Characters in the Odyssey

Characters in the Odyssey

Characters in the Odyssey

  • Aeolus--ruler of the winds
  • Argus--faithful dog belonging to Odysseus
  • Athena--Greek goddess of wisdom and protectress of cities and their rulers, guardian of Odysseus
  • Calypso--sea nymph who held Odysseus prisoner on her island
  • Charybdis--whirlpool encountered by Odysseus
  • Circe--enchantress who turned men into beasts
  • Eumaeus--faithful swineherd of Odysseus
  • Eurycleia--faithful old nurse of Odysseus -- and later Telemachus -- who recognizes him by a scar on his leg
  • Hermes--herald and messenger to the gods
  • King Alcinous--King of the Phaeacians and a host of Odysseus
  • Menelaus--King of Sparta, husband of Helen, brother of Agamemnon, and leader of the Greeks during the Trojan War
  • Nausicaa--daughter of Alcinous who aided Odysseus after the was shipwrecked
  • Nestor--wise old King of Pylos and one of the Greek leaders in the Trojan War
  • Odysseus--King of Ithica and a hero of the Trojan War, forced to spend ten years in wandering before returning home to reclaim his fortune and his wife
  • Penelope--wife of Odysseus and mother of Telemachus
  • Polyphemus--a Cyclops encountered by Odysseus and outwitted by him
  • Poseidon--god of the sea, brother of Zeus and Hades, father of Polyphemus, and enemy of Odysseus
  • Scylla--a sea monster situated opposite the whirlpool Charybdis
  • Teiresias--blind prophet of Thebes, consulted in the underworld by Odysseus
  • Telemachus--son of Odysseus and Penelope
  • Zeus--ruler of all the gods and men, brother of Poseidon and Hades

Odysseus's Journey

  • Troy--The Trojan War
  • Ismarus--Odysseus and his crew sacked and looted the Cicones
  • Cyclopes--blinded Polyphemus, son of Poseidon, for which Poseidon was royally upset; revealed to Polyphemus who he was and got a curse put on him: Odysseus shall not return home, but if he does return home, let him be late, alone, and with trouble in his home
  • Aeolia--Aeolus gave Odysseus a leather bag of wind tied with silver wire
  • Ithica--they were in sight of Ithica, when Odysseus fell asleep and his crew opened the bag, blowing them right back
  • Aeolia--Aeolus turned them away
  • Telepylus--several crew members eaten by the Laestrygonian people; the ship Odysseus was on was the only one to survive
  • Aeaea--Odysseus was Circe's bed partner for a year; Circe sent them on their way with some supplies and advice
  • Erebus (Hades/Hell)--went to Hades and sought the advice of Teiresias, the blind prophet; warned of the Sun God's Isle; after he returns home, Odysseus is to find a people who do not know of the oar and teach them, plant the oar, and then make an offering to Poseidon, then he will be free of Poseidon's curse
  • Aeaea--Circe warns Odysseus of the Sirens, Scylla, and Charybdis
  • Sirens--pass, even though Odysseus wishes to stay
  • Scylla--six of Odysseus's best men eaten
  • Charybdis--provided a distraction
  • Sun God's Isle--Odysseus's men demanded to rest; ate some of the Sun god's precious cattle (Hyperion is the Sun god); Hyperion smashed the ship and made a storm; Odysseus drifted for nine days until he ended up on the Isle of Ogygia, home of Calypso
  • Ogygia--Odysseus stayed there for seven years while being courted by Calypso; sent on his way home when Hermes, the messenger of the gods, told Calypso to let Odysseus go
  • Phaecia--Odysseus reached the land of the Phaecians after 19 days, nine of those at sea, and with the unacceptable hurt from Poseidon and the help of Athena; met Nausicaa on her journey, inspired by Athena; Nausicaa clothed and bathed him and took him back to the Palace of Alcinous; Odysseus challenged in the Phaecian Games, and Odysseus won; Odysseus begins his explanation of his journey
  • Ithica--Alcinous helps Odysseus home; Athena helps Odysseus plan his revenge of the suitors; at Eumaeus's hut, Odysseus, disguised as an old beggar, discovers that Eumaeus, his shepherd, is still faithful; meanwhile, Athena goes to help Telemachus home; Telemachus goes to Eumaeus's hut on Athena's advice; they plan a strategy
  • Home--Odysseus kills all of the suitors and the slaves and maids who have violated him and his wife, Penelope; wins back the love of his wife, Penelope