Geneseo Hills Homeowners Association Board met on September 8th, 2003 at the Wellhouse # 3 office, with the following in attendance: Gary Gallens, Dave Jirele, Gus Stetter, Kevin Rowe, and Sara Patterson. Also attending were homeowners Doug & Roxane Darby and Ken Neuwohner.

The treasurer reported bills were paid to:

  • Farmers Mutual Electric Co. $ 466.28 for August and $450.25 to date for September
  • The water engineer, $471.47 for August and $517.43 to date for September
  • The checking account has a balance of $ 9872.51
  • The money market has a balance of $ 25,401.01

Dave noted there are6 homes for sale in the development. The financial report was unanimously accepted as presented.

Old Business:

  • GHA website….Mike Heine has agreed to take over operation of the website. The GHA website will hopefully develop into an information tool for the homeowners. Initially the Meeting Minutes and Mowing Schedule will be put up. Certainly as time goes on there is the opportunity to add all kinds of GHA information to this site and the board looks forward to getting this activated. We discussed adding all the homeowners’ information to the site, creating a GHA directory. There is some concern with privacy in doing this, so we intend to get approval from the GHA residents before we would ever post this information.
  • It was noted that Mike has done a tremendous amount of work on the site.
  • Gus mentioned a concern over the SQ. FT. size of the 2 new homes going in. The concern is if they meet the SQ. FT. requirements of the covenants. It was agreed to measure them to insure they are properly sized for the addition. A single story home is to be 1500 SQ. FT. minimum and a 2 story is to be 1000 SQ. FT. minimum.
  • The board needs to determine an action plan to take on this
  • There was discussion regarding the need for some homeowners to meet the mowing requirements. Lots #41, #4 & #5 were specifically discussed. Gary indicated that letters would be sent to people who needed to get their lots in compliance.
  • It was again discussed that the board needs to start taking action on a lot of activities that are not becoming to the neighborhood.
  • Gary mentioned there was a water leak on lot #54 Longview.This leak is a repair responsibility for the homeowner, not GHA. Emerson Excavating is expected to investigate this within the next couple of days.
  • There was 1 change to the August 2003 minutes noted and corrected, regarding the numbering of the well houses needing repairs from the recent hailstorm.
  • Minutes were unanimously accepted as presented with the noted correction (above).

New Business:

  • Mowing of Well house #3 is working out well. Thanks go out to: Scott & Susan Pipenbrink & Tom & Anne Ryerson.
  • We received an insurance check in the amount of $5874.42 for the estimated hailstorm damage of $7812.98 for well houses 1 & 3 which incurred some recent hail damage. The difference in the 2 amounts represents the depreciation & deductible amounts. We are also in the process of obtaining competitive bids for this repair work.
  • Gary noted we had a water break in GHA #3 in late August due to a contractor. Water was affected for a few hours until Emerson Excavating (not the contractor at fault) could be contacted & mobilized. It was reported that Emerson’s response was excellent and they had the problem resolved in short order upon their arrival.
  • It was noted that the outbuilding @ 29 Prairie Dawn is being required to be moved by the County Building Inspector.
  • Gus indicated he wanted to do a water main flushing soon. No date was picked. It is hoped the water will be free of sediment as was the case on the most recent flushing.
  • The 2003 GHA Annual Meeting was discussed
  • The date is set for October 21st @ 7 PM @ Wellhouse # 3
  • Notification of this meeting will take place no more than 40 days nor less than 5 days in advance. A Meeting Notification mailing will go out, as well as posting signs at the entrances to the addition. All of this information will be posted to the website as well.
  • The agenda was discussed and agreed to.
  • Proxies were discussed and with minor changes were agreed to by a vote of (4:1). Return due date of the proxies will be 10-3-2003. Anyone wishing to run for the board and desiring to be listed on the ballot will need to be identified by this date. Nominations from the floor @ the annual meeting will be accepted, but those nominations will have to be written in by the voter at the time of their vote.
  • There was a General discussion on the Water District & water requirements. Topics covered, but were not limited to: Arsenic levels, filters, disposal of waste, capital costs, deep wells, other water districts in the State of IL, possible Governmental funding if jobs are created, quality of life improvement impact, taxing districts, East Moline & Geneseo as possible interested parties for supplying water to the additions on Wolf Road.
  • Roxane Darby was given a letter from Gary Gallens, which is in response to her letter to the board & Virgil Thurman, the GHA attorney. Generally speaking, the board has reviewed Roxane’s comments, and it intends to continue to operate as it has for many years in its efforts to serve the homeowners.

Next Board Meeting is at7 PM CDT on Thursday October 9, 2003 @ the wellhouse # 3 office.

Motion to adjourn was made by Gary, 2nd by Gus and passed with no opposition.

Submitted by; Kevin Rowe VP/Secretary