The Student Notes for This Experiment Are on Page 58

The Student Notes for This Experiment Are on Page 58

From strength to strength

Lesson 2 (continued)

Are people who are good at power sports also good
at endurance sports?

The student notes for this experiment are on page 58.


Students investigate the relationship between power and endurance. They collect and analyseresults from an anaerobic power test (vertical jump test) and a muscular endurance test(lunges) to try to find out more about the difference in properties of muscle fibres.


From the kit box / From your school
●tape measures
●powdered chalk / ●stopclocks
●access to a vertical (electronic) jump board


●Identify students with asthma so they can have their inhaler close at hand and use it if required.

●Chalk dust is an irritant so students should quickly wash it off their hands, and try not to inhale it. See the chemical safety sheets available on the In the Zone website.

●Ensure students are dressed appropriately for the activities – for classroom-based activities, normal school uniform with sensible shoes will be fine. Trainers are required for some of the aerobic activities.

●Identify any student (such as those with heart/lung problems) not able to take part in school PE/games lessons. They may need to be excused from taking part in the physical part of this activity but can take on a time-keeper or data recording role.

●If PE equipment e.g. vertical jump board is used it is essential to use the expertise, advice, and supervision of trained PE staff.

●Healthy competition is encouraged but be aware of and discourage excessive competition between students as it can lead to overexertion and possible fainting or injury.

●Ensure students carry out the activities in a suitable place, clear of any obstruction.

Running the experiment

1Working in small groups, one or more students in the group can take part in the physical activities. Students will take part in two tests. The vertical jump test will test their muscle power, while the lunges will test their muscular endurance. They carry out the lunges until they can do no more. For each person taking the test, the group will need to have one person taking measurements and recording the results of each test.

2Before any tests are carried out, students should take part in a gentle warm-up. The warm-up should raise their pulse, such as walking on the spot and then raising it up to a gentle jog on the spot, followed by stretches for the:




Stretches for quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves.

3You can use a vertical jump board for the vertical jump test if your school has one. We have assumed that there is no access to a vertical jump board on the Student sheet.

4See the Student sheet on page 58 for the protocol for obtaining evidence in the power test (vertical jump test) and the muscular endurance test (lunges).

5Jumpers should not swing their arms or squat before making their jump.

6Encourage students to practise the lunge technique, ensuring that their back is straight, their stomach is pulled in, their feet are hip-width apart with their toes facing forwards, and their hands are on their hips to start. They must take a large step forward with one leg and bend their knee no more than 90 degrees. The heel of the back foot should be off the floor.

7Students may find it easier to keep a steady rate for the lunges if they have access to a metronome.

8Students should compare the results from the two different tests.

9The prediction students are asked to make does not ask them to take into account the fitness of participants. You may wish to discuss with students the effect fitness may have on the result.

Expected results

Students who are good at the vertical jump test would not necessarily be good at the endurance test. This happens because people who are good at the vertical jump test will have a high percentage of fast-twitch muscles, whereas those who are good at endurance tests will have a high percentage of slow-twitch muscle fibres. Students who participate in sports, or a combination of sports that require both power and endurance, may perform well in both tests.