The three middle columns indicate
a) the state of the title-page to vol. 1: with line 7 ending ‘yeres’
(a); with line 7 ending ‘yeares’ (b); with the date ‘1600’ (c)
b) the state of the Cadiz leaves, if present: original printing
of 1598 (A); reprint of c. 1720 (B); reprint of c. 1795 (C);
facsimile (D)
c) the state of the Wright-Molyneux world map, if present: first
state, with a single cartouche in the South Atlantic (1); second
state, with another cartouche located in the South Pacific (2)
Birmingham CentralaB-‘R. Jennis(?) his Book’,
Library(Q46)early inscr.; later MS
[Q094/1599/10A-B]bound in vol. 1, ‘A
Particular & Impartial acct
of the Expedition of the
English to Cadiz’
Cambridge Universitya--‘Ex libris Tho: Stutevill
Library(Q33)**?(1599-1649, matr. Christ’s,
[*L 9.34- (C)]Cambridge 1615) or his son
(adm. St John’s, Cambridge
1653, adm. Gray’s Inn 1656);
18th-cent. bkpl. ‘Academiae
Cantabrigiensis liber’; cont.
calf w. gilt royal arms (vol.
1 only rebacked)
Cambridge, King’scB-‘John Mitford of Newtown,
College Library(Q38)Hampshire, 1744’; George
[P.3.1, 2] Thackeray (1777-1850), Provost
of King’s College
Cambridge,aA-Samuel Pepys (1633-1703), see
Magdalene College,Pepys Cat., vol. 1 (1978)
Pepys Library(Q39)p. 82; also Tangier Papers
[PL2111-2]of Pepys, ed. E. Chappell
(1935) p. 51; mid, late 17th-
cent. calf, w. gilt arms of
Cambridge,a--Acq. 1612-40; Queen’s College
Queen’s College(Q41)**bkpl. dated 1700; cont. calf,
gilt central ornament, re-
paired 1979
Cambridge,a--‘Anthony Lyntom Liber 1604 pr
St John’s Collegexxs’, his annotations
[Aa.4.35-36]throughout?; gift of Thomas
Baker (1656-1740); 18th-cent.
paper boards, bd. before 1740
Cambridge, SidneyaA-Cadiz leaves suppl. later,
Sussex College(Q44)**stubs of cancelled leaves
[B.3.15a,b]visible; John Harington, 1st
(d. 1613) or prob. 2nd (1592-
1614) Baron of Exton, pre-
sented by Anne, Lady Harington
of Exton and Lucy, Countess
of Bedford, the 2nd Baron’s
mother and sister, in 1617;
1617; cont. calf with lion-
mask cartouche between Haring-
ton frets, rebacked in 1971
Cambridge,aB-Early inscr. ‘Voyage to Cadiz
Trinity CollegeP[ag]e 607’ on t.p.; bequest
[Grylls 31.148-9]of William Grylls, 1863; 18th-
cent. calf gilt
Durham, UshawaA-Cadiz leaves shorter, prob.
College(Q50)suppl. later
Hereford Cathedral(Q52)**a--‘Iste liber pertinet ad Col-
[G.9.7.]legium Vicariorum Eccl[es]iae
Cath: Heref: Ex dono M[agist]-
ri Richardi Brasier unius
procuratorum dom[in]i ep-
[iscop]i et decani Heref:
1620.’; bd. in one vol.
Leeds University(Q54)aA-Victor Albert George Child
[Brotherton Coll. Trv.q.HAK]Villiers (1845-1915), Earl
of Jersey, Osterley Park,
bkpl.; gift of Lord Brotherton
of Wakefield (1856-1930)
London,aB1‘Nicolas Wanton No 986’, of
British Library I(Q3)Hunts., w. arms, cont. inscr.
[212.d.1-2]in vol. 3; ‘Tho: Hutchinson
pret: 12s’, 17th-cent inscr.;
‘Tho: Hutchinson his Boo[k]
1699’ (anr. hand); ‘Hutchinson
Carolus Secundus’; George III
(1760-1820), stamp
Ibid. II(Q6)aB-Sir Joseph Banks (1743-1820)
Ibid. III(Q7)aB-Lacks some leaves of text
[Maps C.8.a.12]
London,a--Acq. before 1723; bd. in
Dulwich College(Q8)one vol.
London Library(Q11)**a--Vols 1-2 only; cont. calf,
[Safe 4, 4to]rebacked
London, Ministry ofa--Admiralty Library Office,
Defence, Whitehall Library(Q2)stamp; bd. in one vol.
[Sa 14]
London, NationalaA-Old East India House, bkpl.;
Maritime Museumbd. by Bedford, 1880, in
[910.4:094]3 vols
London, RoyalaB-?Sir James Balfour (1600-57),
Geographical Society(Q13)**early inscr.; cont. calf,
[266.g.2, 266.g.3]gilt central arabesque
ornament, rebacked
London,a--Jeremiah Milles, D.D. (1714-
Science Museum(Q14)84); acq. by Museum of Econ-
[O.B. HAK Q]omic Geology 1846; Science
Museum Library c. 1882
London,aB-Bowes’s leaves cancel inserted
Wellcome Institutebefore Cadiz leaves; Hugh
[EPB 3046]Archibald Wyndham (b. 1877),
4th Baron Leconfield (of
Petworth); 18th-cent. russia,
London,aA-Vols 1-2 only; Cadiz leaves
Westminster Abbey**prob. suppl. later, as inside
[S.3.19]margin cramped and stubs
visible; cont. calf, gilt
central ornament, boards reset
in modern bdg.
Manchester, Chetham’sa--
[Gal E 3.25-26]
Oxford,aA2‘C. Godwin BD’, ?18th-cent.
Bodleian Library(Q17)inscr.; listed in 1620 & 1674
[H.8.15(1,2)Art]cats. (dated ‘1598 & 1600’, w.
old shelfmark H.2.1,2 Art)
Ibid., Radcliffe aB-Sir Thomas Millington (1628-
Science Library(Q18)**1704), his bkpl. dated 1703;
[RR.x.19(1, 2)]library stamp ‘Bibliotheca
Bodleiana’ on pp. 606, 620 of
vol. 1; 18th-cent. calf
Oxford,aB-Last leaf of vol. 2 MS copy;
Christ Church(Q20)**17th, early 18th-cent. calf,
[e.2.9]rebacked in late 19th, early
20th cent.
Oxford, Englisha--Bd. in 3 vols
Faculty Library(Q22)
[YH43.1[Pri] 1599]
Oxford, a?-‘Kath. Shepperd’, 18th-cent.
Exeter College(Q23)inscr.
[9M 12626a]
Oxford,aB-Stubs of Cadiz leaves
Hertford College(Q24)visible; ‘Barth Beale’ ?(matr.
[GGG.5.7/1-3]Wadham, Oxford 1666); ‘Magd:
Hall’, later inscr.; early
18th-cent. calf
Oxford, a--Stubs of Cadiz leaves
New College(Q26)*visible; New College bkpl.
[39.9-10]dated 1702; cont. calf, gilt
central ornament (cf. Oriel
College bdg. below)
Oxford,a--Last leaf of vol. 1 misbound
Oriel College(Q27)**(sign. Eee3 on verso); cont.
calf, gilt central ornament
(cf. New College bdg. above),
rebacked 20th-cent.
Oxford,a--Bequest of Sir Joseph
Queen’s College(Q28)**Williamson (1633-1701);
[Sel.C.175-176]cont. calf, gilt central
arabesque ornament, rebacked
18th, early 19th-cent.
Oxford,aA-Cadiz leaves suppl.; lacking
St Edmund Hall(Q29)**Rrr5, 6 of vol. 2; sign. on
[Fol. R 6,7]t.p. of vols 1 & 2 (not 3),
‘Ro. Vernon’ ?(of Salop, matr.
Merton, Oxford 1594, Gray’s
Inn 1596) or (M.A. Brasenose,
Oxford 1636); gift of Richard
Thomlinson, 1691 (1668-1748);
cont. calf, vols 1-2 rebacked
Windsor, Eton CollegebA2Gift of Thomas Evans (1667-
Library(Q62) 1733)
Cashel, GPA-Boltona--‘Voyage to Cadiz’ in MS;
Library(Q68)William King (1650-1729),
[M.3.16-17]Abp of Dublin
Dublin, TrinityaB-Gift of Claude Gilbert (1670-
College(Q65)1743); 18th-cent. bdg., re-
[PP.c.47-49]backed, in 3 vols
Edinburgh UniversityaA-19th-cent. polished calf gilt
Library I(Q71)
[JA 683-4]
Ibid. IIaB-‘Thomas Stutevill’ ?(1599-
[JY 846-7]1649) or his son (adm. St
John’s, Cambridge 1653, adm.
Gray’s Inn 1656); ‘Questo
libro e Georgis Wright e amici
sui, Comprato [ ] Petich 1607
(?)’; ‘J.(?) Wright’ (vol. 3,
dated 2 Oct. 1723); Adam
Smith (1723-90), bkpl.; Joseph
Gulston (1745-86), bkpl.;
Andrew Crosbie (d. 1785),
bkpl.; 20th-cent. half calf
Edinburgh,aA-‘Samuel Hopkinsonni me
National Library ofpossidet: preciu[m] xis vid
Scotland I(Q69)Anno gratie: 1612 / S.H.’;
[E.124.c.12-14]‘Thomas Wood at Kennsydheid
[Renfrewshire]’, early 17th-
cent. inscr.; ‘George Hooker’,
later 17th-cent. inscr.;
Advocates’ Library, acq.
before 1817; bd. in 3 vols
Ibid. II(Q70)**aA-Gift of Hugh Sharp, 1938; vol.
(HS.221-222)2 only in cont. bdg., rebacked
in 18th cent.
Glasgow, MitchellaA-Bd. in 3 vols
[189983-5 SR25]
Banbury, WardingtonaA-John & William Burges of West-
Manor(Q45)*port, Dorset (fl. 1614), their
[01.3]crest (camel’s head) on bdg.;
‘Katherin Spinigett. 24th the
10’; H. C. L. Morris, his sale,
Sotheby’s, 5 May 1942, lot
467; cont. English red
Chatsworth, DukeaA-‘Edward Reynolds 1643’
of Devonshire(Q47(1))**?(1599-1676), bp of Norwich;
[5D]‘Thomas Liddell 1647’, ?Sir
Thomas of Ravensworth (d.
1650) or his son (1626?-1697);
map(2) pres. when recorded by
Quinn; Chatsworth copy (Q47(2))
belonging to Henry Cavendish
(1713-1810), bd. in old calf,
spines gilt, sold Christie’s,
18 Nov. 1970, lot 70, now
Liverpool, privatea--Cadiz leaves suppl. in 18th-
cent. MS; Rev. Walter Sneyd
(fl. 1835), bkpl.; Lionel
Phillips, bkpl. dated 1905;
late 18th, early 19th-cent.
russia, rebacked
London, BernardbA-Cadiz leaves poss. suppl.
Quaritch, cat. 1233separately, stub visible;
(1997) no. 44**George Wilmer (c. 1583-1626),
member of the Virginia (1609)
& East India Companies (1624);
‘Randall Wilmer’, his son?;
‘Will: Gossip 1744’ (1705-72),
married Anne Wilmer, descen-
dant of George; cont. calf, w.
arms of George Wilmer, joints
London, Christie’s,aA-Sir Frederick Evelyn, bkpl.;
Evelyn Library sale,cont. calf, w. arabesque
1 December 1977, lot 692(Q21)*centrepiece; acq. by Bernard
Quaritch Ltd. in 1986
London, Christie’s,aA-Vol. 3 lacks leaves Hh3-4;
12 May 1993, lot 71John Locke (1632-1704), his
signature (see Harrison and
Laslett, Library of John
Locke (1965) no. 1374); Peter,
Lord King, Baron of Ockham
(1775-1833), his arms on bdg.;
19th-cent. calf, bd. in 3
Longleat House,aA-‘Je lay commence le 7ieme de
Wiltshire**Nov: 1617’/’Je lay Finy le
10ieme de Jan 1617 ou 1621’
(vol. 3); ‘The Good Gift of
my Good ffreind Mr James
Eastland Gent’, early 17th-
cent. inscr. (vol. 1); Thomas
Thynne, 1st Viscount Weymouth
(1640-1714), bkpl.; vol. 3
later 17th-cent. bdg.
Paris, Bibliothèquea--
Paris, Société de?A-Map(2) heliographic facs.;
GéographiePrince Roland Bonaparte
[Soc. Géo. Res. 4to C.3(2,3)](1857-1924); blue morocco
by William Pratt
Strasbourg,bA-Cont. calf, gilt central
Bibliothèque Nationaleornament
et Universitaire(Q229)**
[D 10 167]
Rome, Bibliotecaa--‘Joannis Pricei’, John Price
Angelica(1600-76); note in 17th-
[BB.13.21]hand (Price’s?) in vol. 1, p.
606: ‘This first part (as you
see) is imperfect. There wants
ye Voyage to Cadiz which ye
English booke, A. 1596. But
wee have it in Purchas Part 4.
p. 1927’; bd. in one vol.
The Netherlands
The HagueaA-Vols 1-2 only; William V
Koninklijke Bibliotheek(1748-1806), Prince of Orange,
[285 E 10]father of William I, King of
the Netherlands
Rotterdam, Maritiema--Map(1) facs.; W. A.
Museum Prins HendrikEngelbrecht; modern
[WAE 1 D/E9(193b)]morocco gilt
Oslo, Universitets-b--Bd. in one vol.
biblioteket, Universi-
tetet i Oslo(Q230)*
[qJ 12:49]
Cracow, BibliotekaaC-‘Edmonde Fayerede
Czartoryskich, (Payerede?)’, inscr. on t.p.
Muzeum Narodoweof vol. 3; 18th-cent. calf
[56192 III]gilt
Warsaw, Bibliotekaa-1cont. roll-stamped calf w.
Uniwersytecka Warszawie*clasps, bd. in one vol.
[Obce XVI 2o-346]
St Petersburg,cB-Vols 1-2 only
National Library
of Russia(Q232)
St Petersburg,aA-Collection of J. Hamel,
Russian Academy ofmember of the Russian
Sciences Library(Q233)Academy of Sciences; 17th-
[4204.f.2751.R(1-2)/calf, gilt central ornament
Madrid, Patrimonioa--Bd. in 3 vols
Nacional, Biblioteca
de Palacio
[VI-B 433-435]
Stockholm,a-217th or 18th-cent. bdg.,
Kungl. Biblioteketrebacked
[Res. Allm. Saml. RAR]
Berkeley, Bancrofta--
Library, University
of California I
[fG240 H22 1599 copy 1]
Ibid. IIcD-Map(1) facs.; 18th-cent.
[fG240 H22 1599 copy 2]calf
Oakland, Olin Library,aA-map(2) in facs.; bkpl. of
Mills College(Q116)*Johanne White; cont. bdg.
[Early Printed 1599]
San Marino,aA2‘Voyage to Cadiz’ inserted
Henry E. Huntingtonfrom anr. copy, add. 1598
Library I(Q117)t.p. repaired and inserted
[RB 3438]
Ibid. II(Q118)*a-1‘John Potts’ ?(adm. Gray’s
[RB 3440]Inn 1634), ‘Roger Potts 1652’
?his son (matr. Caius,
Cambridge 1660-1); Church cat.
no. 322; cont. calf, gilt
central ornaments, not
uniformly bd.
New Haven, Yale CentreaA-Bd. in 3 vols; ‘Sr Hry
for British Art(Q202)Hervey(?) gave me this
[Virginiana 94to)]volume and the other two in
June 1616’, ?father of
William, Baron Hervey of
Kidbrooke (d. 1642); Alexander
Dalrymple (1737-1808);
‘Admiralty Office Library’,
cancelled stamp; Paul Mellon
(b. 1907)
Chicago, NewberryaD-Map facs.; acq. 1891;
Library(Q131)‘Bound by W. Pratt for H.
[Case fG12.38]Stevens & Son 1888’
Chicago, RegensteinaC-William Morris (1834-96),
Library, UniversityKelmscott House, Hammersmith,
of Chicagobkpl., his sale, Sotheby,
[fG240 H18]Wilkinson & Hodge, Dec. 1898,
lot 575 (Morris had a 2nd,
impf. copy, ibid., lot 576,
present location unknown);
gift of Dorothy & Graham Aldis
(1897-1966; 1895-1966)
Urbana-Champaign,-B-18th-cent. t.p. facs.(a)?;
N. F. Nash Library,‘Wm. Morehead’ ?(1805-63),
University of Illinois(Q133)bkpl.; acq. from Robinson,
Bloomington, LillyaA1Robert Spurrier Ellison
Library, Indiana(b. 1875); 18th-cent. calf
[G240 H14]
Lexington, MargaretaB-‘Earl of Carysbrook, Elton
I. King Library,Hall, 1894’, bkpl.; 19th-
University of Kentucky(Q136) cent. black leather
Boston PublicaA-Cadiz leaves shorter, suppl.
Library(Q140)later; acq. 1877
[G 280.55]
Cambridge, HoughtonaA-Map facs.; William
Library, HarvardSpottiswoode (1825-83), bkpl.
University I(Q142)(desc. of John Spottiswoode
[*595-165](1565-1637), Abp of St
Ibid. II(Q146)aA-Map facs.; Cadiz leaves
[Tower dep.]repaired, remargined, prob.
suppl. later; Joseph T. Tower
(1897-1931); Institute of Geo-
graphical Exploration, on
Ibid. III(Q143)**aA-Cadiz leaves shorter, prob.
[fSTC 12626a]suppl. later; gilt stamp of
Order of the Garter, w.
cresent (2nd son); gift of the
Hon. William Prescott, 1845
Ibid. IV(Q144)aA-William Sancroft (1617-93),
[*50R-591F; WKR 15.4.1]Abp of Canterbury, his arms
on 17th-cent. bdg. (in 3
vols); William King Richard-
son (b. 1859)
Cambridge, Museum ofaB-Christopher Hatton (1605?-70);
Comparative Zoology,gift of Henry B. Bigelow
Harvard University(Q145)(1879-1967); bd. by Zaehns-
Ann Arbor, William L.aA?Map recently removed, unavail-
Clements Library,able due to renovation; ‘Dixy
University ofHickman’, ?Dixie Hickman (M.A.,
Michigan I(Q148)*Emmanuel, Cambridge 1612-3,
[F 1599 Hs]adm. Inner Temple 1613, Gray’s
Inn 1622); cont. calf
Ibid. II(Q149)*cB?Map recently removed, unavail-
[F 1600 Ha]able due to renovation; cont.
Minneapolis, JamesaA-‘The Gift of a true Friend to
Ford Bell Library,Mr Charles Palmer, May the
University of Minnesota(Q150)*10th 1707’, Charles Palmer
[1599/fHa]?(matr. Emmanuel, Cambridge
1681, d. 1717), (B.A. Lincoln,
Oxford 1682, d. 1734), or
(matr. Magdalen Hall, Oxford
1679-80); Cadiz leaves 19th-
facs. (D), according to Quinn;
cont. calf
New Hampshire
Hanover,aA-Henry Stevens (1819-86);
Dartmouth College‘Bound by W. Pratt for H.
[Rare BK/G/240/H144/1599]Stevens and Son 1889’ (signed)
New Jersey
Princeton, PrincetonaA1Robert Hoe (1839-1909), his
University I(Q154)sale, Anderson, 28 April
[(Ex)1003.425]1911, lot 1576; green morocco
by Rivière
Ibid. II(Q155)*aA2‘Will. Boothly pr jl 3s 9d
[Kane Coll.]Mr Smith’s auction’; in anr.
18th, 19th-cent. hand ‘pr of
both volumes 1l 7s 6d/ Voyag:
fol. Cla: F Shelf 5’; 17th-
cent. calf; Grenville Kane
New York
New York, ColumbiaaD-Map(1) facs. ‘Typographic
University I(Q166)Etching Company Photo sc. for
[Seligman 1599E/H12]the Hakluyt Society London
March 1880’; ‘Henry Stevens of
Vermont, FSA, 4 Trafalgar
Square, London. 1882’, bkpl.;
E.R.A. Seligman (1861-1939);
acq. 1929; ‘Bound by W. Pratt
for H. Stevens’
Ibid. II(Q165)aA-Map(1) facs. ‘Typographic
[B998/H12]Etching Company Photo sc. for
the Hakluyt Society London
March 1880’; Cadiz leaves
remargined, prob. suppl.
later; Libris Polaris
Collection of Bassett
Jones (1877-1960); acq 1945;
bd. by William Pratt, in
3 vols
New York,aB-Bd in 3 vols
New York Historical
Society I(Q170)
[Y-q 1599.H]
Ibid. II(Q171)?C-Not located
New York, PierpontaA-Gift of J. P. Morgan (1867-
Morgan Library(Q181)1943)
[PML 32261, 32262]
New York PublicaA-
Library I(Q175)
[*KC+1599 Hakluyt 1]
Ibid. II(Q176)aA-Astor Library stamp
[*KC 1599 Hakluyt 2]
Ibid. III(Q178)**aC2Map separate; royal arms
[*KC+1599 Hakluyt 3]in gilt on bdg.
Ibid. IV(Q177)aB-Samuel Jones Tilden (1814-
[*KC+1599 Hakluyt 4]86)
Ibid. V(Q174)*aA-Stanhope family, Bradby
[Arents Coll.][Bretby] Hall, armorial bkpl.;
George Arents Jr. (1875-1961);
Arents tobacco cat., 1937,
no. 57A; cont. calf,
w. arms of Sir Philip
Stanhope, 1st Earl of
Chesterfield (1584-1656)
North Carolina
Chapel Hill, DavisaA1Gift of Preston Davie, 1958;
Library, Universitymodern black morocco
of North Carolina
[CSWR A70-71]
Durham, DukeaA-Vols 1-2 only; Cadiz leaves
University(Q184)**repaired, poss. excised and
[RBR A-17 fH156P]reinserted; gift of George
Arents Jr. (1875-1961);
initials ‘RW’ in cont. roll-
tooled calf, rebacked
Bethlehem, LindermanaA-Bd. in 3 vols
Library, Lehigh University(Q187)
[910.8 H 156p 1599 3v.]
Meadville, PelletieraB-Map facs., ‘The Typographic
Library, Allegheny College(Q189)Etching Company photo sc. for
[910.8 H127P]the Hakluyt Society London
March 1880’; William Windham
?(1750-1810), his bkpl.
Rhode Island
Newport, Naval WaraB2Institute of Geographical
College I(Q191)Exploration, Harvard Univer-
[G240.H142 1599 Restr. Coll.]sity, bkpl.; Bernard
Quaritch; 18th-cent. bdg.,
in 3 vols
Ibid. II(Q192)aB-C. L. F. Robinson (d. 1916);
[G240.H142 1599 Restr. Coll.]Alexander Hamilton Rice (1875-
1956); 19th-cent. bdg.
Providence,aB-Vols 1-2 only; ‘E Libris J.
John CarterSibthorp, Coll. Lin: Oxon.’,
Brown Library(Q195)**John Sibthorp (1758-96);
[D599/H156p/1.size/[R]]‘J. Brand AB Coll. Linc.
Oxon.’, John Brand (1744-
1806); Thomas Taylor of
Bridgworth, ‘yeoman’, inscr.
Charlottesville,aCadiz leaves(A) and map(2)
Alderman Library,present but separate; ‘Thomas
University of Virginia(Q198)*Tomkines [Tomfries?] June
[McGregor A 1599.H35]1620’
Newport News,aA-Red levant morocco gilt by
Mariners’ Museum(Q199)Bedford
Richmond, VirginiabA-
Historical Society(Q200)
Madison, UniversityaA-Map facs., ‘The Typographic
of Wisconsin(Q204)Etching Company photo sc. for
[Thordarson Coll. T 1874-5]the Hakluyt Society London
March 1880’; Chester H. Thor-
darson; modern bdg.
California, privateb--George Stepney (1663-1707)
Massachusetts, privateaA-‘Ex Lib. Bibl. Soribar Sig.
Reg.’, 18th, early 19th-cent.
inscr.; brown morocco, bd.
in 3 vols
New York, Christie’s,a?A-Philip John Miles, ?of
Pierre S. duPont III,Clifton, co. Gloucester
his sale, 8 Oct. 1991,(matr. Christ Church, Oxford
lot 121, private buyer(Q126)1799), his arms; Pierre S.
duPont III (1911-88); early
19th-cent. crimson morocco
gilt, by C. Kalthoeber
New York, Christie’s,?B-Conways of Ragley, co.
Pierre S. duPont III,Warwick, Ragley Hall bkpl.;
his sale, 8 Oct. 1991,Pierre S. duPont III (1911-
lot 122, private buyer88); early 18th-cent. calf,
blind-panelled in Cambridge
New York, Frank S.aA-Cadiz leaves inlaid, suppl.
Streeter(Q168)**later; Alexander Campbell,
2nd Earl of Marchment (1675-
1740), bkpl. dated 1721; cont.
calf, gilt central arabesque
ornament w. initials ‘H G’,
joints repaired
New York, privateaB-‘Gift of the Rt. Hon. Sir
David Dundas 1877’ (1799-
1877); Charles W. G. Howard,
bkpl.; 18th-cent. russia gilt,
New South Wales
Sydney, StateaB-David Scott Mitchell (1836-
Library of New1907); bd. in 3 vols
South Wales I(Q237)
Ibid. II(Q239)a--Vols 1-2 only; David Scott
[Q910.8/2F1]Mitchell (1836-1907)
Melbourne, StateaB-Robert Jocelyn, 3rd Earl of
Library of Victoria(Q234)**Roden (1788-1870), his bkpl.;
[*SF 910.8 H12]acq. 1915; early 17th-cent.
St John’s, MemorialaA-Impf.; gift of R. A. Skelton
[G 240 H2 Vault]
Ottawa, Library ofaA-‘Liber Scholo Crewkerniensis e
Parliament(Q226)donis Yohan[]s Bishop[sic]
[G240 H34 1598]Pharmacopolo 1727’, ?Crew-
kerne, Somerset
Ottawa, NationalaA-
Library of Canada
Montreal, Quebec,a--19th-cent. blind-tooled calf,
Helen R. Kahnrebacked; some sidenotes
shaved; bd. in 3 vols
Montreal, Quebec,a--Part of last leaf of vol. 3
Helen R. Kahn,defective; ‘Marshall’, cont.
cat. 46 (1996) no. 64inscr.; 19th-cent. calf,
Montreal, Quebec,aB-Cadiz leaves suppl. later;
Helen R. Kahn18th-cent. gilt-panelled
calf, rebacked
Johannesburg,aB-Last leaf of vol. 3 photo-
University of Witwatersrand(Q231)graphic facs.; presented by
[AFRICA 4 G 240 HAK]Alexander Cambridge, Earl of
Athlone (1874-1957) in 1933