/ Date : 14/09/2012
Page : 4

GP Software Providers

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Information

Meeting Location / INAMI/RIZIV / Meeting Date / 09/08/2012
Meeting Time / 14.00- 17.00
Meeting Notes prepared by / Bernard Wathelet / Meeting Notes Date / 13/08/2012
Purpose of Meeting / Discussion on the proposed criteria for the coming registration: questions and answers
Frank Verbinnen (Corilus), pieter Baeyaert (HealthConnect), Lesley Vlerick (HealthConnect), Serge piret (Socrate medical), Michel Urbain (Socrate Medical), Philippe Quertemont ( HDMP), Johan Spcincemaille (HDMP), Jan Brouweys (Windoc), Yves Vanderstichele (Windoc), Thierry Defour (MediWin), Nicolas Poussard (PC Sol), Alexis Van zeveren (Figac), Yves de Bock (TVC), Isabelle Pollet (eHealth Platform), Muriel Quinet (SPF Santé, Claude Meert (SPF Santé) , Jos Devlies (Prorec), Herwig Van Pottelbergh, (EMDOMUS), Bernard Wathelet (eHealth platform), Luc Maes (eHealth platform), Pierre Bonte (INAMI), Marc Bangels, Andre Vandenberghe (FAG),
Not attended

Discussions synthesis

1.  Goals of the meeting

The goals of the meeting were to present:

·  The lessons learned from previous registration (see slides attached),

·  Defining main goals of this registration

·  The type of registration for the coming one (see slides attached)

·  To answers to the questions which were not answered in the excel file sent the 7th August to software providers

·  To present a provisional planning (see slides attached)

·  To present the coming Mini lab on Hub/Meta-hub (first date is 12/12/12 + see slides attached),

·  Answering to any other questions

1.1  Main goals of this coming registration

There are three main focus:

§  Communication with colleagues and other HCP, through Hub/Meta Hub, recipe, physiotherapist and nursing prescription, Insurance Companies, …

§  User-friendliness

§  Meaningful usage

1.2  Type of registration

As for 2010-2011, eHealth will launch an Invitation to tender to select a company who will have to provide the documentation for the testing and carry out the tests. This time, it will concern three HCP: GPs, Nurses & Physiotherapists

§  There will be 3 phases for each HCP::

•  Phase 1 : A detailed documentation on the interpretation of the new criteria

•  Phase 2:

§  documentation defining the population to be added in the soft for the tests

§  documentation defining the virtual patients to be added in the soft for the tests

§  Documentation defining the tests files (for instance: definition of the physiotherapist prescription to be uploaded);

§  definition of tests scenarios

•  Phase 3: testing

1.3  Some remarks on the list of criteria provided

§  There are 3 types of criteria:

1.  P= Previous ones

2.  N= new ones

  1. L= Later à they will be part of the next registration

§  From the new ones:

1.  17 are AE (Auto-evaluation)

2.  33 are C (Control)

3.  60 are Later

§  Numbering has changed to match with nurse and physiotherapist criteria

1.4  Proposed Provisional planning

§  End September 2012: Invitation to tender is launched

§  1st January 2013: Selection of best bid

§  1st February 2013: Documentation Phase 1 is provided

§  1st March 2013: Documentation Phase 2 is provided

§  1st May 2013: First Round tests

§  1st July 2013: Evaluation & Results provided

§  1st September 2013: Second Round tests (only one this time!)

1.5  Mini-Lab

See Isabelle Pollet presentation attached for the mini lab over Hub/Meta Hub. For this one, if the soft successfully pass the mini lab tests, the soft is exempt from testing during the tests

Software providers request to get also a mini Lab for other web services such as for Recipe, insurance web services (Chapter IV, …), eHealthBox. eHealth platform will seek with these web services representatives if they accept to organise one.

1.6  Answers to questions which were not answered in the excel file sent the 7th August.

§  Question # 1: Le critère 122 de la précédente labellisation signalait que les dmi devaient implémenter les services d’ehealth : 1 an à partir de la mise à disposition : Quand peut-on considérer que les plugins (recipe, chap IV, hubs, ehealthbox, accès oa) ont été mis à disposition ?

§  Answer # 1: most of the web services are today available. For the ones which are not yet available, software will have minimum 6 months to implement them:

•  Recipe: cookbooks are available

•  Chapter IV: cookbooks are available

•  Hubs: cookbooks will be available end of August 2012

•  eHealthBox: cookbooks are available

•  Insurances (MyCarenet): cookbooks will be available end of August 2012

§  Question # 2: Il nous paraitrait important vu le peu de documentation fournie pour les plugins de réaliser d’autres mini labs pour les services autres que les hubs.

§  Answer # 2 : We are studying the possiblity to organise mini lab for My Carenet, Recipe and Chapter IV

§  Question # 3: Il est particulièrement important et nécessaire de garder une plage de questions/réponses sans discontinuité pendant toute la période de prélabellisation.

§  Answer # 3: A detailed documentation on the interpretation of the new criteria will be provided (phase 1) at least 3 months before the tests. Questions will be accepted till 6 weeks before the tests.

§  Question # 4: Quel est le délai des tests :

§  délai minimal entre moment de finalisation des critères et début des tests, Answer : 9 months

§  Délai minimal entre disponibilité de l'infrastructure et début des tests: Answer : 6 months

§  Délai minimal entre disponibilité l’interprétation des critères et début des tests: Answer : 3 months

§  Délai minimal entre disponibilité des scénarii de test et début des tests. Answer : 2 months

1.7  Issues & remarks

·  Regarding the proposed planning, some soft representatives consider that 2 months between the release of test scenario and the tests is too short. eHealth platform will consider the remark and will come back shortly with a response.

·  It has been request to get a clear definition of medical concepts (Health care elements, Health approach, etc…). Prorec will provide at the end of September 2012 the requested document.

·  Criteria 73: eHealth will provide a special link to the reference tables. For any specific questions on this issue, please contact David Janssens:

·  Dropbox: software providers are globally very satisfied with the existence of the Dropbox. Some suggested to get it more “structured”.

·  eHealth will provide the documentation related to the previous registration to the ones who request it.

·  GPSMF: there are still problems to get an import of the GPSMF from another soft without any manual intervention. Software providers are requested to provide to Prorec the identified problems, which will address this issue, along with the Working group Structure Elements;

·  A new version of the Validation Tool (which will encompass PMF, GPSMF and Sumehr) will be available at the end of August 2012.

·  Criteria 135i: the type of file to be exported will be specify soon.

·  There was question regarding the progress regarding the labo codes (Retam project). Luc Nicolas will respond to this question when he comes back from holiday.

·  Criteria 95a: there was question if DMG+ should be displayed on the screen: the answer is “yes”.

·  There was a request from software providers to get the chance to get the possibility to continuously ask questions on the Dropbox: yes but till 4 weeks before the tests start.

[JDV] Not consistent with answer #3 section 1.6

·  There was also a request from softs to organise mini lab with PMF and/or GPSMF: Prorec will organise one.

·  There are issues related to the quality of the documentation provided for EBMPracticeNet. Bernard Wathelet has sent an email to its Project Manager. Once he comes back from holiday, clarifications will be provided.

·  There will be only one second round

·  No extra test (such as GPSMF) will be organised

1.8  Next step

·  This list of criteria will be present shortly to the medico-mut for approval.

·  The invitation to tender will be launched as soon as the list of criteria for nursing and physiotherapist are ready.