The treasurer is in charge of all the PTA funds and keeps the books up-to-date. This includes writing checks, counting and depositing money during PTA events, and making budget reports at PTA meetings. It is great if you have previous bookkeeping or accounting experience, but if not and you are organized and good with numbers, this job could be for you!
Time Estimate: Normally, approximately 2 hours/week. During big back-to-school, fall, and spring events, may be up to 4 hours/week.
Do you like taking pictures? The Historian keeps a record of PTA activities and achievements and posts them on the website and social media to help celebrate and promote Brentwood’s PTA.
Time Estimate: Varies.
Science Fair
Do you love science? This is a great chance to see all the incredible science projects Brentwood students have completed. Help the teachers and students get projects set up and in the correct categories, and help reunite students with their projects once the science fair is completed. Also, science fair volunteers may help provide (or deliver) breakfast for the judges on the day of the fair.
Time Estimate: A couple of hours leading up to the science fair, a couple of hours the day of, and an hour the day after (usually in January).
Spelling Bee
Do you like to spell or have a child who does? Come be a part of the spelling bee! Interested students meet a few times in the fall for informational and practice sessions before the spelling bee in January. Committee members help out as needed at the practice sessions and at the event itself.
Time Estimate: A few hours in the fall for practice sessions and a few hours the day of the spelling bee (usually in January).
Do you love to see our Brentwood students in their awesome tie-dye t-shirts? We would love to have some help coordinating the tie-dye process in all our classes.
Time Demand: A couple of hours per week max in the fall during “tie-dye season.”
Encore Team
Brentwood loves its music, art, and PE programs! We need help with a variety of events and activities throughout the year, including holiday and spring concerts, Field Day, and Jump Rope for the Heart, as well as mounting and hanging art around the school and sprucing up decorations in the gym.
Time Demand: Varies.
Fine Arts Month
Help coordinate Music in the Mornings during Fine Arts Month (October), a school-wide art project, and other enriching activities during the month.
Time Demand: Most demanding in October (a few hours/week); light the rest of the year.
The Fundraising Team plans various fundraising opportunities throughout the year in addition to the annual Keep It Simple fundraiser; thanks sponsors; and strategizes new ways for Brentwood to raise money.
Time Demand: an hour or two per week during specific fundraisers.
Spirit Wear Coordinator
The Spirit Wear Coordinator helps to manage the inventory of Brentwood T-shirts and other spirit items (such as decals), reordering as necessary. He or she may also help design new spirit items to sell at Brentwood events.
Time demand: A few hours/week at the beginning of the year; light otherwise.
Schoola Coordinator
This fundraiser involves collecting and sending donated clothes to a company called Schoola. The Schoola Coordinator would help to advertise for clothing drives through all media (flyers, PTA website, Facebook, etc.), box up the clothes, and arrange pick-up by the post office.
Time Demand: 2 hours per week during clothing drive.
Box Top Store
Volunteers are needed to help run the Box Top Store on Tuesday and Friday mornings before school; gather donations to “sell”; and send the box tops off.
Time Demand: 1 to 2 hours per week.
Silent Auction
The Silent Auction Committee helps to coordinate donations for the silent auction and advertise the event ahead of time. During the week leading up to the event, the team helps to collect donations and assemble the baskets, organize the online auction, and set up volunteers for the actual event. Following the event, the team helps to collect payment and distribute items to the winners.
Time Demand: A couple of hours per week leading up to the event; heavy the weekend of the event; a few hours the week after the event.
Carnival Committee
The Brentwood Halloween Carnival is an annual event for the Brentwood community. There are many pieces to making this event a success.
Carnival Chair-in-Training: The current chair will be available to assist in the planning of the carnival next year. This would be a great position for someone who will have a student at Brentwood for the next couple of years.
Volunteer Coordinator: Helps to coordinate the volunteers from local schools and the community.
Haunted House Coordinator: The Brentwood Dads Of Great Students (DOGS) traditionally handle the construction and tear-down of the Haunted House every year, and they need more parents to join, especially to start transmitting knowledge to a new generation before many of the current hardy souls who work so hard on this popular project no longer have kids at Brentwood. Next year will be critical, so please start thinking now about joining the DOGS for this fun activity next Fall!
Box Maze Coordinator: This is one of our most popular booths at the carnival every year. A big part of this position is locating the boxes. We typically build the maze in the gym the night before.
Information Coordinator: This job involves making sure that Carnival information gets to the Brentwood Bark, Wednesday folders, and PTA Website, and that advertising is placed.
Sponsorship Coordinator: This position would work closely with the chair, helping locate possible sponsorships and donations.
Members of this committee help to organize events and volunteers for happenings such as Teacher Appreciation Week, Friday Treats for Teachers, Grandparents’ Day, and the Thanksgiving lunch. This committee would also help lead groups of parents on tours at the Brentwood Welcome Walks that occur throughout the year, and help organize refreshments for PTA events and meetings.
Time Demand: Varies; a couple of hours during weeks of events.
Communications Chair
This person helps disseminate information about events to a variety of sources, including the PTA website, PTA Facebook page, Bulldog Bark (PTA newsletter), Wednesday folder flyers, and homeroom parents. In addition, as necessary, the Communications Chair helps to develop policies of how and what to convey.
Time Demand: One (or more) hour per week.
Bulldog Bark
The Bulldog Bark is the Brentwood PTA's weekly newsletter. The editor collects posts from teachers, office staff, and PTA board members for weekly content, and reviews and edits submissions, adds graphics, and adds and deletes subscribers as requested. The online tool used to manage the Bark is currently WordPress.
Time Demand: 2 hours per week, August through June.
Wednesday Folder Flyers
This person helps make copies of PTA flyers to go in Wednesday folders for the week and distributes the appropriate green count to each teacher box in the workroom.
Time Demand: One hour per week when there is a flyer to distribute; none at other times.
Graphic Artist
This person helps design flyers, posters, and announcements for PTA events and activities, and may also be involved in designing school spirit items.
Time Demand: Two to 3 hours per week during busiest times; less at other times.
Translation Team
Members of the Translation Team help to translate text for flyers or posters, etc. Additionally, interpretation from English to Spanish may be necessary at PTA meetings/ programs for parents who may be primarily Spanish speakers.
Time Demand: One hour or less per week.
Reading with Kindergartners
Meet with a group of kindergartners on a regular basis to help them practice reading.
Time Demand: 30 minutes (or more) per week.