Congratulations on being a part of this amazing program! If you are receiving this email you are registered for the program. I know that many of you have questions regarding the events of the Academy over the next several months. You should find all of the information you need in this email, if there is further information that you need, please feel free to reply to this email with those questions.
I have attached a draft agenda for all three sessions, this should help clarify your arrival and departure dates and times.
The cost for the program is $2099 and is due April 4th. You will be receiving and invoice for the program TODAY by the end of the day. If you do not receive the invoice, please reply to this email tomorrow and let me know.
As noted in your acceptance letter, lodging and most meals are included in this price. Most meals means, breakfast and lunch for all days and dinner for at least one night at each session (April, July, October). You and/or your district are responsible for travel costs (i.e. airfare/mileage.)
Here are the lodging specifics for each session:
The nights of April 5th and 6th are included in the fee at the Embassy Suites in Sacramento. If you need an additional night (ex. April 4th), you will need to let me know by March 10th. All reservations will be made by the ACCCA office on behalf of the participants. You should not contact the hotel directly unless directed by the ACCCA staff or program chairs (David Bugay & Laura Benson.) The Embassy Suites does provide a shuttle to and from the airport, you will need to contact the hotel directly to make arrangements. Parking is $21 per day (current rate, subject to change.) You will want to fly in and out of the Sacramento (SMF) airport.
The nights of July 19th and 20th are included in the fee at the Sheraton in Cerritos. If you need an additional night (ex. July 18th), you will need to let me know by June 2nd. All reservations will be made by the ACCCA office on behalf of the participants. You should not contact the hotel directly unless directed by the ACCCA staff or program chairs (David Bugay & Laura Benson.) To my knowledge there is not an airport shuttle to and from the Sheraton. The closest airport to Cerritos is Long Beach, but this is not always an affordable option. You can also fly into Orange County (SNA) or Los Angeles (LAX), they are both approximately 30 minutes from the hotel depending on traffic.
The night of October 17th is included in the fee at the Hyatt Orange County in Garden Grove. If you need additional nights you will need to contact the hotel directly. The ACHRO Conference is scheduled to begin on October 18th, if you plan on staying for the Conference you will need to pay a separate registration fee and are responsible for reservations and payment on your own. You should plan on attending the graduation luncheon on October 18th at the ACHRO Conference, this is included in your program fee.
Please note, if you do require an additional night at the April or July session, you and/or your district will be responsible for payment upon arrival at the hotel.
Also, if you do not plan on staying at the hotel, you are still responsible for the entire program fee. We encourage you to stay at the hotel even if you are local, past events have proven it is helpful in building a cohesive cohort. If you WILL NOT be staying at the hotel for any of the dates, please notify me by March 10th.
I know this is a lot of information to digest all at once, as I said above, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
Courtney Clark
Meetings & Events Coordinator
1531 I Street, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95814
916-443-3559 ACCCA
916-443-2226 ACBO
916-443-1817 Fax