Rev. Sherry Harris, MSW, RSW, Cert. Spiritual Coach, Counsellor, Teacher

How often do we take the time to ask our self the really the really big question “Who Am I?” Indeed, have you even contemplated this? We tend to live our lives in overdrive, rushing from one activity to the next, defining ourselves by what we do, who we are to others, and our basic demographics, age, race, gender. But who are we really? Do you feel limited by the confines of your body? Do you think your mind resides in the small area we call the brain and you are what you think and feel? Guess again.

I think most of us have inkling that we are much more than that; that there is something magnificent about us we can’t quite put our fingers on. A part of us knows we are boundless, unlimited. What does it mean to be unlimited, boundless? What it means is that we are magnificent creators capable of co-creating our reality. Our God Mind which is our true mind is aligned with Universal Intelligence giving us everything we could ever want: abundant life, abundant health, abundant wealth and loving relationships. So what is it we have to do to reach this place of divine creation? Believe that you are part of the Divine Mind, trust that Divine Mind, God Mind, Source has only your highest good intended for you, and act as if you are the creator God that you indeed are.

When we choose to release our limited thinking, let go of the past and our story about it, we can begin to create anew, unfettered by chains of dense thinking, feelings and behaviours. We are Creator Gods, here to herald the beginning of the new Earth. We are beings of Light who came to Earth to help her move into her glorious transition, then forgot who we were and got stuck in the density of 3rd dimensional mind thinking. Fortunately we can wake up and remember who we are in any moment and begin acting the truth of our being. You are magnificent beyond words. You are Love as that is the divine glue that holds all of this together. What is real and true is Love, all else is the created illusion of the Ego mind that decided it was separate from Source and so created all that we see to support that illusion. We either live in the truth of our being which is that we are limitless, unbounded God Mind expressions here to embody the Love that we are or we believe that we are small, that we are our body and our thoughts and that is all we are. You cannot create an abundant reality from thinking small. Be the Divine Creator you are, live the Love you are and watch you life transform in ways you could never imagine.

So, clean up your act. If you are in any way living out of integrity with your God-Self expression, now more than ever before, it the time to let it go. The more density you can release the more high intensity light you can hold. That transforming light is always available for you. It is entirely up to you how much you can receive. Do your healing work on all levels of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual to release the old stuck, heavy energies and make room for the brilliant light of God Consciousness/Love to fill you. Only you can make the choice to receive the magnificent energies available now to lift us into a higher vibration of being: The Truth of Your Being is: Your are God, You are Love, You are Awakened Consciousness and you always have been. Embrace and live your true heritage now.

Sherry Harris is a psychotherapist, spiritual counsellor, coach and teacher. She also works with the incredible Sri Yantra Transformation Healing Discs. To contact her call 613-236-8852.