The Social Groups of Ancient Rome


·  Wealthy landowners

·  Boys were educated by private tutors

·  Studied public speaking and law

·  Privileges: excused from some military duties, could become emperor, little work


·  Rome’s working class; little power

·  Most could not write

·  A rebellion of plebeians could be very powerful

·  Sometimes received free grain and entertainment to keep them happy


·  Valued as wives and mothers

·  In early times, subject to authority of father or husband

·  Later, allowed to own a business

·  Female slaves were very common

·  No role in government, but could influence


·  Most successful and disciplined army

·  Minimum term of service is 20 years

·  Sword (gladius), javelin (pilum), helmet, armor, shield, and a pack of supplies

·  Retired soldiers entitled to a plot of land to farm


·  Leaders from patrician family

·  Lawmakers, controlled spending

·  Could move up through different government positions, including consul

·  Priveleges: reserved seating at public ceremonies and games, could wear purple striped toga