KEY Academy: 7th Grade 2016-2017

KEY Academy Course Overview: In the 7th grade, students will be exposed to a wide variety of language based, historical, mathematical, and scientific concepts that will serve as a foundation for their future education at the high school level. Curriculum is based off of the California Common Core Standards and will be supplemented by course specific textbook information. Copies of the 7th grade instructional standards are available on the California State Department of Education website.

Text Resources: Each subject of study has an accompanied textbook to use a reference and guide. These will all be available in the classroom during normal school hours.

Teacher Information: Ms. Annalise Petriello (Ms. Annalise)

Key Academy Email: - This is a great way to contact me, as I check my email very frequently and I will get reply to you shortly.

Parent Contact Information: Please provide the best method of contact (on the following page), so that I may promptly notify you of any important information regarding your student or the classroom.


Weight / Grading Element
60% / Assessment products: tests, quizzes, performance tasks, final writing assignments, individual projects
40% / Process: learning activities that lead to assessment products (class-work, homework)

Homework policies:

-Homework will be written on the board and students are expected to write it down every day. I will also be posting homework online under the homework section of my profile on the school website. My profile can be found at .

-Late Work: It’s important to remember that assignments should be turned in on the date that they are due. This is the habit of a responsible student. For every day late, an assignment loses 10% of its overall grade. You will not be able to get “makeup work” or “extra credit” near the end of the term.

Materials Needed in Class

While you are not required to purchase any of these items, this is a list of the most crucial items that your student needs to bring to class each day. Material in the 7th grade is complex, so organization of subjects in specific folders and a designated spiral notebook for each subject is required.

•5 Spiral or Composition Notebooks – College ruled – One for each subject (4) and one for writing down homework (a planner is sufficient instead of this 5th notebook).

•4 Pocket Folders OR 4 Binders OR 1 binder with 4 sections


Please contact me if you need any assistance acquiring these items. A more detailed materials list is available in the office. Individual materials are needed by Friday, August 26th.

Appreciated Donations for the Class

Priority supplies: Kleenex, paper towels, pencils, writing paper (college ruled), scissors, Clorox wipes

Additional supplies: post-it notes, colored markers, colored pencils, dry erase markers, construction paper, poster paper, spiral notebooks, highlighters, rulers, pens

Adult Volunteers

Parent volunteering is encouraged and parents are a valuable resource in the classroom. Please contact Ms. Annalise through email in advance to coordinate your participation on any given day.

Remind Text Service

I will send out class reminders via the Remind texting service ( If you would like to receive these messages, please text “@key7B” to 81010. You may also message me through this service.

Key Academy 7th Grade Contract


  1. I will come to class prepared and on time.
  2. I will sit quietly in my assigned seat unless permitted to speak or leave my seat by Ms. Annalise.
  3. I will respect myself, others and school property.
  4. I will complete each task with my optimum effort.


I know that I am to behave in an appropriate, positive and respectful manner AT ALL TIMES. Here are the consequences for inappropriate behavior:

1)Verbal warning

2)Seat moved/conference with teacher

3) Sent from room/conference with teacher/phone call home/recess detention and action plan

4) Lunch and/or after-school detention with Ms. Annalise (1 hour)

5)Discipline referral


1)I am aware that academic dishonesty, cheating, and plagiarism (passing off another person’s work as your own) are serious offenses and subject to disciplinary action. Plagiarized work will result in a zero for that assignment and an after school detention. (Illegible work and work without a name will also earn zero [0] points.)

2)I am aware that homework is due at the beginning of the day and that Ms. Annalise deducts 10% per day late for late work.

3)If I am absent, I am responsible for collecting my work from the absent bin and turning it in on the designated due date. The work will be due within a number of days equal to the number of days absent (i.e. an absence of two days will result in the missed work being due two days after I return). Any assigned work due the day of my absence is due promptly the day I return.

4)I know that I may redo any assignment that has a scoring guide if I am unhappy with the grade I earned, but I must do so within three (3) days of receiving the grade. Points taken away for turning work in late may not be regained.

5)I know that there is no extra credit last week of term.

6)I will write down my homework assignment(s) every day.

7)I understand the class rules and that there are consequences for choosing not to follow the rules.

8)I appreciate that Ms. Annalise’s door is always open if I need help, have a question, or would like to do enrichment/make-up work. I can arrange in advance to see her at lunch/recess or after school.

9)Progress reports will be sent home regularly. It is my responsibility to return the signed paper reports to Ms. Annalise the following school day.

Signed (student):______Date:______

Signed (parent): ______

Best method of contact for parent/guardian: ______

Student, please print your name here:______