Regular Council - November 19, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
COUNCIL PRESENT: / David Shulist, MayorBob Kulas, Councillor
Linda Neuman, Councillor
Shaun O'Reilly, Councillor
Sylvie Yantha, Councillor
STAFF: / Bryan Brown, CAO/Clerk
Brenda Sabatine, Treasurer/Deputy Clerk
Silas Lorbetski, Planning and Licensing
Gwen Dombroski, Administrative Assistant-Recording Secretary
OTHERS: / Heather Sutherland, The Barry's Bay This Week
Megan Pecjack, The Valley Gazette
Gary Medwid and Tony Usher (7:30 p.m.)
1.Call to Order
The Meeting was called to order 7:01 p.m.
2.Moment of Reflection
A Moment of Reflection was observed.
3.Declaration of Financial Interest - None
4.Adoption of the Agenda
4.1 / Monday, November 19, 201201-1911-12
Moved by: Councillor Yantha
Seconded by: CouncillorKulas
THAT the Regular Council Meeting Agenda for November 19, 2012 be approved as amended with the following additions;
A letter from St. John Bosco Catholic School as 14.5, andthe Former Barry's Bay Landfill Site Closureas 14.6; as welladditions to 14.3, anemail from Anthony Usher and an email from Mary Shushack
5.Confirmation of the Minutes
5.1 / Regular Council Meeting Minutes - November 5, 201202-1911-12
Moved by: CouncillorNeuman
Seconded by: Councillor Yantha
THAT the Regular Council Meeting Minutes of November 5, 2012 be approved with the following change resulting ofremoving item10.8By-Law 2012-82, Development Charge By-Law the confirming By-Law 2012-83 to By-Law 2012-82.
5.2 / Regular Council Meeting Minutes - CLOSED - November 5, 201203-1911-12
Moved by: Councillor Yantha
Seconded by: CouncillorKulas
THAT the Regular Council Meeting Minutes - CLOSED - of November 5, 2012 be approved as presented.
6.Business Arising out of the Minutes - None
7.Delegation and Public Participation - None
8.Tenders - None
9.Committee Reports
9.1 / Water, Wastewater, Waste Management Committee Meeting Minutes - November 13, 201204-1911-12
Moved by: CouncillorNeuman
Seconded by: Councillor Yantha
THAT the Water, Wastewater, Waste Management Committee Meeting Minutesof November 13, 2012 be approvedwith the following change replacingthe word discussion to "research phase" in Item #8 Old and New Business and the following recommendations:
1. THAT the Water, Wastewater and Waste Management Committee recommend that until a final policy decision has been made on by-pass installations, that a seal be placed on any water connection that presently has been identified as having had aby-pass installed.
9.2 / Water, Wastewater, Waste ManagementCommittee MeetingMinutes- CLOSED - November 13, 201205-1911-12
Moved by: CouncillorNeuman
Seconded by: CouncillorKulas
THAT the Water, Wastewater, Waste Management Committee MeetingMinutes - CLOSED for November 13, 2012 be approved as presented.
9.3 / Finance Committee Report - November 13, 2012Councillor O'Reilly questioned the term of the appointment of the Municipal Auditors.
Moved by: CouncillorNeuman
Seconded by: Councillor Yantha
THAT the Finance Committee Report of November 13, 2012 be approved as presented with the following change; that Item 5.1 was Moved By: CouncillorKulas and Seconded By: Councillor O'Reillywith the following recommendations:
1. THAT the Finance Committee recommend that the proposal for Audit Services submitted by MacKillican& Associates be accepted;
AND THAT the necessary by-law be enacted that appoints MacKillican and Associates as Municipal Auditor for a 5-year period, from 2012 to 2016.
2.THAT the Finance Committee recommend that Council establish the safety footwear allowance for non-unionized employees as follows:
i)On or about October 1, 2012 – Two hundred ($200.00) dollars
ii) On or about October 1, 2013 – Two hundred and twenty five ($225.00) dollars
iii)Part-time employees shall receive fifty per cent (50%) of the above amounts
AND THAT these amounts shall be deemed a reimbursement of expenses and the employee shall be required to provide receipts from the year prior for payment.
3.THAT the Finance Committee recommend that Council adopt the following 2013 fees relating to the Township Community Centres:
Hall Rental Schedule of Fees: (Daily Rates) Combermere & Area Community CentreYour Bar (kitchen included)($604.20 + $78.55 HST)
Municipal Bar (kitchen included)($302.10 + $39.27 HST)
Hall rental without Bar or Kitchen ($151.05 + $19.64 HST)
Hall rental with Kitchen – no Bar ($251.75 + $32.73 HST)
Charitable, Not-for-Profit and Fundraising Rate ($302.10 + $39.27 HST)
NON-RESIDENT surcharge
DEFINITION OF NON-RESIDENT:An individual who is not a resident or ratepayer or child of a resident or ratepayer of the municipality.
Rates ($100.70 + $13.09 HST)
(Which take place in the lounge that do not serve alcohol or use kitchen facility and are less than 6 hours in length)
Rates occurring on off-times – Sunday morning to Friday morning ($44.43 + $5.78 HST)
(Which take place in the lounge that do not serve alcohol or use kitchen facility and are less than 6 hours in length)
Rates occurring on off-times – Sunday morning to Friday morning ($52.38 + $6.81 HST) (Which take place in the lounge that do not serve alcohol but uses kitchen facility and are less than 6 hours in length)
(Facility Rental/Damage Deposit payable at time of booking)
Cancelations: (No Deposit refunds will be made after December 31st)
Garbage generated – per bag
Hall Capacity:149 people / $682.75
25% of rate
Hall Rental Schedule of Fees: (Daily Rates) Paul J. Yakabuski Community Centre
(Summer Rates-Entire Centre) Your Bar ($1,621.27 + $210.77 HST)
Municipal Bar ($991.90 + $128.95 HST)
(Upstairs Lounge & Kitchen) Your Bar ($810.95 + $105.42 HST)
Municipal Bar ($503.50 + $65.46 HST)
(Ice Surface & Downstairs Kitchen)Your Bar ($810.95 + $105.42 HST)
Municipal Bar ($503.50 + $65.46 HST)
(Upstairs Lounge- up to 6 hours) ($151.05 + $19.64 HST)
(Which take place in the lounge that do not serve alcohol or use kitchen facility and are less than 6 hours in length)
Rates occurring on off-times – Sunday morning to Friday morning ($122.75 + $15.96 HST)
(Which take place in the lounge that do not serve alcohol or use kitchen facility and are less than 6 hours in length)
Rates occurring on off-times – Sunday morning to Friday morning ($147.14 + $19.13 HST) (Which take place in the lounge that do not serve alcohol but uses kitchen facility and are less than 6 hours in length)
(Downstairs Lobby)
Rates ($115.42 + $15.00 HST)
(Which take place in the lobby that do not serve alcohol or use kitchen facility)
Rates ($131.68 + $17.12 HST)
(Which take place in the lobby that do not serve alcohol but uses kitchen facility)
(Kitchen) ($125.88 + $16.36 HST)
(Skate Sharpening Booth)monthly rate ($75.53 + $9.82 HST)
(Pursuant to Resolution 13-0703-11) (Ice Rentals Rate for 2012-2013)for all user ($138.65+ $18.02 HST)
NON-RESIDENT surcharge
DEFINITION OF NON-RESIDENT:An individual who is not a resident or ratepayer or a child of a resident or ratepayer of the municipality.
(Facility Rental/Damage Deposit payable at time of booking)
Cancelations: (No Deposit refunds will be made after December 31st)
(Charitable organizations)
Who wish to use the lounge for fundraising functions provided that the organization is based within the boundaries of the Township of Madawaska Valley)
($503.50 + $65.46 HST)
(Garbage generated) per bag
(Business Sign Advertising – 4’x8’ sheet)($125.88 + $16.36 HST)
on South wall of ice surface-annual charge
Zamboni advertising ($201.40 + $26.18 HST)
(3 year commitment) annual charge
Ice Surface Capacity: 800 people /Upstairs Lounge Capacity: 285 people / $1,832.04
25% of rate
9.4 / Killaloe Community Policing and Advisory Committee Minutes - September 27, 201207-1911-12
Moved by: Councillor Yantha
Seconded by: CouncillorNeuman
THAT the Killaloe Community Policing and Advisory Committee Minutes of September 27, 2012 be received.
10.1 / By-Law 2012-83RE: Development Charges - Effective November 1, 2012 - October 31, 2013
Moved by: Councillor Yantha
Seconded by: CouncillorNeuman
THAT By-Law 2012-83
Being a By-Law to amend the Development Charges as set out in Schedule "A" of By-Law Number 2008-12 and By-Law Number 2008-13 be given first and second reading this 19th day of November 2012.
Moved by: CouncillorKulas
Seconded by: Mayor Shulist
THAT By-Law 2012-83
Being a By-Law to amend the Development Charges as set out in Schedule "A" of By-Law Number 2008-12 and By-Law Number 2008-13 be given third and final reading this 19th day of November 2012.
10.2 / By-Law 2012-84RE: Appointment of Municipal Auditors - MacKillican & Associates
Moved by: CouncillorNeuman
Seconded by: Councillor O'Reilly
THAT By-Law 2012-84
Being a By-Law to appoint an auditor licensed under the Public Accounting Act, 2004 be given first and second reading this 19th day of November 2012.
Moved by: Councillor Yantha
Seconded by: CouncillorKulas
THAT By-Law 2012-84
Being a By-Law to appoint an auditor licensed under the Public Accounting Act, 2004 be given third and final reading this 19th day of November 2012.
11.Severances - None
12.1 / Council Approval Report - Municipal Vouchers 2012-10Council questioned the purchase from Greenwood Paving (cold mix and expansion joint for sidewalks), Mr. Brown willaddress this item withthe Operations Department at the next Roads, Property and Planning Committee Meeting.
Moved by: Councillor Yantha
Seconded by: CouncillorKulas
THAT the Municipal Vouchers Report 2012-10 for October in the amount of $505,197.96 be accepted as presented.
12.2 / Council Approval Report(s) - November 1st-15th, 201213-1911-12
Moved by: Councillor Yantha
Seconded by: Mayor Shulist
THAT the Council Approval Report(s) for November 1st-15th, 2012 in the amount of $151,335.41 be accepted as presented.
13.Correspondence - None
14.Old and New Business
14.1 / Resolution from the Township of Brudenell, Lyndoch and Raglan - November 11, 2012 - Councillor YanthaRE: Uploading Highway 62 to the Provincial RoadSystem
Moved by: Councillor Yantha
Seconded by: Councillor O'Reilly
WHEREAS Highway 62 is a vital transportation link to southern Ontario for local businesses and manufacturers located in the western sector of Renfrew County;
AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Hasting Highlands plans to implement half load restriction on Highway 62 in the Spring of 2013 which would prevent fully loaded trucks from using this road;
AND WHEREAS this restriction would have disastrous effects on the trucking industry and would have negative impacts on the significant number of trucks that use Highway 62 to travel to Toronto and Southern Ontario;
AND WHEREAS this restriction would also have disastrous effects on the local forestry industry which has been through many hardships in the last few years by preventing fully loaded log trucks and lumber trucks from using this road;
AND WHEREAS this restriction would force trucks to use alternate routes such as Schutt Road, increasing the number of heavy vehicles and may cause deterioration to these roads;
AND WHEREAS Hasting Highlands is a lower tier municipality which has been burdened by the downloading of a major transportation route and does not have the financial resources to maintain Highway 62, which is significant to the entire region;
THEREFORE be it resolved that the Township of Madawaska Valley petition the Provincial Government to upload Highway 62 to the Provincial road system.
AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be circulated to Premier Dalton McGuinty, the Honourable Bob Chiarelli, Minister of Transportation, MPP John Yakabuski, Opposition Leaders, the County of Renfrew and local municipalities for their endorsement and support.
14.2 / Dimestore Fishermen - Mayor ShulistMayor Shulistexplained he has been contacted by the Dimestore Fishermen as a follow up regarding hosting the eventin 2013.Council noted they were notinterested in pursuing the Dimestore Fishermen eventin 2013.
14.3 / Lakewoods Resort DevelopmentInc. Draft Conditions - Bryan BrownCouncil questioned Item #3 the naming of the road, and decided the Municipality maintains the control of thename of the road and if requested by the Developerthis could be dealt with aspart of the Sub-Division Agreement.
Moved by: Councillor Yantha
Seconded by: Councillor O'Reilly
THAT Council accept the Lakewood Resort DevelopmentInc. Draft Conditions as presented with the following amendments that Condition #12 would change to "the Municipality would be committing itself to allowing the subdivision to proceed in two phases" and that Condition #15 (b), (c) and (d) is subject to the County of Renfrewapproval and
THAT the Lakewood Resort DevelopmentInc. account is paid in full with the Township of Madawaksa Valley.
14.4 / Draft Offer to Purchase - Amstutz Property - Bryan BrownCouncil agreed a copy of the Draft Offer to Purchase will be provided to the Amstutz family, however, the offer will not beformally made to the Amstutzfamilyuntil the Lakewoods ResortDevelopment Inc. account with the Municipality is paid in full, along with a retainer for the purchase of the property, and the County of Renfrew has approved the Draft Conditions.
14.5 / Letter from St. John Bosco School - November 19, 2012RE: Future Developments of the Madawaska Valley
14.6 / Former Barry's Bay Landfill Site ClosureItem was dealt with in Closed Session.
15.Outstanding Matters - None
16.Closed Session
Moved by: CouncillorKulas
Seconded by: Councillor Yantha
THAT the Meeting enter into Closed Session to discuss matters pertaining to "a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board"; and "litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board", Ontario Municipal Act 2011.c.25, s.239 (2)(c)(e).
17.Return to Open Session
Moved by: CouncillorNeuman
Seconded by: Councillor Yantha
THAT the meeting exit Closed Session.
18.Confirming By-Law
18.1 / By-Law 2012-85RE: Confirming By-Law - Council Meeting of November 19, 2012
Moved by: CouncillorNeuman
Seconded by: Councillor Yantha
THAT By-Law 2012-85
Being a By-Law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Madawaska Valley at a Regular Council Meeting of November 19th, 2012 be given first and second reading this 19th day of November 2012.
Moved by: CouncillorKulas
Seconded by: Councillor O'Reilly
THAT By-Law 2012-85
Being a By-Law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Madawaska Valley at a Regular Council Meeting of November 19th, 2012 be given third and final reading this 19th day of November 2012.
Moved by: CouncillorNeuman
Seconded by: CouncillorKulas
THAT the Meeting adjourn at 8:43 p.m.