ANS RPSD 2014 - 18th Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection & Shielding Division of ANS

Knoxville, TN, September 14 – 18, 2014, on CD-ROM, American Nuclear Society, LaGrange Park, IL (2014)

The Title Goes Here

First Author1, Second Author1, and Third Author2

1Some Street Address/Box Number, City, State, Postal Code, Phone, and Email Address

2Some Other Street Address/Box Number, City, State, Postal Code, Phone, and Email Address




This Word template has been written to provide consistency among 1-page summaries submitted to RPSD 2018. Please do not edit or change font or spacing defaults beyond necessity. The assigned text style is “ANS body paragraph.” Replace this text with your text. If you need to insert a hard line break within the paragraph, use “Shift+Enter” rather than “Enter.”

References should be superscript numbers unless cited in text or next to a number, abbreviation, measurement or acronym, in which case they should be written as “(Ref. #)” to distinguish them from exponents or other superscripts.Refs. 1, 2, 3 and 4 show how reports, books, articles and proceedings should be cited, respectively.

Description of Work

Do not exceed one page for the summary(not including references). Please provide “Introduction,” “Description of Work” and “Results” sections. Place table captions above tables (see Table I) and figure captions below figures (see Figure 1).


Below is an example equation created with Word 97’s Equation Editor. To move this equation, highlight the entire line; then cut and paste to the new location. To use this equation as a template, select the entire line; then copy and paste to the new location.


Table I shows what a table should look like:

Table I.This is what a table should look like.
Column Header / Column Header
Row Name / x
Row Name / x

Figure 1 shows what a figure should look like:

Figure 1.This is what a figure should look like. DO NOT include this ANS logo in your abstract.

List the research results and discuss the significance.We are looking forward to seeing you at RPSD 2018. Happy writing!


1. J. Gleason, “Format for a Report,” ANS-2008, American Nuclear Society (2008).

2. R. KRAMDEN, Format for a Book, p. 25, A. KRAMDEN, Ed., American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, Illinois (2008).

3. R. Van Gleason III, “Format for a Journal or Transactions Summary,” Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 98, 1200 (2008).

4. A. CARNEY, “Format for a Proceedings Paper,” Proc. PHYSOR 2000, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 7–12, 2000, American Nuclear Society (2000) (CD-ROM).