1. The educational program name

Baccalaureate professional educational program of a direction 110800 "Agroengineering"

On a profile "Technical service in agrarian and industrial complex"

2. Institute

Jurginsky institute of technology (branch) of Federal state budgetary educational institution of the higher vocational training «National research Tomsk polytechnical university»

3. Chair

Agroengineering (AI)

4. The manager:

Cand.Tech.Sci., senior lecturer Retjunsky Oleg Jurevich

5. The general data

Training time – 4 years,

Received qualification – the bachelor

6. Program main objectives

6.1 Preparation of the graduate for industrial-technological and design activity in the field of modern technologies of maintenance service, storage, repair and restoration of details of cars and designing of technological processes of maintenance service and repair of agricultural machinery on the basis of modern methods and means.

6.2 Preparation of the graduate for research activity, including, in interdisciplinary areas, with participation in standard and certified tests of agricultural machinery, an electric equipment, means of automation and in working out of new machine technologies and means.

6.3 Preparation of the graduate for service and operation of the modern highly effective equipment for technical service in agrarian and industrial complex, with observance of requirements of protection of environment and safety of manufacture.

6.4 Preparation of the graduate for the organizational-administrative activity connected with the collective decision of complex engineering problems on interdisciplinary subjects, including in international collective.

6.5 Preparation of the graduate for independent training and development of new professional knowledge and abilities, to continuous professional self-improvement.

7. Program problems

The bachelor in a direction of preparation 110800 Agroengineering should solve following professional problems according to professional work kinds:

Research activity:

• participation in carrying out of scientific researches by the confirmed techniques;

• participation in experimental researches, drawing up of their description and conclusions;

• participation in standard and certified tests of agricultural machinery, an electric equipment and automation means.

• participation in working out of new machine technologies and means;

Industrial-technological activity:

• an effective utilization of agricultural machinery and the process equipment for manufacture and primary processing of production of plant growing and animal industries at the enterprises of various organizational-legal forms;

• application of modern technologies of maintenance service, storage, repair and restoration of details of cars for maintenance of constant working capacity of cars and the equipment;

realization of industrial inspection of parameters of technological processes, quality assurance of production and rendered services of technical service;

• the organization of metrological checking of the basic measuring apparatuses for an estimation of quality made, processed and хранимой agricultural production;

• installation, adjustment and maintenance of operating modes of the automated agricultural technological processes, cars and installations, including working directly in contact to biological objects;

• operation of systems elektro - warmly - vodo - gas supply, and also recycling of a waste of agricultural production;

• conducting the engineering specifications connected with installation, adjustment and equipment operation;

Organizational-administrative activity:

• the organization of works on application of resource-saving machine technologies for manufacture and primary processing of agricultural production;

• maintenance of high working capacity and safety of cars, mechanisms and the process equipment;

• management of work of collectives of executors and work safety;

• the organization of material support of engineering systems;

• working out of operating plans of work of primary work collectives;

Design activity:

• participation in designing of technological processes of manufacture, storage and processing of agricultural production, maintenance service and repair of agricultural machinery on the basis of modern methods and means;

• participation in designing of systems of automation of technological processes and objects of an infrastructure of the agricultural enterprises

8. The list of the basic special disciplines

• Technology of agricultural production

• Tractors and cars

• Cars and the equipment in plant growing

• Cars and the equipment in animal industries

• the Electric equipment of tractors and cars

• Diagnostics and maintenance service of cars

• Technology of agricultural mechanical engineering

• Technology of repair of cars

• Economy and the organization of technical service

• management and marketing Bases

• Designing of the enterprises of technical service

• the Technical and economic analysis of activity of the enterprise

9. Personnel maintenance

Educational process is carried out by 2 professors, 4 senior lecturers, 6 items of teachers.

10. Material base.

Specialized educational audiences and laboratories, research laboratories, class of personal computers.

11. The organization of independent work of students.

Independent educational activity of students is completely provided by the uchebno-methodical literature including textbooks, manuals, methodical managements, etc., including in the form of electronic versions and presentations in a chair network.

12. Competitive advantages of graduates (exclusive the competence of graduates).

The motivational approach to accumulation of knowledge, work in a command, exclusive the competence of graduates: skills in designing and service and repair of cars and the equipment in agriculture, skills of practical use of achievements in sphere of technical service in scientific researches and on manufacture.

13. Employment:

• postgraduate study National research Tomsk polytechnical university;

• The Jurginsky state passenger motor transportation enterprise of the Kemerovo region;

• Shop 70 ON Jurginsky machine-building factory;

• Open Company "Sibautotrans";

• Open Company "Power trance";

• Open Society Sibmetalurgmontag";

• Open Company «Jashkinsky integrated poultry farm»;

• Country an economy "Tempel O. N"

• agricultural productions of Kuzbas;

•, etc.

14. The contact information

For correspondence

652055, Jurga, Kemerovo region,

Street Leningrad 26.

Bodies. / a fax: 8(384-51) 6-26-83.

Site of JUTI ТПУ:

Selection committee requisites:

652055, the Kemerovo region, Jurga

Dostoevsky's street, the house 6, the case № 1

Ph.: 8(384-51) 6-18-81


Skype: pk.utitpu

Selection committee site:

Requisites of chair of Agroengineering

652055 Kemerovo region, Jurga

Street Factory, 10

Ph.: 8(38451) 6-05-37

Fax: 8(38451) 6-26-83


Chair AI site: