the grace of God.

Twelve Keys to an Effective Church: Strong, Healthy Congregations Living in the Grace of God, Second Edition ISBN 978-0-470-55929-1 The five basic qualities for strong, healthy congregations. New possibilities for effective, successful congregations. New suggestions for expanding your current strengths and adding new strengths. New wisdom and insights on mission, sacrament, grace and mission growth.

The Twelve Keys Leaders’ Guide: An Approach for Grassroots, Key Leaders, and Pastors Together ISBN 978-0-470-55928-4

Lead your congregation in developing a strong, healthy future. Excellent ideas and good suggestions on how to lead a helpful Twelve Keys planning retreat. Resources for encouraging action, implementation, and momentum. Insights on the dynamics of memory, change, conflict, and hope in congregations. An excellent companion for the new Twelve Keys book.

The Twelve Keys Bible StudyISBN 978-0-470-55916-1 Scriptures for each of the Twelve Keys. Reflections on these scriptures. Suggestions for study and conversation. Helpful for Advent and Lenten Bible studies, and for preaching and worship.

Preaching GraceISBN 0 7879 42952

Develop an approach to preaching that matches your own distinctive gifts. Help your preaching share the spirit of grace with your people. Build on what your do best.

The Future That Has ComeISBN 0 7879 49817

The seven major paradigm shifts of recent years. New possibilities for reaching and growing the grassroots. Motivating and leading your congregation. Where we are heading in the future.

Small, Strong CongregationsISBN 0 7879 49809

The distinctive dynamics of small, strong congregations. Members, leaders, and ministers of small congregations develop a strong, healthy future together. They build on their best strengths.

A New Beginning for Pastors and CongregationsISBN 0 7879 42898 What to do in the first three months of a new pastorate; how to make a new start in a present pastorate. Focus on the few priorities that count in the beginning or in a new beginning.

Visiting in an Age of MissionISBN 0 7879 38688 Develop shepherding in your congregation. Groupings to shepherd. The variety of ways you can shepherd. Building the credibility and compassion, the integrity and trust among people.

Giving and StewardshipISBN 0 7879 3867X

Grow generous givers. Motivations out of which people give. Six primary sources of giving. Giving principles in generous congregations. How to encourage your whole giving family.

Effective Church FinancesISBN 0 7879 38696

Develop an effective budget, set solid giving goals, and increase the giving of your congregation.

Dynamic WorshipISBN 0 7879 38661

Major resources for stirring, inspiring worship services, helpful and hopeful in advancing

people’s lives. The qualities of effective, helpful worship services in our time.

Effective Church LeadershipISBN 0 7879 38653

Foundational life searches. Seven best ways to grow leaders. Develop constructive leadership.

Building for Effective MissionISBN 0 7879 38726 Develop your mission. Evaluate locations. Maximize current facilities. Building new space. Create an effective building team. Selecting an architect. Develop an extraordinary first year.

Twelve Keys to an Effective ChurchISBN 0 7879 38718 Claim your current strengths, expand some, and add new strengths to be a strong, healthy congregation. Encourage your whole congregation to study this book—it helps in their church, family, work, and life.

Twelve Keys: The Planning WorkbookISBN 0 7879 38734

Each person contributes directly to creating an effective long-range plan for your future together.

Twelve Keys: The Leaders’ GuideISBN 0 7879 3870x Developing an effective plan for your future. How to develop action, implementation, and momentum. Dealing with the dynamics of memory, change, conflict, and hope.

Twelve Keys: The Study GuideISBN 0 7879 39420

An excellent Bible study of the Twelve Keys, with helpful resources and solid discussion possibilities.