The Smile Too Programme

Smile Too

The Smile Too Programme focuses on the promotion of healthy eating and oral health within pre-five establishments, as it is widely acknowledged that establishing healthy eating habits at an early age is important to ensure a balanced and varied diet which can then continue into adulthood.

Nursery staff are able to play a significant role in promoting good health by working with children, parents and carers on a daily basis.

The Smile Too Programme pack is a practical tool for nursery staff to enable a holistic approach to strategic guidelines, translating key policy documents and pre-five curriculums into tangible activities and ideas whilst recognising and accrediting what is achieved.

The ideas and activities within the Smile Too pack link to and translate national and local curriculum aims into action, for example;

  • Collaborating with other agencies (Curriculum framework for children 3-5 years)
  • Performance indicator 4.1 Care Routines (Child at the Centre)
  • Health and Wellbeing Standard 3 (National Care Standards)

Pre-5 Establishments

Within West Glasgow CHCP the Oral Health Action Team currently engages with 70 pre-5 centres. These include private, partnership, nursery school, extended day nurseries and family centres.


Of the 70 pre-5 centres 69 participate in the Smile Too programme and facilitate toothbrushing for children.


44 pre-5 centres achieved the Smile Too Award in May 2007, 14 centres in May 2008 and 11 centres are currently working towards the award.


Staff Training- Updated annually by OHAIT for pre-5 staff- see training section for more information

Toothbrushing Programme- Toothbrushing should be facilitated on a daily basis for all children. All resources are supplied through the OHAT. The programme is supported and monitored by Community Nursery Nurses.

Healthy Snack Policy- Snack policies should be reviewed annually by pre-5 centres. Snacks should be nutritious and sugar-free. Guidelines around birthdays and celebrations should be included.

Health Promoting Activities- Pre-5 centres should include Oral Health and Nutrition in their short/long term plans. Please see activities section for ideas.

Community Engagement- This element requires pre-5 centres to make links with the wider community to further children’s’ knowledge of Oral Health and Nutrition for example, dental visits, Gladigator, visiting a local shop to buy healthy foods etc.

Dental Information Station- Each establishment is required to display Oral Health information for parents and visitors at least once per year. Please see our photo gallery for some examples.