The Ten Commandments Exodus 20
Leader Note: OK guys practically everyone has heard of the Ten Commandments. I’m giving you several options today. But with each option I’d like for you to end be having your group rewrite the ten commandments as they would apply for our generation in modern today. I’ve listed examples at the bottom.
Opening Questions #1:
1. Who laid down the law in your home?
2. How did you try to bend the rules? With what consequences? Which ones were unbending?
Opening Questions #2:
Have you ever heard of the Ten Commandments?
You pretty much live by them right? (this is a leading question ask it that way)
(OK, this is one of the Life tools, It is included at the bottom this Cell lesson – some of you will want to use this and then attempt to rewrite the ten commandments that would apply for our generation in modern day)
Dig Questions:
1. What passes for an idol, back then (see Dt 4:15)? And now? (What about sports teams or stars? Models? Porn?
2. How do we misuse the Lord’s name (= character or authority) in deed and word? What about saying, “Oh my God?” or “Jesus” in slang? Etc?
3. Do you have a “Sabbath rest” built into your regular life? A time when you intentionally wynd down? What would be the benefits of such a weekly time built into your life?
4. Concerning Honoringyour father and mother, would it honor or dishonor your parents to date someone they do not approve of? Why? How do you reconcile this if you really feel like you want to date this person?
5. What does Jesus add to murder in Matt 5:21-22? Come on now, let’s own it, Have you ever been this angry with someone, wishing ill harm would come to them? If so, Is Jesus saying your are a murderer?
6. What does Jesus add to Adultery in Matt 5:28? Come on now, let’s own this one too, Have you ever looked upon a woman/man lustfully? Wished someone else’s spouse were yours?
7. What passes for stealing? What forms of stealing are most common among University students? (pirating?)
8. Is lying okay if it doesn’t injure another, as false witness does? How about little white lies? How about exaggerating a story for effect? Stretching the truth? List other verses of scripture in the Bible that speak to this?
9. Define coveting? What is coveting in our generation? What passes for coveting (vs 17) as Jesus defines sins of the heart (see Matt 5:21-30)?
Apply Questions:
Have your group rewrite the Ten Commandments, as they would for our generation in modern today. Sample:
1. NO OTHER GODS. God’s reign in my life has been replaced by another object or person I would rather serve. I love other things more than I love and obey God.
2. NO IDOLS. A picture or image has replaced the real Lord as the object of my worship. I have transferred my ultimate loyalty to an object, an activity, an organization or a person which has become the god I serve.
3. MISUSE OF GOD’S NAME. I use God’s name in contexts other than prayer, worship, teaching or evangelism. God’s name has been separated from his person in everyday language.
4. SABBATH REST. I fail to take time off for rest, spiritual rejuvenation, and worship. My “Sabbath” is just like any other day of the week.
5. HONOR FATHER AND MOTHER. I have shown disrespect of my parents. I have been unable to appreciate them as gifts from God and refuse to take their views into consideration.
6. MURDER. I have taken the life of another human being out of greed, malice, jealousy, self interest or negligence. Anger and rage are a regular part of my life. (consider Matt 5:21-22)
7. ADULTERY. I have been unfaithful to my future spouse. Lust and a wandering eye are affecting my purity and an ultimate healthy relationship with my future spouse.
8. STEALING. I have taken things or ideas that were not mine. I consider cheating in my classes or on my exams to be an acceptable option for my personal benefit.
9. GIVING FALSE TESTIMONY. I have lied about another person or hidden the truth to protect myself at another’s expense.
10. COVETING. My admiration for another’s possessions or boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse has turned into a preoccupation to get what I want no matter whose it is.
Now Go back through your listed Ten Commandments and state either:
1. I struggle with this one.
2. Praise God for the strength to obey him in this area.
Life Tool10 Commandments
Have you ever heard of the 10 Commandments?
(person: “Sure, most people have.”)
You pretty much live by them don’t you? (Notice that this is a very ‘Leading Question’ – ie. Leading them to answer, “yes.”) (person: “yes”)
Hey, can I mention a few of them to you right now?(person: “sure”)
One says “Don’t lie or thou shall not lie.” Have you ever told a lie? (person: “yeah”)
Yeah me too. What do you call someone who lies? A liar, right.
Another says, “Don’t steal or thou shall not steal.” Have you ever stole anything? Gum from the store, a pencil from a friend or even copied notes for an exam? (person: “yeah”)
Yeah me too. What do you call someone who steals? Thief, right. So far we are both lying thieves, we are not doing so good huh?
Another says, “Don’t commit adultery.” Have you ever done that?
(person would say, “No, I’ve never had sex with a married woman/man)
Yeah that’s what I said too until I read what Jesus had said. He said that if you look at a woman and lust after her, that you’ve committed adultery with her already in your heart. Have ya ever done that? (person: “uh, yeah”)
Yeap me too.
Wow, now we are lying, thieving adulterers.
Let’s look at one more, “Don’t murder or thou shall not murder.” Have you ever murdered someone? (person: “no, of course not.”)
Yeah that’s what I thought too until I read the Bible for myself and saw what Jesus had said, just above that last statement about adultery. He said that if you have anger or rage toward someone and wish ill or harm to come to them in your heart. And if you use angry language like, “Raca” – an old archaic word – and we have our own curse words huh? – That you are a murderer in your heart.
That makes me and you: lying, thieving, adulterous murderers. Do you think heaven was prepared for people like that? We are far from God and many times we don’t even know all the ways we’ve offended God. For sure we are all wrongdoers and cannot right those wrongs ourselves.