Chattanooga/LaFayette Emmaus Community

Sponsor's Information

Name ______Best Phone (______)______

Address: ______2nd Phone (______)______

City ______State ______Zip ______

E-mail address ______Date of Birth______

Location and date of your Walk to Emmaus ______Walk # ______

Are you now in a reunion group? Y N Do you now receive the Newsletter? Y N

How long have you known this candidate? ______

How many candidates have you sponsored _______ During the last year? ______

Why do you feel that this person would be a good candidate? ______


Does the candidate have the physical and mental health needed for a Walk to Emmaus Weekend? Y N

If No, please explain. ______

Does your candidate have a physical need that requires him/her to need a bottom bunk? Y N

Responsibilities of a sponsor:

Have you explained the Walk to Emmaus weekend with your candidate? Y N

If the candidate is married, have you discussed the Walk with their spouse? Y N N/A

Have you discussed follow-up, reunion groups, and the Emmaus Community with your candidate? Y N

Has your candidate filled out the information on the reverse side completely? Y N

Sponsorship is a very important act of agape. Will you:

Bring your candidate to the Emmaus send-off? Y N

Attend sponsor's hour (or have someone attend in your place)? Y N

Care for the needs of your candidate's family over the weekend if necessary? Y N N/A

Attend candlelight? Y N Attend closing? Y N

Bring your candidate to the follow-up meeting? Y N

Assist your candidate in joining an Emmaus Reunion Group? Y N

Are you aware of the importance of minimal contact with your candidate during the weekend, especially if the candidate is your spouse? Y N

Have you enclosed the $50.00 registration fee? Y N Total walk cost: $150.00

Please mail the completed applications and $50.00 fee to the following address:

Candy Royer, Registrar

Chattanooga/Lafayette Emmaus Community

3301 Leggett Road

Sale Creek, TN 37373

Email address:

Revised 05/2018