"The Sower, The Seed, & The Soil"
Luke 8:4-15
INTRO.As you travel along the countryside this time of year, you will probably see many farmers busy either preparing their soil or either planting seed. Planting time is a critical time for the farmer, for the precious seed that he puts into the Soil will in later months, after much sweat and toil, become the much awaited harvest for which he has labored so diligently. That precious seed once planted, watered, fertilized, and patiently waited for, in time, becomes the anticipated harvest.
I want to title the message, "The Sower, The Seed, & The Soil." Jesus, Our LORD, spoke many times in parables, or stories intended to teach a moral or spiritual truth. In Luke 8, beginning in v4, Jesus, after many people had gathered, related to them, the parable of the sower. The motivation or inspiration for Christ's parable is not known, but it could have been that, as He looked out over the land of Galilee, He saw a farmer sowing seed in his field.
As the sower sowed, some seed fell by the Wayside, some on a rock, some among thorns, and some fell on good ground. What was Jesus trying to teach us by this parable? Notice the attention Our LORD gives is not on the sower, nor on the seed alone, but on the seed and on the soil on which it fell. What was the LORD'S intent then? JUST THIS: "BE CAREFUL HOW YOU HEAR!" In fact, Jesus said in v8, "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear." In the Greek Language of the NT, "hear" is translated from the Greek word "Akouo" which means "to understand." Thus Jesus was saying, "He that hath ears to understand, let him understand."
This is ONLY POSSIBLE, when we, as individuals, allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to our hearts! Hosea 10:12 tells us to, "Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy: break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you." Only when we allow God's Spirit to break our old, stony heart can we receive instruction of God!
Let us consider these 3 things in the parable of the sower. First, let us look at the Sower. Second, look at the Seed, and finally, let's look at the Soil. Ask yourself this during the message today, "What kind of hearer am I?
(1) The Sower
Text: Luke 8:5a—“Asowerwent outtosow...”
- THE IDENTITY OF THE SOWER. The sower without doubt is the Lord Jesus, for in Matthew 13:37 in explanation of the second mystery parable, Jesus says, "He that soweththegoodseedistheSonofman." Jesus said of Himself in Luke 19:10—“FortheSonofmaniscometoseekandtosavethat which was lost.”
B. THE IMPORTANCE OF THE SOWER. Just as the Lord is described as
the sower in this parable, the Lord’s desire is that every Christian
should be a sower! (Matthew 28:19-20; Psalm 126:5-6). THE SOWER
- Judicious-Praying for the appropriate season and sphere for sowing (Acts 16:6-7)
- Diligent-Laboring as one who will give an account for sowing (Ezekiel 33:6).
- Persevering-Sowing in season and out of season (2 Timothy 4:2).
- Devoted-Yielded heartily, entirely, and sincerely to the Greatest task of all!(1 Corinthians 9:22).
(2) The Seed
Text: Luke 8:11--"Nowtheparableisthis:TheseedisthewordofGod."
Psalm 126:6—“…bearing precious seed.”
- THE PROPERTIES OF THE WORD. The WORD (Hebrews 4:12-13) is:
- "Living and Incorruptible" (1 Peter 1:22-25).
- "Powerful and Soul-saving" (Romans 1:16, 10:17).
- "Heavenly and Divine" (Isaiah 55:10-11).
- "Immutable and Everlasting" (Isaiah 40:8).
- "Engrafted and Able to Save" (James 1:17-18, 21).
MUST be Declared! CHRIST is the WORD (John 1:1), He is the SEED!
(John 5:39); When we Sow (preach) the WORD, We PROCLAIM
(3) The Soil
Text: Luke 8:5-8—“Asowerwent outtosowhisseed:andashesowed,somefellbytheway side;anditwastrodden down,andthefowlsoftheairdevouredit. Andsomefelluponarock;andassoonasitwassprung up,itwithered away,becauseitlackedmoisture. Andsomefellamongthorns;andthethornssprang up withit,andchokedit.Andotherfellongoodground,andsprang up,andbarefruitahundredfold. And when he had said these things, he cried, He that hathearstohear,lethimhear."
- THE RESPONSE OF THE HEARERS. We see four different types of soil which speak of four different responses to the seed which was sown. 4 kinds of soils:
- The Wayside (Luke 8:5b, 12). These are those who are hardened in heart, destitute in spiritual perception (Matthew 13:15;Hebrews 3:7b-8).
- The Rock (Stony Ground)(Luke 8:6, 13). These are those who receive the seed, but it doesn't take root. (2 Timothy 3:5; Matthew 24:13).
- The Thorns (Thorny Ground) (Luke 8:7, 14). The Seed takes root, but bears no fruit. It is CHOKED OUT BY: (1) Cares of this world (1 John 2:15), (2) the deceitfulness of riches (Matthew 6:19-20), and (3) the lusts (pleasures) of life (1 John 2:16-17; John 15:2a, 6).
- Good Ground (Luke 8:8, 15). The seed sprang up and brought increase (Matthew 13:23).
B. THE REFLECTION OF THE HUMBLE. Friend, If you are truly saved,
the question is: "What amount of Increase is my life yielding?" All
believers from time to time need to take assessment of their spirituality.
Our prayer should be, “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me,
and know my thoughts: And see if therebeany wicked way in me, and
lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalm 139:23-24). May that be our
prayer today!
CLOSING: The WORD OF GOD has been proclaimed to you this morning.
These are not my words, but God's Word brought to you by me, His
messenger. The question is, "What will you do with the WORD you
just heard?"
If you are lost today, please hear God and respond to His Call! Be
not as the Israelites in the wilderness, who hardened their heart.
God has said if you do and die without Him, "You shall not enter
into My rest." Come find rest in Christ today!
Christian, What kind of hearer are you? James 1:22 says, "But be
ye doers of the WORD, and not hearers only, deceiving your own
selves." You have heard the WORD, Now, "What will you do with