WELCOME! We extend a warm welcome to everyone, particularly those who are visitors at our worship service this morning. We pray that you will receive a special blessing as we worship our Lord together. Join us in Friendship Hall immediately following the worship service for coffee and fellowship. This evening we will meet at Faith Reformed Church for combined worship at 6 pm.

Adult Sunday School: This morning, during the Sunday School hour, Katie Hefty will share about her missions trip to Guatemala in the spring. All are invited to come and learn about Katie's experience there. We begin at 11:15 am in the Friendship Hall.

The special offering schedule for June & July is as follows:

June 24 - Eastern Christian Tuition Aid

July 1 -Resonate Global Mission

July 8 - PM - Rehoboth Christian School

July 15 -Faith Promise

July 29 -Eastern Christian Schools

Next Sunday, we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper at the morning worship service.

Congregational Meeting Update: At the Congregational Meeting on Monday evening, the new office bearers were confirmed and the budget was approved.

Installation of new Elders and Deacons: Today we celebrate Christ’s gift of leadership for His church as the newly appointed elders and deacons will be ordained/installed into their office. The new Council members are: Admin. Elder: Len Wynbeek. Shepherding Elder: Bernie Kuipers. Deacons: Janyce Bandstra, Linda Hefty and Shanti Jost.

A special word of thanks to the outgoing officers for their faithful service. They are: Admin. Elder: Blair Hefty. Shepherding Elders: Craig Sonderfan and Ron Stonehouse. Deacons: George Bosma and Neil Van Wageningen. Admin. Deacon: Sam Steen.

THE BABY BOTTLE BOOMERANG is now finished. If you have not returned your baby bottle, please do so this week. Please return your empty bottles as this helps to keep costs down. Thank you for your support of Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center.


LADIES SUMMER BIBLE STUDY: Our NEXTmeeting on the Book of James will be July 10 at 1:30PM in the Old Council Room.Joan will lead.James 2:1-26 "Love and Faith" will be discussed. Study guides are available from Joan or mailbox # 183.If you have study guide # 2, then #3 will be on the opposite side. Future dates are: July 24; August 7, 21.Come for fellowship and Scripture.



CHURCH FAMILY HEADS UP! As you heard during the youth service, a group of our students will be heading to serve in Paterson this summer for a week. We are grateful to so many of you who have already asked how you can support. One way is to pray, the other is to support financially or by providing a meal one day for that week. You should have already received an email. If you have not or you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me

VBS is being planned forAugust 6-10this summer.More volunteers are still needed in different roles--HAVE YOU SIGNED UP TO HELP THAT WEEK?If you have not yet signed the form indicating your availability to help with VBS that week, there are more copies of that sign-up form in the narthex. Please fill it out ASAP, so that the leaders know there are enough people ready to help. There is a box on a table in the narthex where you can place your completed signup form. Please consider how you can participate in VBS this year, and PRAY for God to be working in those that are planning the week as well as the kids who will participate.

VBS is coming up and it’s time to start collecting treasures to use for VBS crafts! I’ll be collecting items in a box in the Narthex. Here’s what I need:
- Embroidery hoops (or something similar) 6” across, give or take an inch. No problem if they are cracked, or missing one of the loops, or if the tightening screw is broken. Plastic, metal, wood, doesn’t matter. I would need at least 10 of them.
- Glass jars, between 7-15 oz. For this project, short squat jars with openings that are almost as wide as the jar itself are better than tall skinny jars with narrow openings. I do not need the lids. I’m going to need a lot of jars, so you’ll get extra brownie points if you remove the labels for me!!
- Tissue paper in red, orange, and yellow colors. It doesn’t matter if it’s wrinkled or ripped.

- I need to borrow full-sized fabric scissors for the 5th graders to use while cutting felt. I know they are expensive, so I promise to take very good care of them! I need at least 10. Let me know if you have one I can borrow, then label it, and give it to me the week before VBS starts.
If you are cleaning out your craft closet, keep us in mind! We could always use glue, yarn, string, beads, modpodge, markers, and paint & brushes. Also, we always welcome disposable plates and bowls (get rid of that stack of mismatched holiday paper plates!), baby wipes, and sandwich baggies. Thanks in advance! ~Becky Denekamp.

Council Notes: In early June, the council agreed to try some new things for the summer months of July and August. These are not major changes and the Administrative Board welcomes your feedback after the trial period. First,MPCRC will separate the currentbulletin into two parts — Order of Worship and the Bulletin Announcements.In order to cut down onprinting (and associated paper costs and waste), the church office will print thesame number of Order of Worship but HALF the number of Bulletin Announcements.Theushers will hand out the Order of Worship to everyone. We will ask eachfamily to only take one copy of the Bulletin Announcements. Second, since the weather should be nice (andwarm), we will ask the greeters on the North and Center doors to change their location and greet people on the front steps of the church. The renewal team talked about this over a year agoand feltthat this would be more welcoming for our congregation. Finally (and this is big) … when it is raining, we are asking for afew volunteers who are willing to meet people by their cars with a bigumbrella (bring your own for now). This would be a great job for afew young people who would be willing to come early.Who canargue with an umbrella on a rainy Sunday morning?

Any church member parents seeking assistance from MPCRC tuition aid committee for the next school year 2018-2019 in Eastern Christian , please notify by email to (Roger Spoelstra) or 973-831-2776 and leave a message as to how many children and what grades by June 25th with a return phone number for contact. We want to have this process completed by early July. If you have questions contact any tuition aid member John Borst, Neil Van Wageningen, or Roger Spoelstra.

GREETERS: TODAY: Steve & Laura Gorter(North), Eunice Broersma & Brian Schaaf (Center), George & Carol Bosma (South). NEXT WEEK:Vic & Peggy Keen (North), Steve & Laura Gorter (Center), Sam & Marion Sybesma (South).



USHERS: TODAY: Bernie Kuipers, Jeff Streelman, Bill Sytsma. (Alt. Frank Spoelstra). NEXT WEEK: Bernie Kuipers, Eunice Broersma, Monish Dhalwani. (Alt. Kevin Shea).

NURSERY ATTENDANTS: TODAY: 9:30 AM - Linda Spyckaboer, Anika Trommelen. NEXT WEEK: 9:30 AM - Janine & Grace Havassy.

SUNDAY REFRESHMENTS: TODAY:Vic & Peggy Keen. NEXT WEEK: Jackie Streelman.

PRAYER ROOM: TODAY - Grace Lootsma. Elder: Henry Lootsma.NEXT WEEK: Ruth Wynbeek. Elder: Len Wynbeek.

POWERPOINT: THIS WEEK: BUILD:Steve Wisse. PROJECT:Greg Laauwe. NEXTWEEK: BUILD:Steve Wisse. PROJECT: Matthew Vander Wall.

SECURITY: TODAY: Ken Malefyt. NEXT WEEK: Scott Spyckaboer.


9:30 AM - Morning Worship Service.

11:15 AM - Adult Education - Presentation by Katie Hefty

6:00 PM - Combined Evening Service at Faith Reformed Church in Midland Park


7:00 PM - Deacons’ Meeting

7:30 PM - Elders’ Meeting




8:00 AM - Quilters


6:30 AM - Men’s Fellowship Group in the Church Library

JUNE 24, 2018


9:30 A.M.



We Prepare Our Hearts to Worship the Lord

*Opening Psalm of Praise: PH 111: 1, 2, 3

O Give the Lord Wholehearted Praise

*The Lord Greets Us~~We Greet Each Other

*Song of Worship:

I Love Your Church, O Lord

Installation of Elders and Deacons

Ministry of Music: MPCRC Council

Lord, Speak to Me that I May Speak (verses 1-3)

Offertory Prayer


First for the General Ministries of MPCRC

Second for Eastern Christian Tuition Aid

(While the offering is received, please sign the maroon fellowship booklet)


Congregational Prayer

*Hymn of Preparation:

Speak, O Lord

Prayer for the Spirit’s Leading

Scripture: Romans 15:14-19 (1767)


Keys to Effective Ministry

*Hymn of Response: vs. 1, 2, 3

Be Thou My Vision


*Parting Song:

Be Thou My Vision: vs. 4


*Please stand as you are able.

DO YOU HAVE A SPECIFIC PRAYER CONCERN? Our prayer partners are available to pray with you following the morning service. Please join us in the Prayer Room, (at the end of the hall by the church office), and we will be there to pray with you.

Minister: Pastor Rod Gorter

Pianist: Nella Rosendale

Deacon’s Prayer: John Borst, Jr.

Congregational Prayer: Sam Steen

Scripture Reader: Aaron De Rosa