Course Code:
MIM 101 / Optic Code:
1001 / Consultation Hours: / T-A-C:
4-4-6 / ECTS:
Course Title: / ArchitecturalDesignI
Year/Semester / I/I
Status / Required
Name of the Programme / Architecture
Prerequisites / -
Disabled Students / Disabled students, if need emerges, can talk to the instructor about their private situation
Student Responsibilities / Students are required to come to the class prepared, doing all necessary readings, preparation etc.
Lecturer / Lecturers of Architecture Department
Course Assistant / -
Language of instruction / Turkish
Course Objectives / To teach how to make an architectural design according to human activities, space syntax and space dimension on the house
Learning Outcomes / Designing one-storey house
Contents, learning activities
Week / Topic / Learning Activities
1. / Sketches of the house the students live in / Drawing
2. / Introduction to housing spaces: activities and furniture used / Drawing
3. / Furniture arrangements and designation of dimensions in the housing spaces I / Drawing
4. / Furniture arrangements and designation of dimensions in the housing spaces II / Drawing
5. / Furniture arrangements and designation of dimensions in the housing spaces III / Drawing
6. / Introduction to the housing design (sketch) / Revision
7. / Housing design (arrangement of plans) / Revision
8. / Housing design (arrangement of plans) / Revision
9. / Housing design (arrangement of plans) / Revision
10. / Midterm Exam
11. / Housing design (arrangement of plans and sections) / Revision
12. / Housing design (arrangement of plans and sections) / Revision
13. / Housing design (arrangement of plans, sections and elevations) / Revision
14. / Housing design (arrangement of plans, sections and elevations) / Revision
15. / Housing design (arrangement of plans, sections and elevations) / Revision
16. / Housing design (arrangement of plans, sections and elevations) / Revision
Assessment criteria / If any, mark as (X) / Percent (%)
Midterm Exams / X / 20
Homeworks / X / 30
Attendance and Participation / X / 10
Lab Work
Final Exam / X / 40
Textbook / Material /
Recommended Reading / Krauel, J., Ockrassa, A. (2003).Innovative Houses. Barcelona: Links International.
Mostaedi, A. (2003). Small Living Spaces. Barcelona: Carles Broto & Joseph Ma Minguet.
Arcila, M.T. (2002). Contemporary Houses of the World. Mexico: Atrium International.
Asensio, P. (Ed.). (2002). Spectacular Houses. Madrid: H. Klickzowski
Gür, Ş.Ö. (2000). Doğu Karadeniz Örneğinde Konut. İstanbul: YEM yayınları
Arcan, E.F., Evci, F. (1999). Mimari Tasarıma Yaklaşım I. İstanbul: Tasarım Yayın Grubu.
Pearman, H. (1998). Contemporary World Acrhitecture. London: Phaidon Press.
Cerver, F.A. (Ed.). (1997). Exclusive Houses: New Concepts in Housing Architecture. Barcelona: Atrium International.
Gür, Ş.Ö. (1996). Mekân Örgütlenmesi. Trabzon: Gür Yayıncılık.
Dülgeroğlu(Yüksel), Y. (1995). Konut Mekanı Kavramının Tipolojik Temelleri. İstanbul: ITÜ.
Hoke, J.R. (Ed.). (1994). Architectural Graphic Standards. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
De Chiara, J., Calender, J. (Eds). (1990). Time-Saver Standards for Building Types. Singapore: McGraw-Hill.
Ünügür, S.M. (1989). Bina Tasarımının Temel İlkeleri. İstanbul: İTÜ.
------(1987). The Essential Guide to Contemporary Home Plans. Michigan: Home Planners, Inc.
Course Code:
MIM 103 / Optic Code:
1002 / Consultation Hours: / T-A-C:
2-0-2 / ECTS:
Course Title: / Building Design PrinciplesI
Year/Semester / I/I
Status / Required
Name of the Programme / Architecture
Prerequisites / -
Disabled Students / Disabled students, if need emerges, can talk to the instructor about their private situation
Student Responsibilities / Students are required to come to the class prepared, doing all necessary readings, preparation etc.
Lecturer / Assist.Prof.Dr.Ayhan Bekleyen
Course Assistant / -
Language of instruction / Turkish
Course Objectives / To teach the building design criteria (especially housing design criteria)
Learning Outcomes / Architectural concepts, dimensions of the human, user requirements, human-environment relation, housing design criteria, residential activities, dimensions of the housing spaces, housing space syntax, housing types, basic principles of the housing design
Contents, learning activities
Week / Topic / Learning Activities
1. / Architectural concepts
2. / Dimensions of the human
3. / User requirements and human-environment relations
4. / Housing spaces and activities
5. / Dimensions of the housing spaces
6. / Dimensions of the housing spaces I: Furniture, furniture sizes, furniture arrangements, clearances in the housing spaces / visual presentation
7. / Midterm Exam
8. / Dimensions of the housing spaces II: Furniture, furniture sizes, furniture arrangements, clearances in the housing spaces / visual presentation
9. / Dimensions of the housing spaces III: Furniture, furniture sizes, furniture arrangements, clearances in the housing spaces / visual presentation
10. / Housing space syntax
11. / Basic principles of building design I / visual presentation
12. / Basic principles of building design II / visual presentation
13. / Housing types / visual presentation
14. / Basic principles of housing design I / visual presentation
15. / Basic principles of housing design II / visual presentation
16. / Basic principles of housing design III / visual presentation
Assessment criteria / If any, mark as (X) / Percent (%)
Midterm Exams / X / 30
Homeworks and Termworks / X / 20
Attendance and Participation / X / 10
Lab Work
Final Exam / X / 40
Textbook / Material /
Recommended Reading / Krauel, J., Ockrassa, A. (2003).Innovative Houses. Barcelona: Links International.
Mostaedi, A. (2003). Small Living Spaces. Barcelona: Carles Broto & Joseph Ma Minguet.
Arcila, M.T. (2002). Contemporary Houses of the World. Mexico: Atrium International.
Asensio, P. (Ed.). (2002). Spectacular Houses. Madrid: H. Klickzowski
Gür, Ş.Ö. (2000). Doğu Karadeniz Örneğinde Konut. İstanbul: YEM yayınları
Arcan, E.F., Evci, F. (1999). Mimari Tasarıma Yaklaşım I. İstanbul: Tasarım Yayın Grubu.
Pearman, H. (1998). Contemporary World Acrhitecture. London: Phaidon Press.
Cerver, F.A. (Ed.). (1997). Exclusive Houses: New Concepts in Housing Architecture. Barcelona: Atrium International.
Gür, Ş.Ö. (1996). Mekân Örgütlenmesi. Trabzon: Gür Yayıncılık.
Dülgeroğlu(Yüksel), Y. (1995). Konut Mekanı Kavramının Tipolojik Temelleri. İstanbul: ITÜ.
Hoke, J.R. (Ed.). (1994). Architectural Graphic Standards. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
De Chiara, J., Calender, J. (Eds). (1990). Time-Saver Standards for Building Types. Singapore: McGraw-Hill.
Ünügür, S.M. (1989). Bina Tasarımının Temel İlkeleri. İstanbul: İTÜ.
------(1987). The Essential Guide to Contemporary Home Plans. Michigan: Home Planners, Inc.
Course Code:
Mim 105 / Optic Code:
1003 / Consultation Hours: / T-A-C:
2+2+3 / ECTS:
Course Title: / Basic Design I
Semester / I
Status / Obligatory
Name of the Programme / Architecture
Prerequisites / No
Disable Students / _
Student Responsibilities / Attending the lessons actively. Preparing the practises in class and also preparing the models as homework.
Lecturer / F. Demet AYKAL Assist. Prof. Dr., email:, Tlf:3559
Course Assistant / Y. Berivan ÖZBUDAK AKÇA
Language of instruction / Turkish
Course Objectives / Definition of the elements of basic design; line, direction, shape, size, texture, colour, movement, light, shadow. The principles that help to determine the definition in visual perception foreground and background relations.
Learning Outcomes / The fundamental concepts of architectural design and design skills.
Developing ability and knowledge about compositional principles and their applications in architecture.
Contents, learning activities
Week / Topic / Learning Activities
1. / The Definition of basic design and its subjects / Theorical definition and practicing in class (Modelling them at home as homework)
2. / The definition of basic design elements / Theorical definition and practicing in class (Modelling them at home as homework)
3. / Definition of line / Theorical definition and practicing in class (Modelling them at home as homework)
4. / Definition of direction / Theorical definition and practicing in class (Modelling them at home as homework)
5. / Definition of shape / Theorical definition and practicing in class (Modelling them at home as homework)
6. / Definition of space and colour / Theorical definition and practicing in class (Modelling them at home as homework)
7. / Exam
8. / Definition of texture / Theorical definition and practicing in class (Modelling them at home as homework)
9. / Definition of Size / Theorical definition and practicing in class (Modelling them at home as homework)
10. / Definition of light, shadow and movement / Theorical definition and practicing in class (Modelling them at home as homework)
11. / Visual Comfort perceptions / Theorical definition and practicing in class (Modelling them at home as homework)
12. / Foreground elements / Theorical definition and practicing in class (Modelling them at home as homework)
13. / Background elements / Theorical definition and practicing in class (Modelling them at home as homework)
14. / Foreground and background relations / Theorical definition and practicing in class (Modelling them at home as homework)
15. / Foreground and background relations / Theorical definition and practicing in class (Modelling them at home as homework)
Assessment criteria / If any, mark as (X) / Percent (%)
Midterm Exams / 30
Homeworks / 10
Term Paper
Lab Work
Other (Studio Practices) / 40
Final Exam / 20
Textbook / Material / Güngör, İ. Hulusi, Görsel Sanalar ve Mimarlık İçin Temel Tasar, Yem Yayınları, İstanbul, Ekim 2005,
Denel, Bilgi Temel Tasarım ve YaratıcılıkODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Basım İşliği, Ankara, 1981
Divanlioğlu, Demir Temel Tasar, Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, 1990, New York, 1979.
Recommended Reading / Arnheim, R. Art and Visual Perception. BerkleyUniversity of California Press, 1968.
Ching, F.D.K. Architecture, Form-Space and Order. Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Course Code:
MIM 107 / Optic Code: / Consultation Hours: / T-A-C:2+2 / ECTS:4
Course Title: / Architectural Expression I
Year/Semester / I
Status / Compulsory
Name of the Programme / Architecture
Prerequisites / -
Disable Students / Disabled students, they need information about their own status submitted to the faculty may request the provision of necessary convenience.
Student Responsibilities / Taking into account the content of courses, to prepare for class. To participate in course activities, course given responsibilities (homework, projects, discussion, reading, etc. of the relevant section.) To fulfill.
Lecturer / Asst. Prof.Dr.İclal ALUÇLU, e-mail:, Tel:3569
Course Assistant / Asst. Hale Demir
Language of instruction / Turkish
Course Objectives / To teach thedrawing instruments, their use, scale concept, point-line-dimension interrelations, description of architectural drawing at different scales, drawing of views and cross-sections, and scaling of architectural projects.
Learning Outcomes / The course contains basic rules for architectural education so all the mentioned concepts will improve the students vision towards the architectural occupation.
Theoretical teaching is supported by practices
Contents, learning activities
Week / Topic / Learning Activities
1. / Introduction, description of drawing instruments
2. / How are drawing instruments used / Example applications to
3. / Drawing techniques / Example applications to
4. / Thickness of lines / Example applications to
5. / Kinds of lines / Example applications to
6. / Writing / Example applications to
7. / Exam
9. / Human and flowers graphs / Example applications to
10. / Point-line-dimension relationships / Example applications to
11. / Drawing techniques at different scale / Example applications to
12. / Design at architecture / Example applications to
13. / Drawing of cross-cuts / Example applications to
14. / Drawing of plan view / Example applications to
15. / Scaling of architectural designs / Example applications to
Assessment criteria / If any, mark as (X) / Percent (%)
Midterm Exams / 15
Homeworks / 10
Other / 05
Final Exam / 70
Textbook / Material / Mimarlıkta Teknik Resim Kitabı(Orhan Şahinler, Fehmi Kızıl)
Recommended Reading
Course Code:
MIM 109 / Optic Code:
1005 / Consultation Hours: / T-A-C:
2 / ECTS:
Course Title: / Mathematics I
Year/Semester / I
Status / Required
Name of the Programme / Architecture
Prerequisites / -
Disabled Students / The disabled students can require the necessary ease when they feel the need by informing the lecturer.
Student Responsibilities / Make preparations for the lesson by taking into the considerations about the lesson content. Attend to activities done in the lesson.
Lecturer / Instructor. Nihat Vurgun
Course Assistant / -
Language of instruction / Turkish
Course Objectives / To teach the advanced concepts, laws and theories of mathematic
Learning Outcomes / Examining derivatives, limits and integrals and their application at the architectural education
Week / Reel Numbers
1. / Trigonometric functions
2. / Logarithmic functions
3. / Definition of limit and continuity
4. / Theories of limit and continuity
5. / Derivative and derivable functions
6. / Chain rule and high powered derivatives
7. / Closed derivatives
8. / Approaches
9. / Derivatives applications
10. / Maximum and minimum values
11. / Interior convex
12. / Exam
13. / Drawings of graphics
14. / Applications of drawing graphics
Assessment criteria / If any, mark as (X) / Percent (%)
Midterm Exams / X / 30
Attendance and Participation
Lab Work
Final Exam / X / 70
Textbook / Material /
Recommended Reading / SÜRAY, S., Genel Matematik
ANTON H., Calculus With Analytic Geometry- 5th ed., Anton Textbooks Inc., 1995.
AYDIN S., Analize Giriş, Beta Basın Yayın Dağıtım 1999, İstanbul.
BALLI M., Matematik Analiz Cilt 1, Ank. Ünv. Fen Fak.Yayınları No:142, 1985
SILVERMAR, R.A., Calculus, Prentice-Hall,Inc., 1985
STRANG G., Calculus, Wellesky Cambridge Press, 1991
ÇOKER, D., ÖZER O., TAŞ, K., Genel Matematik, Verso Yayıncılık, 1989
Course Code:
MİM 111 / Optic Code:
1006 / Consultation Hours:
Tuesday, 15:00-17:00 / T-A-C:
2-2-3 / ECTS:
Course Title: / Building Components
Year/Semester / 1 / 1
Status / Required
Name of the Programme / Architecture
Prerequisites / No
Disable Students / The disabled students can require the necessary ease when they feel the need by informing the lecturer.
Student Responsibilities / Make preparations for the lesson by taking into the considerations about the lesson content. Attend to activities done in the lesson.
Lecturer / Dr. İsmail AğaGÖNÜL, e-mail:, Tel:3579
Course Assistant
Language of instruction / Turkish
Course Objectives / To cause the students to gain basic knowledge, concept, principle and skills related to the design and production forms of the building components
Learning Outcomes / By the end of this lesson the student will be able to;
define the building concept, classify the building according to different criterions and explain the systems that form the building.
explain the building project studies and the drawings that it contains.
define the basic concepts related to the building components.
explain the factors that must be taken into consideration when designing the building component.
classify the building components according to their properties.
explain the technologies used for the production of building components and the differences between them.
make building component design at a simple level.
evaluate the material and technique effects over the design and production forms of the building component.
Contents, learning activities
Week / Topic / Learning Activities
1. / Introducing the aim, content, education and evaluation methods of the course / Examination of the course content
2. / Basic knowledge about the building (General building concept, classification of the buildings, the systems that form the building) / Topic expression supported by visual materials, asking questions, answer the questions
3. / Building project studies / Topic expression supported by visual materials, asking questions, answer the questions
4. / Foundations – Foundation soils, application of the project to the ground, excavation and retaining systems / Topic expression supported by visual materials, asking questions, answer the questions
5. / Foundations – Types of foundations / Topic expression supported by visual materials, asking questions, answer the questions
6. / Practice related to foundations / Study at drawing studio
7. / Walls / Topic expression supported by visual materials, asking questions, answer the questions
8. / Practice related to walls / Study at drawing studio
9. / Midterm exam
10. / Floors / Topic expression supported by visual materials, asking questions, answer the questions
11. / Practice related to floors / Study at drawing studio
12. / Roofs / Topic expression supported by visual materials, asking questions, answer the questions
13. / Practice related to roofs / Study at drawing studio
14. / Chimneys / Topic expression supported by visual materials, asking questions, answer the questions
15. / Insulation / Topic expression supported by visual materials, asking questions, answer the questions
16. / Insulation / Topic expression supported by visual materials, asking questions, answer the questions
Assessment criteria / If any, mark as (X) / Percent (%)
Midterm Exams / X / 30
Projects / X / 10
Attendance and Participation
Lab Work
Final Exam / X / 60
Textbook / Material / No
Recommended Reading / Yücesoy, Lemi, Temeller, Duvarlar, Döşemeler, Yapı Endüstri Merkezi Yayınları, İstanbul, 2000.
Binan, Muhittin,Ahşap Çatılar,Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, 1998.
Özdemir, İlker, Yapı Elemanları Ders Notları, Osmangazi Üniversitesi Teknoloji Eğitim Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi, Eskişehir, 1997
Topçu, Ahmet, Betonarme 2 Ders Notları, Osmangazi Üniversitesi Müh. Mim. Fak. İnşaat Müh. Bölümü, Eskişehir, 2007.
Gürer, Cahit, Yapı Teknolojileri, Kocatepe Üniversitesi Teknik Eğitim Fakültesi Yapı Eğitimi Bölümü, Afyonkarahisar, 2008.
Dağsöz, Alpin Kemal, Bacalar, Alp Teknik Kitaplar, 1993.
Özdeniz, Mesut B., Mimari Yapıda Isı ve Yoğuşma Denetimi, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Trabzon Şubesi Yayın No:1, Trabzon, 1987.
Ballast, David Kent, Architect’s Handbook of Construction Detailing, Prentice-Hall Inc., New Jersey, 1990.
Watson, Donald vd. (Ed.), Time-Saver Standards for Architectural Design Data, McGraw Hill, USA, 1997.
Bynum, Richard T., Insulation Handbook, McGraw Hill, USA, 1995.
Nashed, Fred, Time-Saver Details for Exterior Wall Design, McGraw Hill, USA, 1995.
Trechsel, H.R. (Ed.), Moisture Control in Buildings, ASTM Manual Series: MNL18, USA, 1994.
Course Code / Optic Code / Consultation Hours / T-A-C / ETCS
MIM 180 / 1002 / Tuesday,15;00-16;00 / 2+0+2 / 0
Course Title / Atatürk Principles and Revolution History I
Year/Semester / Fall
Status / Compulsory
Name of the Programme / Faculty of Arts and Sciences All programs
Prerequtisites / None
Disable Students / Disabled students, they need information about their own status submitted to the faculty may request the provision of necessary convenience.
Student Responsibilities / Taking into account the content of courses, to prepare for class.
Lecturer / Dr. Bedrettin KOLAÇ (Yrd.Doç.) gsm: +905332502960
Course Assistant / None
Language of instruction / Turkish
Objectives / To teach the establishment of the State of the Republic of Turkey, based on fundamentals and principles gain the ağabeylity of analytical thinking, judging and making comparisons between events.
Outcomes / The end of this course students will define;
Methodological principles, the basic terms and concepts of historical science
The conditions that made Turkish revolution (the Development ofXIX. Century Europe and the Otoman)
The 1st. World War and the state of Ottoman Empire in this war.
The plans and projects of international forces to perform occupations over the Otoman territories
The Independence War of Turkish nation defencing homeland
And finally will comprenend Mustafa Kemal Pashs leading role in Turkish National Liberation War
Contents, learning activities
Week / Topic / Learning activities
1 / Course objectives, content, teaching method, resources and evaluation methods are introduced / Course content review
2 / History of science methodological principles, basic concepts and terms related courses / Discussion, questions and answers
3 / Conditions made Turkish revolution (XIX. Century Europe and the Ottoman developments) / Discussion, questions and answers
4 / Before the First World War, the loss of lands of the Ottoman Empireand the reflects of it on public and state management / Discussion, questions and answers
5 / The output of the First World War, the Ottoman State in seeking the alliance, the alliance with Germany / Discussion, questions and answers
6 / And the Ottoman Empire entered the war and frontages in the war / Discussion, questions and answers
7 / Mid-Term Exam
8 / Sharing of confidential agreements envisaging Ottoman lands, Wilson Peace program, the end of the war, Mondros Armistice Agreement, the invasion / Discussion, questions and answers
9 / Mustafa Kemal Pasha's activities in Istanbul, the Army sent to Anatolia as inspector / Discussion, questions and answers
10 / Paris Peace Conference, Anatolia's future projects put on / Discussion, questions and answers
11 / Mustafa Kemal Pasha's activities in Samsun, Amasya, Havza. Amasya Circular / Discussion, questions and answers
The Sources That Can Be Utilized for the Lesson
