“The Street That Got Mislaid” Student Response Questions #1
- Identify the author’s use of the literary devices: put the name of the literary device in one column and the quote – the example- in another column.Further, you must explain WHY the author used this LD at this time- what is the purpose to thestory in using each LD. Learning Outcomes: become proficient in identifying LD use and purpose; become proficient in formatting for this linear type of assignment; become proficient in using quotes, points of ellipsis and, footnotes.
- Analyze and comment on the author’s use of the elements of fiction.Identify what E of F’s are being used in each section of the story and explain WHY, in your opinion,the author chose to use that particular E of F in the story.Learning Outcomes:understand the Plot Diagram template and how authors use the elements in different styles and for different purposes.
- How did you feel and what did you learnat the end of the story and why?(identification and explanation of the theme) Main purpose- how proficient are you in using the WF (is your statement clearlyworded?; do you provide a detailedexplanation to support your statement?; do you also provide ‘proof’ in the form of quotes from the story to support your point of view? Learning Outcomes: thepromotion of metacognitive thinking and the effective methods of communicating your thoughts and validating them (WF)
- Chart the story using your choice of a plot visual and either tactile or electronic production.Learning Outcomes:how proficient are you in applying knowledge of plot charts and purpose to this story?
Introduction consists of character(s), setting(s), may hint or state the conflict
Setting: (time, place, mood)
Oven St., City Hall, Green Bottle St.
What kind of setting, how is it set up, how does the setting affect/influence Marc
Character: Marc, engineers, Louis, the landlady, Ms Trudale,
The characters are used to show both conflict and tension. You show how these characters are used to develop the plot, creating different moods both in the story and in Marc, the main character.You must show how character is used to develop the theme.
Rising Action:you must explain the main events that create tension and conflict because their purpose is to develop the theme.You must identify the main events first, then explain why the author created these events which develop the theme. (no more than 5 ME)
Climax:what is it and where does it occur? How did the author lead the storyline up to the climax? Comment on tension and conflict- highest point. (what is the author’s purpose in this climax)
Denouement: how does the story end and why does the author craft/build the ending this way (purpose both to the reader and the main character)