Press Coverage


June 19

-The Trumpet- –analysis on the possibility of a two state solution

-The Trumpet- –analysis on the recession’s effects on the EU, especially Germany

-VOA- -analysis on the Iranian elections and resulting protests with Reva interview

-The Trumpet- –analysis on the Lebanese elections

-Jsmineset- -partial reprint of STRATFOR piece on Iranian elections with link to

  • Reprint: Gold Speculator

June 20

-Arizona Central- -analysis on emerging Pacific route for MX drug trafficking

-Santa Cruz Sentinel- -analysis on the Iranian elections

-The Marxist- -analysis on the Iranian elections and resulting protests citing Reva interview from CNN

  • Reprint: Bay Area Indymedia

-CNN- –analysis on the Iranian elections and resulting protests with Reva interview

  • Reprint: PrairiePundit

-CNN- direct link unavailable- analysis on the Iranian elections and resulting protests with Reva interview

June 21

-CNN- –analysis on protesting over the Iranian elections with Reva interview

-CNN- direct link unavailable- analysis on the Iranian elections and resulting protests with Reva interview

-The Trumpet- –analysis on US/Australian relations

-Jsmineset- -partial reprint of STRATFOR piece on Iranian elections with link to

-Oped News article reprint with analysis on Iranian elections with link to Real Clear World reprint of geopol weekly: Bay Area Indymedia

June 22

-Examiner- -analysis on Iranian elections

-Young Turks Radio- -reprint of geopol weekly on Iran and the revolution test

-Frank Pastore Radio- -link to geopol weekly on Iran and the revolution test

-FOX News (O’Reilly)- see Nexis- analysis on Iranian elections and N Korea with George interview

-FOX Business Network (Neil Cavuto)- link unavailable- analysis on Iranian elections with George interview

June 23

-iStock Analysis- -reprint of members only content on the recession in Japan

-CBS News Blog- -analysis on the Iranian elections with link to the geopol weekly

-USA Today- -analysis on shifting MX drug trade with Stick interview

-Frank Pastore Blog- -reprint of geopol weekly on Iran and the revolution test

-Right Side News- -reprint of security weekly on security for places of worship

-Foreign Policy Journal- -analysis on US role in destabilizing Iran with Fred interview from Telegraph

-The Washington Note- -analysis on Iranian elections

-O’Reilly- –reprint of geopol weekly on Iran and the revolution test

June 24

-Right Side News- -reprint of geopol weekly on Iran and the revolution test

-The Marxist- -analysis on the Iranian elections and resulting protests citing Reva interview from (translated copy of article from June 20)

-Daily Kos- –reprint of geopol weekly of Iran and the revolution test

-USA Today- on shifting MX drug trade with Stick interview (same article from June 23)

  • Reprint: The Jacksonville Observer

June 25

-World Socialist Web Site article reprint with analysis on Iranian elections: Axis of Logic

-Cleveland Indy Media- -analysis on Iranian elections with criticism of our analysis on election fraud

-BP News- –analysis on the global recession

  • Reprint: Town Hall

-Digital Journal- -analysis on the Waziristan offensive in Pakistan

-VOA- -analysis on the Iranian elections with Reva interview

  • Reprint: Journal of Turkish Weekly

-Big Hollywood- -mention of America’s Secret War

-Platts- link only available with subscription- analysis on the Bolivian economy with Peter interview


June 19

-Britské listy (Czech Republic)- -analysis on the Iranian elections

-Business Spectator (Australia)- of STRATFOR article on Russian/German relations

-Open Democracy (UK)- -analysis on the contested results of the Iranian elections

  • Reprint: Australia.TO (Australia)

-Jornal do Brasil (Brazil)- -analysis on Obama’s upcoming visit to Moscow

-Irish Independent (Ireland)- -review of TN100Y

-Haber 10 (Turkey)- -analysis on TN100Y

-Townsville Bulletin (Australia)- -analysis on US war games off coast of Australia

  • Reprint: The Courier Mail (Australia)

June 20

-La Prensa (Honduras)- -analysis on drug trafficking through Central Am

-Siyaseten (Turkey)- -analysis on TN100Y forecast for Turkey


-VOA article reprint with analysis on the Iranian elections and resulting protests with Reva interview: Journal of Turkish Weekly (Turkey)

June 21

-World Socialist Web Site article reprint with analysis on geopol weekly on Iranian elections: inoСМИ (Russia)

-National Post (Canada)- on protests following the Iranian elections

-Cotidianul(Romania)- -analysis on protests following the Iranian elections

-Ziarul de Iasi (Romania)- -analysis on protests following the Iranian elections

-The Trumpet- article reprint with analysis on German-Russo relations: Tribine (Latvia)

-Oped News article reprint with analysis on Iranian elections with link to Real Clear World reprint of geopol weekly: Daily Pak (Pakistan)

June 22

-New Times analysis on TN100Y forecast for Russia with George interview: Versii (Russia)

-Ziarul de Iaşi (Romania)- -analysis on the Iranian elections

-Britské Listy (Czech Republic)- -reprint of geopol weekly on Iran and the revolution test

-Milliyet (Turkey)- –analysis on TN100Y

-VOA article reprint with analysis on the Iranian elections and resulting protests with Reva interview: Thai Press Reports (Thailand)

June 23

-Open Democracy article reprint with analysis on the contested results of the Iranian elections: Payvand(Iran)

-Globe and Mail (Canada)- -analysis on Chinese hoarding resources

-Hospodářské noviny (Czech Republic)- -analysis on the Iranian elections

-Globe and Mail (Canada)- -analysis on Chinese hoarding resources with Rodger interview

-World Socialist Web Site (France)- -analysis on post election protests in Iran

-Estadão(Brazil)- –analysis on contested results of the Iranian elections

-Guardian (UK)- -analysis on the Iranian elections with link to geopol weekly

-Evenimentul Zilei (Romania)- -analysis on the post election protests in Iran

-PoliGazette(Poland)- -reprint of geopol weekly on Iran and the revolution test

June 24

-L'Occidentale (Italy)- –analysis on geopol weekly on Iran and the revolution test

  • Reprint: Satelios News (Italy)

-Globe and Mail (Canada)- -analysis on Chinese hoarding resources (same article from June 23)

-Proletären(Sweden)- –analysis on the Iranian election

-Politicamente Corretto (Italy)- –harsh criticism of geopol weekly on Iran and the revolution test arguing that we underestimated the protests and the level of fraud in the election

-Globe and Mail article reprint with analysis on Chinese hoarding resources and Rodger interview: InoСМИ (Russia), Centrasia (Russia), Нефть России (Russia), RosInvest (Russia)

-Salon 24 (Poland)- –analysis on TN100Y

-Telegraph Blog (UK)- -analysis on the Iranian elections with link to geopol weekly

-Sina (China)- -analysis on the Iranian elections citing Reva interview from VOA

  • Reprint: SinaTech (China), Wabei (China), Jmnews (China), CCW (China), Techweb (China), Iresearch (China), SPN (China)

-World Socialist Web Site (France)- -analysis on the post-election protests in Iran (translated copy of article from June 24)

-Правда (Russia)- -analysis on Russian/German relations

-Foreign Policy Journal article reprint with analysis on US role in destabilizing Iranwith Fred interview from Telegraph:

Atlantic Free Press (Netherlands)

June 25

-Sina article reprint with analysis on the Iranian elections citing Reva interview from VOA: CNII (China), CNW News (China), Ifengwo (China), Hexun (China), 163 (China), Jz123 (China)

-El Siglo Durango (MX)- -analysis on whether MX is a failed state

-iDNES (Czech Republic)- -analysis on the Iranian elections

-Radio-Televizija Vojvodine (Serbia) on the implications of Ceku’s arrest

-Press Online (Denmark)- -analysis on the implications of Ceku’s arrest

-Блиц(Serbia)- -analysis on the implications of Ceku’s arrest

-Tellus Folio (Italy)- –analysis on the Iranian elections

-World Socialist Web Site (France)- -analysis on the Iranian elections (translated article from 6/23)

-Reset Italia (Italy)- -analysis on the Iranian elections with link to geopol weekly

-Foreign Policy Journal article reprint with analysis on US role in destabilizing Iran with Fred interview from Telegraph: Center for Research on Globalization (Canada)


June 19

-Reva Bhalla Fan Page- -link to

June 20


June 21


June 22


June 23

-Niac Blog- -reprint of geopol weekly on Iran and the revolution test

-Fefe’s Blog- -analysis on Iranian elections with link to geopol weekly

-Orbat- -analysis on Iranian elections with link to geopol weekly

-D=S- -reprint of geopol weekly on Iran and the revolution test

-Mediusoriens- -harsh criticism of geopol weekly on Iran and the revolution test arguing that we underestimated the protests and the level of fraud in the election

-Investment Capitalist- - harsh criticism of geopol weekly on Iran and the revolution test arguing that we underestimated the protests and the level of fraud in the election

-Ed Driscoll- -analysis on the Iranian elections with link to geopol weekly

-Jerry Pournelle- -analysis on Iranian elections

June 24

-Jerry Pournelle- -analysis on Iranian elections

-Gawker- -analysis on Iranian elections with link to STRATFOR in comments section

June 25



Fox News Network

June 22, 2009 Monday


Talking Points Memo and Top Story
BYLINE: Bill O'Reilly
GUESTS: Peter Brookes; George Friedman
LENGTH: 1791 words

BILL O'REILLY, HOST: "The O'Reilly Factor" is on. Tonight.


O'REILLY: Iranian protesters dying in the streets. Can the USA do anything? Meantime, North Korea may fire a missile at Hawaii, testing President Obama. We will have a full report.


GEORGE STEPHANOPOLOS: I've always been struck by how obsessed the president in the White House are with FOX news.


O'REILLY: The media world still buzzing about President Obama's criticism of FOX News. Brit Hume has some thoughts.


KATE GOSSELIN: Please don't squish the cereal in your anger.

JON GOSSELIN: I'm not squishing anything.

K. GOSSELIN: I want it up on the ceiling.

J. GOSSELIN: Yes, so will this. Why don't you put them in the backseat.

K. GOSSELIN: Listen, I have eyes everywhere.


O'REILLY: And the TLC cable network promoting chaos between a husband and wife as eight children look on. Is there something wrong with that?

Caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. "The Factor" begins right now.

Hi, I'm Bill O'Reilly. Thanks for watching us tonight. The axis of evil challenges President Obama, that is the subject of this evening's "Talking Points Memo." Two-thirds of the axis of evil, Iran and North Korea, are still causing major trouble worldwide. Of course, the other third, Saddam Hussein's Iraq no longer exists.

Let's take Iran first. There's major debate over how President Obama should react to protests against the fascist government there. Many Iranian voters believe the crazy mullahs fixed the presidential election. And now protesters are risking their lives in pursuit of a new regime.

Well, since Iran has cracked down on press coverage, we don't know what happened to that woman and we don't know how many protesters have been killed or hurt, but the number surely is into the hundreds.

So what should President Obama do? Critics of the president believe he should take a harder line, perhaps even supporting the protesters against the mullahs. But as "Talking Points" said last week, that kind of rhetoric could ignite more violence in Iraq and Afghanistan against American forces.

Also, as Henry Kissinger pointed out here on FOX News, if President Obama backs the dissenters, the mullahs will blame the protests on the USA. And some inside and outside of Iran will believe that. Thus, Mr. Obama must be cautious.

But he does have the human rights card to play. And now is the time to play it. The president should speak to the world as he did in Cairo and reiterate his belief that human beings, including women, have the right to freedom, not oppression. The president must begin to be more Reaganesque in that regard. Or risk being seen as weak and indecisive.

And that is what the North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il apparently thinks Mr. Obama is -- weak. Kim, a certified nut, is threatening the USA with a missile launch on the fourth of July and a nuclear attack if we dare stop North Korean violations of the United Nations weapons mandates.

Right now, the U.S. warship John McCain, named after the senator's father and grandfather, tracking a North Korean vessel believed to be carrying illegal arms. Should President Obama order the Navy to board that vessel? That would definitely provoke Kim Jong Il, who would retaliate somehow. Mr. Obama knows that. It will be fascinating to see what he does.

If the president does nothing, Kim wins, taunting the president and getting away with it. But if the president orders the Navy to board, violence will likely occur. At this point, I don't believe the president of the United States can stand by and do nothing. So get ready.

Of course, many on the left will condemn Obama if he acts against North Korea. And these are his people. The committed left has elevated the president to power. So, another Barack and a hard place situation, no question. And that's the Memo.

Now for the top story tonight, what will happen next? Joining us from Washington, Peter Brookes from the Heritage Foundation. And from Austin, Texas, Dr. George Friedman, the head of and author of the best-selling book, "The Next 100 years."

Doctor, we'll begin with you. Let's take Iran first. So where does it go from here, in your opinion?

GEORGE FRIEDMAN, PH.D., FOUNDER: Well, I think the riots are contained. The security forces have clearly been able to hold them down. Other social groups have not moved into the streets. I don't think that's going anywhere.

What we have now is a showdown among ayatollahs. The political leadership of the country is in crisis. Many of them oppose Ahmadinejad because they're afraid of his anti-corruption drive, believe it or not. On the other side of the situation is that there are a lot of people supporting him. So, what's happening is that the elite seems to be coming apart. And that causes a crisis because they aren't predictable.

O'REILLY: Okay, so you believe that the rallies, the protests in the street are on the downside now, doctor? They're not going to grow in number and be an actual physical threat to the regime?

FRIEDMAN: The repression is effective after the demonstrations, the demonstrators are beaten and shot. A lot of them are not going back into the streets. So I think that's over.

O'REILLY: Okay. Peter, what say you?

PETER BROOKES, HERITAGE FOUNDATION SENIOR: I don't see that we've seen the end of this yet, Bill. I think it's -- we don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. I think that the president should speak out in support of liberty and freedom. I think he should also rally the free world to take stand against Iran. We can further isolate them. We've still got the nuclear issues out there.

The idea that they're going to come to the negotiating table and change course under nuclear program if we're nice to them and be silent, which makes us look like apologists for what's going there, I think is a pipe dream.

So we can speak out in general terms about the cause of the people on the streets out there, these brave people that are risking their lives. We can rally the world. And then we can look at bolder actions as events unfold.

O'REILLY: Okay, but I don't believe we can rally the world, Peter. We haven't been able to rally the world for anything at any time. (INAUDIBLE).

BROOKES: Well, Bill, it's a little embarrassing when the French and the Germans are speaking out stronger than we are on this issue in Iran.

O'REILLY: Yeah, but if you think the French and the Germans are going to step up and do anything concrete, I'd be very, very surprised. And Russian and China, as you know, hold the cards.


O'REILLY: .with Iran, not France and Germany. But I think.

BROOKES: Well, economic sanctions wouldn't hurt.

O'REILLY: .I think Kissinger's point is a good one. If President Obama takes the lead, the mullahs turn it around, look at the United States, they're doing this, they're trying to undermine our nation. They tried it today. They tried it, but it doesn't have any traction because Obama's being very cautious.

However, I do believe that he's got to basically do another human rights thing, you know, in a very big address soon.

Now, North Korea, doctor. We're shadowing this ship. It's heading to Burma, Myanmar. Suspected North - South Korean intel says it has all kinds of banned weapons on it. That's the American ship. We're tracking the North Korea ship. Should the United States board that vessel, doctor?

FRIEDMAN: I think so. There's a huge difference between Iran and North Korea. North Korea's a lot weaker, has a lot fewer options, and we're far more capable against it.

O'REILLY: If we do board, you know that that nut, JongIl will do something. He'll lob missiles into South Korea. He'll do something.