From Fr. Jim…

The three readings today underline the absolute necessity for our repentance and prompt response to God’s call. The first reading tells us how God had to punish the disobedient prophet Jonah to get him to preach repentance in Nineveh. The prophet was leaving town so the Lord would not find him because he did not want to convert the people of Nineveh…he thought they were not worth saving. God had to halt Jonah in his flight …by dramatically allowing him to be swallowed by a big fish. In the fish’s belly, Jonah comes to his senses. The wicked people of Nineveh accepted Jonah as God’s prophet, and hence they promptly responded to God’s call for repentance as Jonah preached it.

The Sustaining Hope for the Futurecampaign is winding down.We have pledges totaling $564,861 – 83.9% of our $673,500 goal. So far, 395 parishioners have returned their pledge cards. The Diocese will receive 60% and our parish 40% of all funds received up to our goal. If you have not returned your pledge cards, we ask that you do so as soon as possible. Thank you for your generous support.

Baby Bottle Fundraiser-Thank you so much for taking our Baby Bottles. If you did not get one there are still more available. Please bring them back in 2 weeks which is Feb. 1st. We appreciate your generosity and prayers very much.

It’s flu and cold season. Please be considerate of others during the upcoming flu, cold and virus season. Be cautious about shaking hands or drinking from the cup at Communion if you are under the weather. Please take care of yourself this winter!

2014 Tax Statements –All 2014 donation statements were mailed this last week.

Cemetery Notice: All decorations will be removed from the graves at both cemeteries the First week in February. If you have any decorations that you wish to keep, you must remove them by January 31. Please remember that with the exception of flowers in memorial marker vases, no decorations of any type, (wind chimes, statues, fencing, flags, potted plants, etc.) are permitted on the graves during the mowing season – April 15 to October 30. Thank you for your cooperation.

Parish Community News

We extend our condolences and prayers to the families of those who have recently died:

Mary Lynch

Fred Angeletti

Offertory January 18, 2015Fiscal Budget

Immaculate Conception$ 6,662.36 $12,096.25

St. Jude’s$ 1,146.00 $ 2,103.75

Online$ 1,344.50-

** $ 9,152.86 $14,200.00

2014-2015 Fiscal YTD(Offertory Surplus) $12,511.50

Building Maintenance Fund:

Collected $228,895.68

Expenses $222,584.49

Balance $ 6,311.19

STEWARDSHIP: In today’s readings, God, through Jonah’s preaching, causes the people of Nineveh to answer His call, turn away from evil, and repent. In St. Mark’s Gospel, Jesus calls Simon-Peter, Andrew, James, and John to be His disciples. They respond immediately, leaving their fishing businesses and families — sacrificing everything to follow the Lord. Their actions were considered radical in Jesus’ day, and also by today’s standards. As disciples striving to embrace stewardship as a way of life, are we, too, willing to sacrifice all to further His kingdom?

January 26, 2015– Sts. Timothy & Titus, Bishops

8:30 AMDale Edwards

January 27, 2015

8:30 AMBrigid Smyth

January 28, 2015 – St. Thomas Aquinus, Priest &

Doctor of the Church

8:30 AMIrene Ulmer

10:00 AMParents of ICS Students (Living Int)

January 29, 2015

8:30 AMBernadette Sniadowski (Living Int)

January 30, 2015

8:30 AMMarian Svec

January 31, 2015 – St. John Bosco, Priest

8:30 AMMackenzie Tekeszcuk Ivey

5:00 PMDaniel Brown

February 1, 2015 –4thSunday of Ordinary Time

7:00 AMBarbara Peterson

8:30 AMKenneth Gillis

9:00 AM SJIgnatius Steinart

10:15 AMPeople of the Parish

12:00 PMHugh & Eleanor Reilly


Vocations –Jonah did not answer God's call quickly; he wasn't interested in the mission God had for him. Sometimes the attraction of various career opportunities keeps us from being interested in hearing and responding to God's call. Is the Lord calling you to priesthood or to religious life? What could be more satisfying or fulfilling than taking on a mission from God? Call or write Father David Kelley, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations (302-573-3113 or ). Be sure to visit our website:

Adoration for Vocationsis usually held the first Sunday of each month in the Immaculate Conception Chapel. Adoration for Vocations will be held next Sunday, February 1stfrom 1:30–6 PM. Please take this opportunity to spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to pray for priestly and religious vocations. Benediction begins at 5:30 PM.

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

RCIA is the process by which baptized Christians and those who are unbaptized become members of the Catholic Church. It is also the process by which baptized Catholics who never received the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation receive those sacraments. RCIA sessions are held Thursdays at 7pm in the Parish Center.

Readings for Next Week:


First Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-20 - Moses explains to the people that a prophet will come from among them, and that they should listen to this prophet’s words, for God has told him of this prophet. God also tells Moses that anyone who pretends to speak in his words, or speaks in the name of other gods shall die.

Second Reading: I Corinthians 7:32-35 - Paul tells the Corinthians how an unmarried man or woman is able to devote themselves fully to God without concern for the needs of a spouse. Paul explains that God wants to help them promote good and devote themselves more fully to God.

Gospel: Mark 1:21-28 - As Jesus was teaching, a man with an unclean spirit came to the synagogue and asked if Jesus had come to destroy them. Jesus ordered the spirit out of the man, who shrieked violently as the spirit departed. The people were amazed at the authority he had over the spirit.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

The ages of the children for Children’s Liturgy are: Ages 5 & 6 and Ages 7 & 8 ONLY. Children who do not fall into these categories are asked to remain in church.

Catechists for next Sunday, January 18th are:

CLW 1 –Lindsay PartridgeCLW 2 –Mary Kennard




THANK YOU to all of the Liturgical Ministers who were able to join us for the morning of reflection and formation last week. Your energy, your prayer, and your suggestions affirm the high level of commitment to our liturgical life that has been my experience since coming to Immaculate Conception/St. Jude. I also thank those who let me know that you could not be with us on Saturday. Please watch for an announcement about how we can make sure that all liturgical ministers have the information needed to serve our parish family and be aware of some of the changes that we are making.

The majority of our changes will not go into effect until the new schedule begins, March 8. However, you may notice the ushers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, proclaimer, servers, deacon, and presider gathering together right before Mass begins to pray. We began doing this last weekend at a number of our Masses and will gather this way each weekend before Mass. We pray that God will help us serve you well, that you may see the face of Jesus in us and that we will see the face of Jesus reflected in you.


Wednesday of this week, January 28, is the Memorial of St. Thomas Aquinas, op. Because St. Thomas Aquinas is the patron of Catholic schools, among other things, we are celebrating a school Mass at 10:00 am on Wednesday morning. Parents, families, and parishioners are invited to join us for this celebration in the middle of Catholic Schools’ Week.



At a date that is still to be determined we will gather the Altar Servers of Immaculate Conception/St. Jude for a time of formation and renewal in your ministry and duties. This gathering will be geared toward you especially. As soon as we have a date set we will contact you. Please watch the bulletin and the parish website for further information.

Thank you for your service and if any young woman or man has been thinking about becoming an altar server please call the parish office and leave your name with Paula Amberg.

Christian Formation

Immaculate Conception School News

Immaculate Conception School: A Community of Faith, Knowledge, and Service. Today marks the beginning of National Catholic Schools Week, the annual celebration of Catholic education and its focus on faith development, academic excellence and community service. We’ve planned activities the entire parish community can enjoy. Please join us!

Catholic Schools Week 2015

“Communities of Faith, Knowledge, and Service”

1. 25 / Waffles & Raffles (8:00-12:00)School tours are available during W&R. The theme for this year’s event is “Frozen”. Special guest appearances by Elsa and Olaf will be a sure hit for the children! Come enjoy a great breakfast and maybe bid on some great raffle and silent auction items. Big ticket items include an Ipad, Philly’s tickets, and theme baskets. There is something for everyone!
School Mass (10:15)
1/26 / Chick-fil-A Spirit Night (5:30-7:30)Come enjoy a nice dinner out and allow the staff to wait on you! We will gladly refill your drink, bus your table, and stock the condiments. It’s a wonderful opportunity for relaxation, laughter, and community.
1/27 / Open House (8:30-11:00)Come and see the wonderful things that we have going on in our classrooms. Registration materials will be available for new families.
Geography Bee (1:00)Our grade-level winners will go head-to-head to see who will represent ICS at the next level.
1/28 / School Mass (10:00)Please come and join us to celebrate the Eucharist on the Memorial of St. Thomas Aquinas, who is considered to be the Church's greatest theologian and philosopher.
Thu, 1/29 / Challenge Cup Basketball Game (1:00)The staff will try to retain possession of the Challenge cup when they play the 8th graders. Hopefully age and wisdom will outlast youth and speed!
Talent Show (7:00)Come and enjoy the wide variety of talents our students have to share. You will definitely be entertained!
Fri, 1/30 / Blue & White Rally (1:00)Definitely the high point of the week, the rally is a whole-school celebration of academics and physical activity in an atmosphere of competition. If you are able to come, ear plugs may be in order, because these students will raise the roof with their excitement!
Sat, 1/31 / St. Mark’s Declamation Contest (9:00)Our four student representatives will share what they have prepared – either a declamation (memorized speech) or dramatic reading. We’re hoping to come home with individual and team honors.

Congratulations go out to one of our 8th grade students, Camryn Kilby, who was awarded a scholarship for St. Mark’s High School.

DID YOU KNOW… ICS offers a tuition break for families with multiple students?

Christian Formation

Christian Formation Mtg: Thursday, January 29th at 3pm

Religious Education

Religious Education Classes:For Gr. K-8 on Sunday, 1/25 at 8:30am; For Gr. 1-8 on Wed., 1/28 at 6:15pm.

Catechist Meetings for Gr. K-6: Sunday, February 1st and Wednesday, February 4th.

FIRST COMMUNION PROGRAM- The Parent Orientation Meeting for First Communion will be held this Monday, January 26th at 6:30pm in Church. *A parent Must attend this meeting for a child to participate in this program. If for any reason it is not possible for a parent to attend, he/she MUST contact the Parish Religion Office.

Youth Ministry

Please visit the parish web site at See the News, faith Formation and Ministries pages for more detailed information on YM events and opportunities. To contact the YM office, call 410-392-3551 or email .

Weekly gatherings for high school students- All high school students are welcome to join us Sunday evenings 6-8 PM in the Parish Center Youth Room. We typically have students from 8-10 different high and a faith-based activity. No RSVP needed. Drop-ins welcome. Confirmation students are welcome to attend from 6-7:00 before class.

Service Hours - If ever you are in need of service hours, please scroll through the pictures on the parish website home page at Click on the one about “Service Opportunities” and see the contact person listed for each opportunity. Thank you!

Work Camp 2015 - High School students interested in a summer mission trip with our parish and Catholic Heart Work Camp should call 410 392 3551 or email . Our 2015 camp will be July 12-18 in Pittsburgh. Visit for all the details. It’ll be the BEST week of your summer!

Confirmation News - Confirmation will be March 21, at 1:30 PM. Registration for Confirmation 2015 is closed.

Adult Education

Matthew: The King and His Kingdom

What was Christ’s mission, really, and what does He mean when He talks about the“Kingdom of Heaven”?

Sessionsthis week will be held on Monday, Jan. 26th at 6:30pm and Tuesday, Jan. 27th at 9:15am. The topic is Characteristics of Christian Community as we reflect on Mt. 18.Next week’s topic will be: Marriage-God’s Love.


Thursday, January 29th at 3pm

Social Concerns


The Parish Outreach is grateful to all those who continue to support this essential ministry – both materially and in their prayers. Please consider making a donation of food or money to those less fortunate.

Word of Life - January 2015

“Even if the forces of darkness appear to prevail, those who believe in God know that evil and death do not have the final say.”

Pope Saint John Paul II, General Audience,

September 12, 2001

© 2001 Libreria Editrice Vaticana.

Used with permission.

Community Kitchen:Immaculate Conception is hosting the next Community Kitchen on Friday, January 23rd at the Elkton Presbyterian Church at noon. We make and serve sandwiches, homemade soup, fruit, and dessert to anyone needing a good, hearty meal. If you can help provide food and/or can help us serve the meal, it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Joyce Speakman at 410-398-8789 or Kathy Chamberlin at 410-398-7299 if you need more information or if you would like to help us in any capacity. We also would be glad to receive cash donations. If donating a check, please write Community Kitchen in the memo section. We have a wonderful group of faithful volunteers and would welcome anyone who can spare a couple of hours in a very worthwhile cause.

Parish and Family Life

Parish Coffee: Join us next Sunday, February 1st after the 9 AM Mass at St. Jude’s for a Parish Coffee and also

on Sunday, February 8th after the 10:15 PM Mass at Immaculate Conception. Hope to see you there!

Parish Events / Information


The parish will be hosting the rotating shelter on the week beginning March 23, 2015. There will be an information and volunteer meeting in the chapel at Immaculate Conception Church on Feb 4 2015 at 7:00 PM. Someone from the parish will also be speaking at all the Masses the week-end of Jan 31st-Feb 1st about the shelter. Many volunteers are needed for the week of the shelter. The shelter committee is also in need of new members. For more information please call Mary Ann Hopkins at 443-553-4604 or email .

Where do you need me??

Parish Volunteers / Donations are needed for:

Altar Serversdetails on Page 2

Outreach donations details on Page 4

Community Kitchen Volunteersdetails on Page 4

Rotating Shelter Volunteersdetails on Page 4

Vacation Bible School Volunteersdetails on Page 4

In this weekend’s readings, Jesus invites fishermen to “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” If you were to accept such an invitation today, how would it change your perspective as a student, spouse, or professional? Bring It Home this week and invite everyone to find a peer to discuss how the vocation of following Jesus transforms your present role. After your conversations, come home to share notes as a family. What have you learned?


Come Be Part Of This Exciting Adventure…

Conquering Challenges with

God’s Mighty Power.

Many volunteers are needed to

make this happen.

A meeting will be held on Tuesday,

February17th at 6:45pm in the Parish Center.

Consider coming to see what the excitement is all about and how you can be involved.


Don’t Forget to…Continue to check our parish website for the Weekly Scripture Puzzles and resources for Children, Families, and Adults.


This site offers faith-forming activities and prayers available for families, for young people, and teens.

This Week’s Calendar

Sunday, January 25

8 – 12:00Waffles & Raffles - Caf

8:20 AMConfessions – SJ

8:30 AMReligious Ed (k-8) – S/PC

10:15 AMCatholic Schools Week Mass -IC

6:00 PMHigh School Gathering – PC

7:00 PMConfirmation – PC

Monday, Jan 26

9:00 AMNovena – Ch

5:45 PMLight Weigh – PC


6:00 PMICAA Basketball Practice – gym

6:30 PMGospel of Matthew – PCL

6:30 PM1st Communion Parent Mtg –IC

6:30 PMMD Right to Life Mtg - PC

8:00 PMAA – caf

Tuesday, January 27 (ICS Open House 8:30 – 11 AM)