The Teacher reads the story to the whole class having put pictures all around the walls. The students follow the teacher around , as she/he tells the story , and try to identify the pictures and the main characters and events. There follows discussion on the story and the Teacher checks understanding. ( photo 1 )


The Teacher hands out photocopies of the pictures the Students were looking at on the walls and another copy with jumbled sentences about the events. The Students in pairs have to put the sentences in the correct order and write them under the appropriate picture so that they can reconstruct the story sequence. There is only one small detail : the end of the story is missing – the part with the cat and the dog’s role in the story - so they have to discuss among themselves as to what this end might have been. ( Handouts with pictures and sentences – Photo 2 ).


Now the Students have got their story so they have to draw a cover page for their book. This can be done either as a class or a home activity.


In this step the students fill in the character poster so that they deal with the story and the language once more. At the same time they decide on the character they feel closer to which will be developed further later on. ( Handout “CHARACTER POSTERS” )


The Students are given the figure of the puppet which can be found in their English books of Year 1 and they are asked to dress and draw and add any items necessary in order to make the puppet of their favourite character in the story. ( Handout with puppet ). The teacher can also use the figure of any kind of puppet.


The Teacher divides the Students into groups taking under consideration the puppets they have made. Then he/she gives the script of the puppet show. The Students now are ready to start rehearsing for the play. The weaker students are the “ helpers “, i.e. they have to help the “ actors “ in anything they need in order to present their play in the best possible way. They are the ones who should draw , for example , minor characters , i.e. the soldiers in the palace , or bring items necessary for the scenery , i.e. a toy-castle , etc. ( Handouts with script – “ jet Magazine” , VOL. 4 NO. 2 ISSUE 11 , February 1994 -Photos 3-4-5-6)


Finally, the Students are ready to perform. They either perform in front of their fellow students , or their Teachers and Parents. Another way of motivating Students would be for the Teacher to video-tape the performance. (Photos 7-8, Video-tape).


Simplified Reader ( The Princess and the Pea - Favourite Fairy Tales – Longman)

Photocopies of pictures from the Teacher and the Students.

Photocopies of Handout with the story in jumbled order.

Handout for the Students to fill in their “Character Poster”.

Handouts with the script.

Handout with the puppet shape.

Cardboard, scissors, glue, crayons, etc. for the puppets and the scenery as well as a video camera ( optional ).


AGE : 10-11 yrs.

The Reader :

Activities organized and applied to the students of the two 5th Grade classes of the 1st Primary School in Agios Stefanos for the Comenius Project “EUROFANTASY” by the teacher of the English language and co-ordinator of the project Voula Moustakidou, e-mail address:

School Year 2000 – 2001.