1. All students are urged to be present at all class meetings. If you are checked out for any

reason, you are counted absent. School related absences DO NOT count as an absence.

2. The Bedford County Board of Education has ruled that any student who misses over 15 days

in anyone class will fail that class for the year. Do not miss class unless you absolutely

have to! School related absences DO NOT count as an absence.

3. It is the student's responsibility to make up any and all work missed by an excused

absence. You will have five (5) school days upon your return to school to do this.

4. All students are to be in their assigned seats when the tardy bell rings.

5. All students are required to bring any needed materials with them each day. These

materials must include their textbook, paper (loose leaf) and a pencil or a pen. Make sure

thatyou bring any homework to be turned in. No one will be allowed to return to their

lockers after the bell rings.

6. Do not bring any mp3 players, electronic games or other devices to class. If these types of

articlesfind their way into the Lab, they will be confiscated. “Smart” Phones or Tablets

may be used but only with prior approval.


8. All homework is to be turned in at the required time. Late work is accepted but only with a

substantial reduction in grade. Workshouldbe done in pencil or ink (blue or black only).

Be sure your name is in the upperright-handcorner on both sides of your paper. Also,

please refrain from putting anygraffition your work. Please be sure your work is neat and

legible. Illegible work will not be accepted.

9. Proper conduct is required to wisely utilize our time and materials. Do not talk or cause

disturbances during class. If you have a question or wish to make comment, signal the

instructor in an appropriate manner.

10. There will be no extra credit work assigned. You will have an ample chance to makeyour

grades without additional work.

11. Do not enter the Prep Room unless instructed to do so. Also, please do nottamper with any

demonstration, experiment or equipment that may be set up in the Lab.

12. Each individual is expected to do their own work unless projects or team work is assigned.

Anyone who is found to have received outside help on any assignment or test may receive

any or all of the following:

A. Immediate termination of and a zero for the

particular assignment/test,

B. A misconduct report and/or After-School Detention,

C. Referral to the office.

13. Your Nine-Weeks grade is determined by averaging Daily grades (quizzes, etc.),

Homework gradesand Test grades. Each category of grades carries the following “weight”:

Daily Grades (25%), Homework Grades (25%) and Test Grades (50%). The one lowest

dailygrade will bedropped. NO Homework or Testgrades may be dropped.

14. Students enrolled in Chemistry will be assessed a Lab Fee of $10.00. This fee is due by

theend of the first Quarter (Nine Weeks). Be sure you get a receipt when you pay your fee.

15. Familiarize yourself with the location and proper use of all emergency equipment, i.e. the

Eyewash, Shower, Fume Hood, Fire Blanket and Fire Extinguisher.

16. Diagrams explaining Tornado and Fire Drills ate posted. Please consult these diagrams

often soyou will know what to do in the event ofan emergency.

17. Before leaving class each day, please pick up loose paper, books, etc. and straighten your seats.

18. All waste paper is to be placed in the appropriate receptacles. Do not put papers, broken

pencilsor other waste materials in the sinks.

19. Students of Community High School have the opportunity to exempt from Final Exams if

specific academic and attendance standards are met. In order to be exempted from an exam,

thestudent must meet one of the following criteria:

A. An “A” average with no more than 5 absences;

B. A “B” average with no more than 3 absences; or

C. A “C” average with NO absences,

No student may exempt from a semester class or a class in which they are earning a half

credit. REMEMBER, exemption is NOT a right, it is a privilege that must be earned.

The final determination of whether to exempt or not will be made by the instructor!

20. If, at any time you feel that you have been treated unjustly or unfairly, please talk with me in

private during your free period. Do not use class time to discuss personal grievances.