Obsolete pesticides in Kyrgyzstan
Cooperative solutions from government and civil society
Elimination of acute risks of obsolete pesticides in Moldova, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan
Report on inception mission to Kyrgyzstan 1-5 October 2006
Amsterdam/Bishkek, November 2006
I. Introduction
II. Stockholm Convention in Kyrgyzstan: from signing to ratification
III. Obsolete pesticides in Kyrgyzstan
IV. Choice of regions to visit
V. General impressions of stakeholders
VI. State agency of Environmental Protection and Forestry
VII. Conclusions
VIII. Next steps
IX. Annexes
1. Description of NGO visited
2. Description of sites visited
3. Programme of inception visit
4. Addresses and contacts
I. Introduction
Between 1st and 5th October 2006 Sofiya Lukyanchuk and Berto Collet visited Kyrgyzstan on an inception mission in the framework of the project “Elimination of acute risks of obsolete pesticides in Moldova, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan”. Sofiya Lukyanchuk represent the Dutch environmental NGO Milieukontakt Oost-Europa (here after MK). Berto Collet is a technical obsolete pesticides expert with international consulting and engineering company Tauw bv. Indira Zhakipova from Milieukontakt facilitation office in Bishkek conducted inception (site-visit) visit to Osh region.
The overall aim of the above mentioned project for Kyrgyzstan is to safeguard obsolete pesticides and reduce their potential environmental impact. More detailed MK wants to:
- Transfer knowledge on inventory and repackaging of obsolete pesticides and aftercare of old storage facilities to local communities;
- Repackage obsolete pesticides according to FAO standards in defined regions in Kyrgyzstan;
- Remediate old storages.
The objectives of this inception mission were:
- To initiate the above mentioned project in Kyrgyzstan;
- To get an impression on the problems with the obsolete pesticides storage in Kyrgyzstan;
- To assess the opportunity to start a multi-stakeholder pilot project in a defined project area for safeguarding obsolete pesticides and reduce their actual potential environmental impact.
During the mission the tasks were divided as follow:
- The mission was managed by MK;
- MK took care of all the contacts with NGOs and different Kyrgyzstanauthorities;
- MK and Tauw visited 13 sites where obsolete pesticides were or are stored now.
Responsibilities of Tauw:
- Make an inventory of the stored pesticides;
- Assess the storage facilities;
- Assess potential impact on the environment of the stored pesticides.
In this report you will find:
- Overview of activities conducted in Kyrgyzstan concerning Stockholm convention;
- Reports on environmental organisations and communities visited;
- Report on meeting with the state agency of Environmental Protection and Forestry;
- Reports on obsolete pesticides sites visited;
- Our provisional conclusions on the environmental problems around obsolete pesticides in Kyrgyzstan, the role of environmental agency in solving those problems and capacity of Kyrgyzstan NGOs to qualify as implementing project partner to MK.
We would like to thank MK facilitation office in Kyrgyzstan and our Kyrgyz partners for their cooperation and especially Indira Zhakipova and Elvira Sagyntay kyzy for accompanying us to the sites.
II. Stockholm Convention in Kyrgyzstan: from signing to ratification
KyrgyzRepublic signed Stockholm Convention on 17 May 2002 that gave it access to donors financial support. The first international project opened in Kyrgyzstan was GEF/UNEP project “Kyrgyzstan: Enabling activities for the development of National Plan for Implementation of the Stockholm Convention on POP’s”. From 14 November 2003 the Ministry of Environment and Emergency situation became a coordination and implementation authority on Stockholm Convention.
In 2002 the national POPs project was in developing phase. Kazakh NGO “Greenwoman” (Almaty) implemented an information-spreading project on Stockholm convention on POPs in Central Asia. To experts Ludmila Sapozhnikova and Elena Putalova from Greenwoman’s representative organisation in Kyrgyzstan NGO “Informational-educational center Greenwoman” (hereafter “IEC Greenwoman”, Bishkek) have prepared and implemented an informational campaign on Stockholm convention in Kyrgyzstan. They prepared an information package for NGOs and media and shut a video topic that was broadcasted during the TV program “Biorythm”. They involved an expert from the former environmental ministry (now environmental and forest agency) who prepared a report on POPs in Kyrgyzstan. True to say there was not much information available in that moment.
In the year 2004 two main POPs oriented NGOs “IEC Greenwoman” and “Independent Ecological Expertise” (director Oleg Pechenyuk) became members of IPEN.
On 26-28 of January 2004 in the framework of GEF/UNEP POP’s project Kyrgyz environmental ministry organised a national seminar on POP’s and implementation of Stockholm Convention where not only all main national stakeholders were present but also the international experts. A book including materials of this seminar was issued (MK has it).
In 2004-2005 Kyrgyz government initiated an inventory of obsolete pesticides storage facilities. Soil samples were taken during this inventory campaign and analyzed. MrBekkoenov Melisbek Ectebesovich – national coordinator of GEF/UNEP project and secretary of Coordinating Committee - coordinated this inventory, sampling and analyses. All the project data are kept by Mr Bekkoenov.
In 2005 “Independent Ecological Expertise” and coalition “Partner Initiative” conducted an analytical project in the framework of IPEN network. They organised round tables, analyse and investigation of intersectoral and interdepartmental interaction (co-operation) during implementation of Stockholm Convention. As a result a manual “Intersectoral and interdepartmental interaction in implementation of Stockholm Convention in KyrgyzRepublic. Law, experience and recommendation” was issued. Authors of this manual are O. Pechenyuk, L. Sapozhnikova, T. Filkova (Ministry of Environment and Emergency situation) and N. Vashneva (Ministry of Health). This manual became very popular both among NGO and governmental authorities.
In 2006 NGOs conducted one more information campaign in the framework of IPEN network. The objective of this project was to lobby the ratification of Stockholm Convention. This campaign included organisation of round tables in all regions of Kyrgyzstan, gathering of signatures to support the ratification, work with deputies, conducting of the national seminar, publication in media, TV and radio topics in news issue, information packages for local NGO in the regions, thematic seminar in Bishkek dedicated to the Day of Stockholm convention where not only NGOs but governmental authorities and media representatives were present. NGOs established co-operation with GEF/UNEP project.
Stockholm Convention
Stockholm convention was ratified on 19 July 2006. NGOs together with IPEN and GEF project initiated a conference on implementation of Stockholm Convention. This conference was organised on 24 of August 2006. As a result of this conference a proposal for strategy was made - “Strategy of public participation in implementation of Stockholm Convention”. It was decided to open a special page for NGOs on the web site of GEF/UNEP project. All conference materials will be published on the web site of NGO “Independent Ecological Expertise”.
National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention on POP’s (NIP)
The first GEF/UNEP project on assisting Kyrgyzstan in developing of NIP is finished. Mr. Bekkoenov has finalized his inventory report and presented it to the Governmental Agency on Environment and Forestry two months ago. Agency should check it and presentto the government that have to take a decision on the governmental level.
III. Obsolete pesticides in Kyrgyzstan
MK and Tauw gathered the information on the storage of pesticides and the related issues during our meetings with NGOs, local authorities and governmental bodies. The information gathered, is summarized in this Chapter.
During soviet times crop production and sheep breeding was the major sector of Kyrgyz economy. Big amounts of pesticides and herbicides was used to increase harvest and kill animal parasites. According to Mr. Bekkoenov, there were 114 pesticides storages all over the country most of them are constructed in the 60th. With collapse of the soviet system there was nobody left to take care of this storages. According to the new Kyrgyz law big part of the land can be sold or rent. As a result polluted buildings and land dropped out of the governmental control. A lot of storages were demolished, local population began to use OP for their private fields and some “businessman” even sold the chemicals illegally. Nowadays only 17 storages are in a reasonable condition and are still used for the storage of OP. 36 storages are used for other purposes such as storage of equipment or even food. The remaining 61 storages are completely demolished. The building materials of the former reges are reused for different constructions such as housing.
Besides the 114 OP storages there were 46 small airports/strips which were used by cropspraying aircrafts. Some of them are completely demolished, some survived. Airports were not included into the investigation lead by Mr. Bekkoenov. Local people say that during the soviet times bags with OP were just buried on the airports territory and nobody knows now were exactly.
The total OP stock in Kyrgyzstan is estimated as 1,900 tons. From this amount, 1,030 tons are POP’s. 102 tons POP’s are stored in the 17 storages which are in reasonable condition. The given total amount is excluding the amount of two dump sites. There are two dump sites constructed after DDT was banned in the beginning of the 80’s. One dump site is located in the North of Kyrgyzstan near the city of Kochkor and contains 600 tons of OP; half of this amount is DDT. The other dump site is located in the South of Kyrgyzstan near the city of Suzak. 1,200 tons of obsolete pesticides are dumped on this site.
The absence of information is making OP problem in Kyrgyzstan even worthier. We got really controversial feedback from the local population. In some villages people had no idea about OP, abounded storages and risks connected with them. In other villages people were ready to show the nearest storage or airport and asked MK to provide more comprehensive information about OP. People say that all OP storages are already demolished and their biggest problem is that their fields are poisoned and they need money and technologies for soil remediation. Local authorities and citizens associations confirm that there is illegal import of banded pesticides (also DDT) from China. Members of NGO association from Karakol indicated that some very dangerous chemicals are legally available in shops without safety instruction. People reported that there is also obsolete electronic equipment containing POP’s.
IV. Choice of regions to visit
Kyrgyzstan is a big country with total area of 199,9 thousand square kilometres. Half of its area is used for agriculture. Because of extensive crop growing and sheep breeding 80% of agricultural land is polluted with pesticides. Pesticides and herbicides were used all over the country. Supplies of pesticides with expired date of use and banded pesticides can be found in all regions. There is a lot places where obsolete pesticides are lying in damaged storages or in the open air in damaged packages.
After preliminary discussions with local stakeholders Milieukontakt decided to start with Issyk-Kul and Osh regions. According to research done by Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan increase of oncology disease and fertility problems was recorded in those regions.
Issyk-Kul region in very important for Kyrgyzstan both from historical and economical points of view. Issyk-Kul is a famous recreational region that lays around the great lake of Issyk-Kul. Up to 2 million tourists visit this part of the country each year. This region is also important for its fertile soils which are used for production of fruits.
Issyk-Kul lake is in great danger of pollution by pesticides. It has glacial origin and is fed by glacier. And it is well known that obsolete pesticides are characterized by persistence, good penetration tend to accumulate in glaciers.
Because of farness of Osh region from the capital Bishkek and Issyk-Kul region and lack of time, Berto Collet had no possibility to visit Osh region as well. Due to these circumstances, the storage places of obsolete pesticides in Osh were inspected by Indira Zhakipova – local coordinator of POPs project in Kyrgyzstan.
Osh region is situated in the south of Kyrgyzstan. Agriculture, mainly cotton and tobacco-plant cultivation, is the main economy sector in this region. Intense crops cultivation is blamed for high usage of pesticides in this region. Besides it is one of the most populated regions in Kyrgyzstan. There is around 1176 000 people living in this region. For comparison, there is only 413 100 inhabitants in the Issyk-Kul region.
Berto Collet also inspected obsolete pesticides dump site in Naryn and one pesticide storage in the Chui region, just near the capital city Bishkek. This storage was expected to be in good condition and could be used as the main storage building of relocated obsolete pesticides.
In informal interview with representatives of different state departments they were asked to give their opinion in which region of Kyrgyzstan the obsolete pesticides problem is the most urgent.
We received the following answers:
- Mr. Bekkoenov - focal point of UNEP/GEF project on Development of National Plan for Implementation of the Stockholm Convention on POPs – Issyk-Kul
- Mr. Pak – Deputy of Agriculture Ministry chief of Department of plants chemicalization – Osh
- Mr. Nooruzbaev - Governmental Agency of Environment chief of ecosafety monitoring Department – Chui and Issyk-Kul
- Mrs. Agaydarova – Health Ministry chief of Sanitary-hygienic service - Osh
According to inventory on obsolete pesticides in Kyrgyzstan implemented by the UNEP/GEF project on Development of National Plan for Implementation of the Stockholm Convention on POPsan estimated quantity of obsolete pesticides in storages in IssykKul and Osh regions is relatively the same:
- Issyl-Kul - 22 289 kg
- Osh – 22 883 kg
But nobody knows how many drums and bags with obsolete pesticides are dumped in aerodroms:
- Issyk-Kul region has 2 agricultural aerodromes
- Osh region has 18 agricultural aerodromes
V. General impressions of stakeholders
Stockholm Convention was just ratified and all stakeholders are looking forward to implement the National Implementation Plan. Governmental Agency on Environment and Forestry of Kyrgyzstan collaborates with national and local NGOs. We met with director of this agency Mr. Davletkildiev. He is familiar with Milieukontakt’s projects in Kyrgyzstan and shows his support.
Representatives of GEF/UNEP are willing co cooperate with MK in their new big project. They proposed MK to become a co-financier. Kyrgyz government in the person of director of the Governmental Agency of Environment and forestry supports this idea.
Mr. Bekkoenov is willing to collaborate with Milieukontakt. He presented Berto Collet the map of Kyrgyzstan with obsolete pesticides storages. This map is rather informative but there is no precise altitudes and longitudes of locations, only the colourful dots. He oriented us according to his map and gave suggestions on which spots are essential to visit. But he could not give MK the full list of locations before he publishes it officially on web site.
There is experience in cooperation of NGOs and governmental authorities. NGOs initiated information and awareness raising campaigns. All stakeholders can show good cooperation and involvement when needed and work efficiently in working groups. Several NGOs took part in preparation of NIP and worked together with governmental agency and GEF/UNEP project on this matter. Experts expect more local NGOs to open with the main goal of elimination of obsolete pesticides in the regions. It is a small world, NGOs know each other and national experts are known all over the country.
VI. Ministry of environment
Kyrgyz environmental NGO feel like environment is not an important subject for the national government. Why? Because there is no Ministry of Environment in KyrgyzRepublic. Before autumn 2005 environmental matters were under the management of Department of environment and nature use in the Ministry of Environment and Emergency Situations. There was also Governmental Forest Service under the president supervision. These governmental bodies were responsible for realisation of international conventions. On 16 of October 2005 the ministerial system of Kyrgyzstan was reformed. New Governmental Agency of Environment and Forestry was established on the base of former Ministry, Forest Service and NationalMountain regions DevelopmentCenter. Director of the agency is not a member of the government and a status of the agency in the governmental hierarchy has decreased by two points.
Because of this developments and relatively low status of environmental agency local NGOs are afraid that the agency has sufficient political power and can not influence the work of Kyrgyz ministries. This can be seen as an obstacle for implementation of environmental conventions and decisions in environmental matters. The president of KyrgyzRepublic carries out the policy of decreasing of state subsidies and increasing of self financing of institutions of local governing. In such circumstances environmental projects are and will be initiated by international organisations.
The director of the Governmental Agency of Environment and Forestry Apctanbek D. Davletkildiev is already informed about MK project. He clearly stated that GEF/UNEP project was of great assistance to Kyrgyz government in preparation of NIP. He welcomes any assistance to Kyrgyz people and organizations that MK can bring.
GEF plans to launch the second project but according to its rules 50% of funds should come from other sources. Environmental agency is willing to participate but it could not afford the whole amount and is seeing MK as a donor.
VII. Conclusions
Concerning the inception visit
- The delegation managed to collect the information, both on stakeholders and on obsolete pesticides, necessary to develop a project plan for staring a project on elimination of obsolete pesticides in Kyrgyzstan.
Concerning obsolete pesticides
- Inventory of locations and stores is made on a national level but needs to be elaborated when starting the project on a regional scale;
- Results obtained from inventory of locations should be discussed with all local stakeholders and agreement should be made on pilot region to start with;
- On locations visited by Milieukontakt delegation a real bad situation was observed - pesticides were lying in open air and near inhabited zones;
- The availability of packaging materials should was not investigated. It would be reasonable to do so. But we can expect that only packaging materials that can be found in the country would be of low quality Chinese origin;
- Milieukontakt will take as a guidance priorities on repackaging and other guidance sent by the NIP working group;
- A thorough overview on legislation and enforcement on pesticides in KyrgyzRepublic is needed.
Concerning the Government of KyrgyzRepublic