Please mail completed surveys back to Rachel Agoglia, TACS, 1001 SE Water Ave, Ste 490, Portland, OR97214. Surveys are due by March 1
Victim Service Survey Washington 2004/2005
Background Information
The state of Washington is working to improve services for all victims of crime. We are interested in your opinions about crime victim services, barriers to obtaining services, and unmet needs.
This is how the survey works. If you check that you have been a victim of crime, you will be asked to respond to crime victim questions.
If you check that you are a service provider, you will be asked to respond to service provider questions. We know that some service providers may also be a victim, however, for purposes of this survey we are asking you to respond only to provider questions.
If you would like to have input and you are not a service provider or a crime victim, you can email your input to
All responses will be kept strictly confidential on an individual basis
The Survey
1) Have you been a victim of crime?
2) Are you an employee or volunteer of either a nonprofit organization or a government entity which provides services to victims of crime?
Type and Location of Crime
3) Please enter your name (Optional):______
4) Please check the type of crime that you experienced. We realize that some victims have experienced more than one crime. However, we are asking you to please check the crime that you feel was the most difficult to deal with and then answer the following questions with this crime in mind
Please mail completed surveys back to Rachel Agoglia, TACS, 1001 SE Water Ave, Ste 490, Portland, OR97214. Surveys are due by March 1
Financial fraud
Homicide survivor
Physical assault, non-domestic violence
Child abuse
Adult care giver of childe abuse victim
Vehicular assault/vehicular homicide
Property crime
Sexual assault
Domestic violence
Other (please specify)______
5) Please enter the name and the County and Sate in which the crime occurred.
6) Please enter the year that the crime occurred: ______
Crime Victim Services
Did you receive any of the following victim services? If yes, how helpful were these services? If no, would these services have been helpful? If you did not need these services, please check N/A.
7) Did you receive help from a law enforcement officer at the time of the crime?
Very helpful / Somewhat helpful / Not at all helpful / N/AYes, service was: / / / /
No, service would have been: / / / /
8) Did you receive help from a victim advocate at the time of, or shortly after the crime?
Very helpful / Somewhat helpful / Not at all helpful / N/AYes, service was: / / / /
No, service would have been: / / / /
9) Did you receive information about your rights as a victim?
Very helpful / Somewhat helpful / Not at all helpful / N/AYes, service was: / / / /
No, service would have been: / / / /
10) Did you receive information about victim services, e.g., what services are available and how to access these services?
Very helpful / Somewhat helpful / Not at all helpful / N/AYes, service was: / / / /
No, service would have been: / / / /
11) Did you receive emergency shelter/housing services?
Very helpful / Somewhat helpful / Not at all helpful / N/AYes, service was: / / / /
No, service would have been: / / / /
12) Did you receive help finding the right person to talk with about legal issues connected with the crime?
Very helpful / Somewhat helpful / Not at all helpful / N/AYes, service was: / / / /
No, service would have been: / / / /
13) Did you receive help finding the medical care that you needed?
Very helpful / Somewhat helpful / Not at all helpful / N/AYes, service was: / / / /
No, service would have been: / / / /
14) Did you receive therapy/counseling to help you deal with the impact of the crime?
Very helpful / Somewhat helpful / Not at all helpful / N/AYes, service was: / / / /
No, service would have been: / / / /
15) Did you attend a support group to help you deal with the crime?
Very helpful / Somewhat helpful / Not at all helpful / N/AYes, service was: / / / /
No, service would have been: / / / /
16) Did you receive immediate financial assistance?
Very helpful / Somewhat helpful / Not at all helpful / N/AYes, service was: / / / /
No, service would have been: / / / /
17) Did you receive assistance filing compensation claims?
Very helpful / Somewhat helpful / Not at all helpful / N/AYes, service was: / / / /
No, service would have been: / / / /
18) Did you receive updates on the status of your case?
Very helpful / Somewhat helpful / Not at all helpful / N/AYes, service was: / / / /
No, service would have been: / / / /
19) Did you receive follow-up support to help you deal with the impact of the crime?
Very helpful / Somewhat helpful / Not at all helpful / N/AYes, service was: / / / /
No, service would have been: / / / /
20) Did you receive services that were sensitive to cultural or language difference (translation services, bilingual advocates, etc)?
Very helpful / Somewhat helpful / Not at all helpful / N/AYes, service was: / / / /
No, service would have been: / / / /
Additional Services
21) Did you receive transportation to obtain services?
Very helpful / Somewhat helpful / Not at all helpful / N/AYes, service was: / / / /
No, service would have been: / / / /
22) Did you receive affordable or transitional housing services?
Very helpful / Somewhat helpful / Not at all helpful / N/AYes, service was: / / / /
No, service would have been: / / / /
23) Did you receive child care services?
Very helpful / Somewhat helpful / Not at all helpful / N/AYes, service was: / / / /
No, service would have been: / / / /
24) Comments: Please list any services that would have been very helpful that are not listed:
Barriers to Service
Did you encounter any of the problems listed below when you tried to obtain help immediately after the crime and throughout the criminal process? Please check the box that most closely reflects any problems you encountered.
25) Were you able to get consistent, timely, accurate, and available information about services?
Yes / Somewhat / Never / /
26) Were you able to get consistent, timely, and accurate information regarding the criminal justice process?
Yes / Somewhat / Never / /
27) Were there services available within your community?
Yes / Somewhat / Never / /
28) Were you able to find out about emergency funds for crime-related expenses?
Yes / Somewhat / Never / /
29) Were you able to find services that met your language and/or cultural needs?
Yes / Somewhat / Never / Don’t have special language or cultural needs / / /
30) Were the services available designed to meet your specific needs? - for example, specific services for elderly, children or teen, immigrant/refugee victims of crime
Yes / Somewhat / Never / Don’t have specific needs / / /
31) Were you able to get
Mental health services
Chemical dependency services
Homelessness services
32) Please list other problems that you encountered when seeking crime victim services:
Thank you for your time!
What we learn from this survey will help the Steering Committee and the Statewide Stakeholder Task force as they work to create a Strategic Plan for Victim Services in the state of Washington.
The Strategic Plan will guide efforts to serve victims of crime throughout the state. The Plan will also provide guidance on the use of Federal VOCA funds for services for victims of crime. Current guidance on the use of VOCA funds for emergency domestic violence shelter and core sexual assault services will remain in place and will not be changed as a result of this process.
If you would like to receive the Strategic Plan newsletter, please enter your email address.
Email address:______