This form helps you check that appropriate safety arrangements are in place for Indoor venues. Keep a copy in the Event Safety File.

Venue location / Date of event
Event title / Network / Div / Dept
Type / description of event
BBC’s role in event (tick) / Event Organiser (EO) Host Broadcaster (HB)
Contributor (C) Rights Holding Broadcaster (RHB)
BBC Organiser / Producer / Contact details
Venue Manager / Contact details
Other: / Contact details
Privacy Notice - Personal information collected for the purposes of this form will be used to identify those at risk and those involved in controlling risk, from this or similar activities, and to fulfil the BBC’s obligations under Health and Safety policy and legislation. It could be retained for up to 6 years after the conclusion of the event. It may be shared with other organisations, including our agents and contractors, with whom the risk or the control of risk is shared.
Item / Y / N / Notes
Audience Profile
Expected number in audience?
Age range of audience?
Behavioural profile of audience?
Suitability of Venue
Entertainment Licence held? (request copy)
Venue big enough to cope with production infrastructure, incl. hospitality / welfare/etc.?
Max capacity of venue?
Risk of noise nuisance to local residents?
Venue has adequate public liability cover? (request copy)
Venue Location
Emergency services close by?
Good access for emergency services?
Good access roads for audience / production?
Adequate public transport links?
Fire & Emergency Evacuation
Venue evacuation procedures available?
Escape routes well defined / designated?
Appropriate muster locations defined?
Suitable fire alarm in place?
Suitable fire exit provision?
Appropriate escape route signage?
Emergency lighting provided?
Fire-fighting equipment provided throughout?
Any upholstered seating meets fire retardency standard (BS EN 5852)?
Any textile drapes / curtains also meet fire retardency standard (BS EN 5852)?
Stage & Associated Infrastructure
Adequate dressing rooms provided?
Suitable welfare provision for artists and crew?
Extinguishers available for dressing rooms?
Stage rated for expected loadings?
Appropriate steps / walkways on to stage?
Barriers sufficient to contain audience?
Venue ventilation adequate?
Esp. important where special effects used
Rostra / risers – protected against risk of falls from height?
Suitable high level rig points available for expected loadings of flown equipment?
All rig points subject to inspection / certification by competent person?
Asbestos register available where risk of disturbing building materials exists?
Audience Seating
Seating provided meets Local Authority requirements?
Disability Requirements
Suitable access provided?
Suitable seating / space provided for disabled persons?
Suitable escape routes for disabled persons?
Escape routes DDA compliant?
Loop systems provided for those with hearing impairment?
Premise has 5-yearly fixed electrical safety installation certification? (request copy)
Waste management arrangements suitable?
Mains water provision adequate?
Parking Facilities
Adequate parking and access available for production vehicles?
Adequate parking available nearby for audience?

Version – Mar 2017