The South Central Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
Registration for SCSECS 2016
East Meets West at the Skirvin Hilton Hotel, Oklahoma City OK
February 25-27, 2016
Standard registration fee (postmarked on or before February 8): $ 200
Registration fee for non-participants (people not listed on the program): $ 95
Late registration fee, after Feb. 8 postmark: $ 235
Fee on site: $ 250
Note: We can not accept credit cards!
Make checks for conference registration payable to SCSECS. Print out this form and mail to
Professor Kathryn Duncan
Saint Leo University
MC 2127 PO Box 6665
Saint Leo FL 33574
Your name:______
Institution: ______
Mailing address: ______
Email address: ______
In addition to registering for the conference, don't forget to make your reservation at the conference hotel, the Skirvin Hilton. For further details, please see the SCSECS website,
We were only able to secure a limited number of rooms at the low conference rate of $119 (plus tax) per night, so you should reserve your room as quickly as possible to avoid disappointment.
Your registration fee includes access to all presentations at the concurrent Chinese Society and Culture workshop, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 25. If you wish to attend the workshop luncheon that day, there will be an additional fee. See their website for details.
You are also welcome to attend sessions of the Asian Studies conference on Friday-Saturday.
SCSECS sessions begin at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 25 and conclude with a gala plenary banquet on the evening of Saturday, February 27.
The registration fee covers your annual SCSECS membership dues.
Registration will pay for coffee breaks, a Thursday evening reception, Friday luncheon and east-west opera program at the Oklahoma City Petroleum Club, miscellaneous musical programs at intervals, and Saturday evening's banquet. Graduate students registered at SCSECS are invited to a complimentary light lunch and professional development/networking session on Saturday.
And, of course, SCSECS's inimitable abundance of jollity, enlightenment, and delightful conversation will be on tap for all to enjoy throughout the proceedings.
Please help us plan our catering by answering the questions below:
- I do ______do not ______plan to attend the luncheon plenary on Friday
- I do ______do not ______plan to attend the graduate student program on Saturday
- I do ______do not ______plan to attend the farewell banquet on Saturday night
The more precise we can be about our catering costs, the more we can budget for daily snacks and the hors d’oeuvres at Thursday's reception!
Menu preferences:
Friday luncheon: Roasted vegetables and pasta with sun-dried tomato sauce ______
or Balsamic glazed chicken breast on a bed of artichoke _____
Saturday night banquet: Vegetarian _____ Non-vegetarian ______
Questions about registration? Contact Kathryn Duncan, the SCSECS treasurer, at
Questions about the program, scheduling, hotel or travel? Contact Susan Spencer, the current SCSECS president, at
If you are driving: Streetside parking in the congested downtown Oklahoma City area can be difficult to find, especially on weekdays. The Skirvin Hilton offers overnight valet parking for $26 or all-day event parking for $12. Valet parking is free if you dine at the hotel's in-house restaurant, the Park Avenue Grill. The Santa Fe parking garage, with 1518 total spaces (46 of them ADA-accessible), is practically next door and charges $10/day.
If you are flying: The hotel is located about 20 minutes from the Will Rogers World Airport. Unfortunately, the hotel does not offer an airport shuttle. The easiest way to get back and forth is Airport Express, a fleet of blue vans that can always be found parked at the curb near the ground transportation sign as you exit the terminal. The fee is $24, but only $3 per additional passenger, so it's best to travel with a friend. We will have a sign-up sheet at the registration desk, where people will be able to coordinate their return trip.