The terms and conditions of Frogs and Tadpoles/ Fin-tastic Aquatics swim school

Enclosed please find an enrolment form the Terms and conditions of membership annexed thereto which must be read , completed, signed and witnessed and returned before lesson’s begin. Please note all terms and conditions to avoid any unpleasantness at a later stage.

We hope that your child will enjoy our classes and gain the maximum benefit from them. To do this it is important that your child attends lessons regularly. Failure to do so will hinder your childs progress and it is unfair to the other children in the class. Please ensure your child is prompt for lessons and arrives dressed in their swimming costume and cap, so as not to disturb the rest of the class. Should you have any problems relating to your child’s lesson, please feel free to discuss them telephonically with us, or your child’s instructor. Please inform us of any difficulties your child is experiencing at home, sc4hool etc. As a child’s emotional state of mind effects their swimming performance.

All children must wear caps for hygienic reasons. If your child is prone to ear problems we suggest that you plug their ears and buy them a swimming cap. If your child has anything contagious (ringworm, tonsillitis etc.), in fairness to other swimmers and instructors, please do not let them attend swimming lesson’s during this period.

Please dress your children warmly after lessons and dry their hair or put a cap on their heads in winter. It is not the water that makes them sick but not dressing them warmly when they get out of the pool. Please change them inside our change rooms.

Please contact the accounts department if you have any queries regarding your account. Please email at with the subject of “Account Queries”. Or call us on 083 299 9272. Any queries relating to class times kindly email at with the subject “Class queries, Name of Instructor” or call us on 083299 9272.

All instructors are qualified and we enjoy great success with our methods. Remember all children learn at a different pace depending on their concentration, co-ordination, how often they attend lessons, natural talent and how often they practice what they have learned. We try to have strict control over our classes to ensure that every precaution is taken to keep the children in an safe environment. We will take the best care possible of your child during lessons. Instructors have fully updated CPR certificates and will handle any emergency to the best of their ability. We also update our CPR skills at least once a year. Siblings and children, who are not in the water, must be kept under control at all times. The main house is off limits.

If you will be making cash payment, please be sure to take your children’s envelope out of the file and once you have inserted the fees to please place the envelope into the red box that is located in the tadpole pool. There will be a discount amount for cash payments made. You may also pay directly into our account by way of an EFT payment, but then the cash discount does not apply.

Should you terminate your contract with us, we request a written notice via email or hand written with a receipt confirming that we have received it.

Your child may not run around the pool area nor enter the water before or after a lesson. If you fail to follow the instructions above, you will be asked to leave.