20th February 2015

Dear Colleague,

The Stronger Together Network in partnership with the Northern Health and Social Care Trust will be hosting a seminar on Cultural Approaches to Caring. This seminar is on the Wednesday 25th of March at the All Saints Parish Church from 10.00am to 12.00am (finishing with lunch).

The aim of the seminar is to

·  inform service providers about the cultural sensitivities of someone from a black and minority ethnic (BME) that are caring for a family

·  to raise awareness of the services available

·  to give BME Carers an opportunity to network.

The seminar is aimed at the members of the Stronger Together Network as well as GPs, Health and Social Care Staff and members from the community and voluntary sectors working with BME Carers.

If you are not a current member of the network please visit our website http://www.strongertogetherni.org/membership/becoming-a-member/ and complete and return the registration form. Membership is free.

Please complete the registration form below and either email to , fax to 028 87750212 or post to FAO Stronger Together, STEP, Unit T7, Dungannon Business Park, 2 Coalisland Rd, Dungannon BT71 6JT before Wednesday 11th March.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Kind Regards

Eliza Threlfall

Network Support Worker

Stronger Together NI

Venue Information and Map

Cultural Approaches to Caring Seminar

Registration Form

(one must be completed per attendee)

Please complete the registration form and payment details and either email to , fax to 028 87750212 or post to FAO Stronger Together, STEP, Unit T7, Dungannon Business Park, 2 Coalisland Rd, Dungannon BT71 6JT

Name of attendee: Job Title:



Telephone No/Fax: Email:

Are you a Stronger Together member? Yes/No

If not, have you completed a membership form? Yes/No

Special Requirements

Do you have any accessibility or special requirement we need to be aware of?

No o Yes o Please state: ______

Do you have any special dietary requirements?

No o Yes o Please state: ______


Wednesday 11th March