The Trails Homeowners Association Inc

Annual Meeting Minutes

April 27th, 2015

1. Call to order by president Mark Hansen, 8pm

2. Verification of proof of notice was confirmed by secretary of association Christina Zumrick

3. Call of quorum: Mark Hansen, President announced we have a quorum of 114 proxies; 22 persons.

4. Approval of agenda: Motion By: Beckie Cosgrove; Seconded: Kris Dailey; Aye: Balance of present board members.

5. Reading & approval of 2014 annual meeting minutes: Motion By: Tom Sucher; Seconded: Christina Zumrick ; Aye: Balance of present board members.

6. President report; Discussed the declaration & By-Laws have been updated, the renovation of the clubhouse/kitchen was completed, was a successful project and looks good. Hope that homeowners can enjoy the newly renovated clubhouse. Mentioned neighborhood watch needs to be back in place but we need volunteers to get the program off and running. Mark complimented the work that everyone has put into on going improvements and that we are looking forward to another successful year.

7: Financial Report: Presented by the Treasurer Ramona Sitov: talked about Clubhouse renovation/ Kitchen renovation ; tree removal, spent about $15,000 in past year. Largest paint cycle this year, that is why we increased the monthly assessment. Next year looking into resurfacing the parking lots/roads; looking into renovating the restrooms for the pool. Question from audience on foreclosures - not as many this past year. Ray the association legal counsel has said that there were ten foreclosures last year; average time for resolution for a foreclosure is 620 days. Foreclosure rates are going down and should continue to do so. Tom Sucher question, is bank responsible for foreclosure assessment, Ray says they are responsible for 6 months by law, buyer of the property takes the remainder on into purchasing the property including late fees.

8. Introduction of officers & committees chairperson: Mark Hansen, President, has served on the board of directors since 2010 has lived in Trails since 1985. Steve has lived in the Trails since 1992 and served on the ACC for 4 years. Jan served on the board of directors and lived in the Trails for the past 4 years servicing as secretary and is on the election ballet for this evening. Kris has served on the board as a director & chair social committee for 4 years and has lived in the Trails since 1992. Beckie has served on the board for the past 2 years and has lived in the Trails for 12 years. Ramona has served on the board for 6 years as treasurer and has focused on keeping the assessments down. Al has served on the board for 6 years/ served on ACC for 10 years and has lived in the Trails for 15 years.

9. Election Judges: Nina Loos; Dorothy Landgren; Ramona Sitov.

10. Nomination of candidates from the floor: No nominations

11. Candidates speeches were heard from: Steve; Kris Dailey; Jan Mosena; Franke Jarke; Beckie Cosgrove; Ben Singleton is not in attendance for the meeting, no speech.

12. Questions to candidates: Homeowner asked Beckie Cosgrove about how the reserves are set aside for various updates such as the clubhouse/kitchen. Company was hired years past to set up how many years certain things would last and when expected to be replaced/upgraded.


13. Voting: 8:45pm started.

14: Close of voting: Voting session over 9:22pm

15. Call for new business: Tom Sucher, Motion to amend the by laws- see attachment.

16. Election results

Beckie Cosgrove120 Votes2 Year Term

Steve Kaitchuck115 Votes2 Year Term

Franke Jarke110 Votes2 Year Term

Jan Mosena121 Votes2 Year Term

Kris Dailey107 Votes1 Year Term

Ben Singleton2 Votes---

Voided Ballet1--

17. Appointment of 2016 nominating committee - will be discussed at next board meeting.

18: Adjournment of meeting: 10pm Motion By: Peg Marsh; Joan Bauer

Respectfully submitted by Christina Zumrick, Secretary