Vol 1 Issue #1 November 16th 2004

We are back! For those of you who might remember our school newspaper used to be called the “Junior Press”. The newspaper-media group, which was formed this year, decided to give it a new life and a brand new name. Now we need your help to decide on which logo to choose. Come by the office of the Junior Voice (room 117) and cast in your votes. Our next issue will proudly display the results. Here are the three runner-ups:



The Morin-Heights Elementary School would like to thank everyone who gave in money for the Terry Fox Run! We beat our record by raising a a whopping $ 4 101.68! Our last record was about 5 years ago with $ 3,601.00. This is ABSOLUTELY incredible. Peter from the Terry Fox Foundation is coming to our school on Tuesday Nov. 16th to receive this awesome check! Way to go everyone! THANK YOU M.H.E.S.!



On Oct. 27th, the kindergartens went to “Le Centre De L’interprétation De La Courge” in St.Joseph du Lac. All the kindergartens got to choose either a pumpkin or squash to bring home. A lot of fun was had by all!



Every year on November 11th, Morin Heights Elementary School students walk to the village’s cenotaph to remember the soldiers who fought in the war for peace and freedom.

This year as the tradition calls, we sang two songs. “We are the children “ and “O-Canada”. Also the grade 5 and 6 recited a poem called “In Flanders Field “. This year when we were at the cenotaph we had the pleasure once again to have veterans come and join us.

The ceremony was touching and we all respected the event...even with the wind, rain and snow!


Catherine – Maya

Once again another exciting and spooky Halloween atmosphere hovered over our school. The door decorating contest activity started on Monday October 25th. The students from each class had to decorate their classroom door as scary as possible. Veronique’s class won for the cycle I, Anne’s class for cycle II and Mrs. Adams’ class for cycle III. Congratulations everyone for a job really well done. This activity ended on Friday October 29th. All the other activities were held on that same day, such as the costume contest, the Halloween parade and a visit to the haunted house. This haunted house was located in Miss. Tumillo’s resource room.

We would like to thank all the parent volunteers, all the teachers and the studentcouncil members for organizing all of these fun activities. Can you recognize these people?


From Main Street


On October 20th-21st and 22nd the grade 4-5 and 6 went to Dynamix, which is a camp, where you learn to work together as a group. There were four major challenges to complete: the high ropes, the beast, the wall and river challenge (done as one challenge) and the egg drop contest! For the egg drop contest we had to make a shelter for a raw egg because the councilors were going to drop the egg from various heights and whichever egg didn’t brake would win the contest. William’s idea won the contest because he thought of protecting the egg on all sides.

My favorite challenge was the beast because it was scary and fun at the same time and I got to hang in the air for a couple of minutes. On the beast we had to go up certain obstacles that were hung up on a vertical between two wooden beams. This trip really taught me to respect other people when they are talking and to express myself without putting people down. The chef’s food was also really good too, my compliments to him! Here is a comment from a grade four:

“I did not think that I could do the beast but I was encouraged so then I became determined to go up a little further. I was very proud of myself.” Kieran


From Main Street


On October 20th the grade 4-5 went to the Dynamix program in Lanthier. When the grade 4-5 came back the grade 6 went to the program. When the grade 4-5 returned they took part in many follow up activities. There is one student that wrote an amazing reflection her name is Veronica and this is what she wrote.

“When I was standing at the bottom of the high ropes I was like saying to myself ‘I can’t do.

that! I am never doing that’. Then I was at the top of the ladder and I thought I was never going to get off the ladder but I got off because everyone was cheering me on so I did it! After when I was going down I was crying and shaking at the same time. When I climbed down and looked up I was pretty proud of myself”. Here are some of the grades 4 and 5 working together on a team building activity upon their return to school.


Andrea Cocco

On October 14th, we went to the regional Sport Étudiant Cross Country run in Terrebonne. Twenty boys and girls from grades 4, 5 and 6 participated in the event after training for six weeks, twice a week during our lunch hour. Everybody was a winner. There were no losers because we all had our personal best time ever. The grade 4 ran 1.5 km and the grade 5 and 6 ran 2 km. We should congratulate Samantha for coming in 10th place out of 207 grade 5 girls. After the run the team stopped at Mc.Donald’s to get an ice-cream cone. CONGRADULATIONS RUNNING TEAM! And thank you Lin for making this possible!



Don’t worry kids Art did not have a heart attack…but he is our first featured guest on this very first edition of “Junior Voice”.

All of you know Art’s first career is being a very successful, efficient and caring janitor but he has a second profession and his second calling is acting! Do you remember Hagrid? How about grandpa – Abominable snowman… he has been in Anne’s really cool plays making his debuts on stage with all thechildren of this school. What would the school be and do without him… I wonder!

I had the chance to sit down and have pretend tea with our wonderful actor and care- taker. Art is 51 and amazingly on May 18th it will be his 4th year here! Art really finds this school fabulous and here’s what he said about M.H.E.S: “It’s a pleasure it’s a pleasure to work here, it’s a neat school”. Art stays till 9:15, which is incredibly late. Sometimes Art works on weekends like for “Ski Loppets”, “Soccer Parties” and things like that. Art did not go to M.H.ES when he was little but his two sons Jason (24) and Kevin (22), did. Something that I find very unusual is that Art’s favorite color is Brown.

There you have it! Now you know almost everything about our school janitor, Art.




The - he + Learning – Lrning + Paper – Paper + Child – ild + Exercise – xercise + Earth – Eath + School – chool =



Beetle – eetle + Ace – ce + Special – pcial + Basket – Basket + Butter – utter + Always – ways + Letter – etter =



- ries + - at + Bike – bke + - pcil + - bir + - nail = ______