PreK - K


The students will be able to:

  • Express that when we care for others in need, we are showing love to God.
  • Explain what we need to do in order to inherit the kingdom of God.
  • Understand which person acted in a pleasing manner in the story of the “Good Samaritan”
  • Determine who our neighbor is.
  • Tell of ways in which they might help the needy within the family, school, community, church, and world.
  • Differentiate between acts of love and behavior that would make Jesus unhappy.
  • Create a solution for better behavior.


40-45 minutes


  • Together with God, Lesson 22 – “The Good Stranger”
  • Person template, copied on card stock
  • Puppets for acting out Good Samaritan story copied onto card stock (lesson 22 has figures for coloring that can be put on popsicle sticks)
  • Crayons, colored pencils, and/or markers
  • Popsicle or craft sticks
  • Yarn, googly eyes, or other embellishments to be used for making puppets
  • glue

The Lesson Plan:


Gather the students around the icon corner for the opening prayer:

Our Father who loves us, shine Your light in our hearts that we may better know you. Help us to understand Your teachings. Keep us mindful of Your holy commandments, so that our thoughts and deeds might please You. We ask this in the name of the Father, and Son, and of the Holy Spirit now and forever. Amen.


Read and show the theme verse: “I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you welcomed Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.” Have the students repeat the theme verse with you. Explain briefly that in this theme Jesus is telling us He wants us to care about other people, not just ourselves. Sometimes people are hungry or thirsty or need clothes and a place to live. Sometimes, people feel lonely and need a friend. Explain that Jesus expects us to help people who need these things and He also expects us to be nice to others. Tell the children that in this lesson they can learn something about what this verse from the Bible means.


Prepare the following popsicle stick puppets using the person template: Jesus, Jewish man, robbers, priest from the temple, the Levite, the Samaritan, the innkeeper. Then, using the puppets and the “The Good Stranger” story from Together with God, Lesson 22, act out the story.

1)Explain to the students the desirable behavior displayed by the Good Samaritan compared to the priest and the Levite: being kind, helping the Jewish man, giving water, cleaning his wounds.

2)Remind the students that Jesus wants us to be good people and that showing kindness to others is one way to please Jesus. Emphasize that God loves everyone and He wants us to treat other people in nice ways, no matter who they are. Explain that God is not happy with behavior that is mean or hurtful, either in words or in actions.

3)Extend the idea of acting with kindness toward friends with kind, thoughtful behavior to family members and neighbors. Ask the students to think of ways they can be kind to a parent or sibling, to a neighbor next door, while out in the community, or at church. Such behaviors and responses may include:

  • Helping parents with chores
  • Speaking respectfully to parents and grandparents, not saying mean things to siblings
  • Taking care of one’s toys and clothes
  • Caring for pets and not neglecting them
  • Taking food to a sick neighbor or relative
  • Assisting someone at church (helping them carry something, holding a door)
  • Not running in public places where someone could get hurt
  • Taking turns on the playground
  • Not excluding others from play
  • Not calling other people names
  • Being truthful

4)Tell the students that if we are kind and helpful to others, it means we are showing them love and God is happy because we are helping His children. He knows that we love Him by our actions toward others. By being kind and helpful to others, we can live with God forever in His Kingdom.


1)Hand out the person template, already cut out. Explain that they will be decorating the puppet to be used in a little skit with one of their friends. Encourage them to use the materials provided and do their best work. The students should be encouraged to model kind, cooperative behavior as they work, sharing materials, and showing respect for one another’s efforts. The teacher can offer appropriate feedback as the students work.

2)Once the puppets are finished, pair each student with a partner. Give each pair a scenario such as:

  • New child on the playground
  • Mom arriving home from grocery shopping
  • Running in the store and bumping into a shopper
  • Telling a lie about breaking a vase
  • Taking a meal to a neighbor who is sick
  • Helping a sibling put away toys
  • Yelling at a sibling, calling them a mean name
  • Taking a toy from a friend, not sharing
  • Giving some of your toys to a shelter

3)You may want to first act out a similar scenario using two puppets so the students have an example. Allow the partners time to practice acting out their given scenario with their puppets.

4)Once they’ve had time to practice, let each pair act out their scenario in front of the rest of the class. Ask the students to tell whether Jesus would approve of the behavior or be unhappy about it. If it is undesirable behavior, ask the students to tell how the actions could be changed to show love.


Summarize what has been studied and learned: Repeat the theme verse. What are we called to do for others? Why? (To help people in their needs, whatever their needs might be…we honor Christ by helping others who are in need. We show our love of God by helping those who need us and need our help. By treating others in this loving manner, we can live with God in His heavenly kingdom.) Who did we learn about that showed love to God? (the Good Samaritan) How did he show love? (he helped the Jewish man that had gotten robbed and beaten).

Gather the students around the icon for prayer. Lead them is saying, “Lord have mercy”. Remind them that we ask God to show mercy on us. We, in turn, should show mercy (kindness) to our family and friends. Then end with a customary prayer for your parish.