The MSc Thesis
The size of the MSc thesis has to be between 35- 50 pages.
One printed copy of the MSc thesis has to be given to the “Office of Education and Quality Assurance”. One electronic version of the thesis on CD (name, course and title of the thesis labelled on the disk)has to be attached to the printed copy.
An electronic copy of the thesis should be given to the Agricultural Sciences Library,and it should be uploaded to the Electronic Archive of the DebrecenUniversity.
Content and formal requirements of the thesis
1. Proposed structure of the thesis
- Title
- Contents
- Introduction
- Aim of the thesis
- Literature overview
- Materials and Methods
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusions
- Summary
- References
- Declaration
2. Formal requirements of the thesis
2.1. Structure of the book jacket(Annex 1.)
Outer book jacket: black, hard canvas.
Size:21,5 x 30,5 cm.
Captions (with golden letters):MSC THESIS
Caption of the inner book jacket: (Annex 1.)
- University, Faculty, Department, head of the department
- Title of the MSc thesis
- Name of the author and the course (eg.: John Smith“candidate of Animal Science MSc.”)
- Name and position of the supervisor
- Place (Debrecen) and year of writing the thesis
The content should be placed right after the inner book jacket with decimal numbers.
2.2. Format of the thesis
Paper size of the thesis is A/4 with 1.5 line space. Margins are: left 3 cm, right 2 cm, upper and lower 3-3 cm. Font type is Times New Roman and size is 12pp.
Tables and figures should be A/4 sized or its multiple.
The content and aesthetics value of the thesis can be improved with easily understandable tables, figures and photos.
All tables and figures have to be titled and numbered. The title and the number have to be over the tables and below the figures. Each of them has to be cited at the script. Notation of the SI (Systéme International d'Unités) should be followed for physical quantities.
2.3. Suggested sections of the thesis
2.3.1. In the case of agricultural and natural sciences
Short, understandable, describe the content of the thesis.
Shows the theoretical and practical importance of the work (max. 2 pages). of the study
Justify the own researches and aims (1-2 pages). overview
Citing relevance previous studies closely related to the work.The results of the cited studies have to be critically analysed and evaluated. Volume is up to 15-20% of the work. How to cite references is shown in 2.4. and Methods
Materials and methods used in the analyses and evaluations have to be described precisely and detailed. The volume is no more than 10-15% of the total work. and Discussion
This section contains the results of the analyses and evaluations. Results suggested to sum in tables and described with figures. The reliability of the results have to be proven with special statistical methods.
It is important, that the candidate has to explain his/her results precisely and transparency. The results has to be compared with other research results.
The volume of this section is 40-50% of the thesis.
The conclusions of the previously shown results should be interpreted here. Suggestions for practical utilizations can be written also here. Size of this section is 2-3 pages.
the summary is no longer than 3 pages (the sum of the thesis in 3 pages). Shortly describes the circumstances of the analyses and the main aims. The main results and conclusions also have to be shown here. The brief and clear explanation is important.
The sections have to be decimally numbered except the “Introduction” and “Summary”.
-the main sections with a single number (1., 2., 3., etc),
-the subsections with two or three numbers (1.1., 1.2., or 1.1.1., 1.1.2., etc.)
2.4. How to cite references
2.4.1. With citing the name of the author: the nameof the author followed by the year of the publication. (DOHY, 1984.)
2.4.2.In case of three or more authors: the correct name of the first author, “et al.”.The exact publication year (DÁNIEL et al., 1975). If there are two authors, both names have to be written ( HEROLD-TAKÁCS, 1984.)
2.4.3.With citing a concluded factthe description of the fact followed by the author and publication year of the study within bracketse.g.:“During the analysis of the various hybrid and parent line genotypes the top of the plants were taken into account” (WESTLAKE, 1963.).
2.4.4.For more authors: the description of the fact followed by the name of the first author, “et al.”, comma, year. (“Gödöllői beltenyésztett kukoricavonalak röntgen gamma és neutron besugárzással korábbi érésű fehérjében gazdag mutánst kaptak (BÁLINT et al., 1979.)).”
2.4.5.For studies describing the same fact: the description of the fact, the authors are listed separated with semicolons within brackets. E.g.: “Relationship between the biotechnology and future agriculture is analysed by various authors(HESZKY, 1984., DOHY, 1984.).”
2.4.6.For more than one publication of the same author from the same year: thename of the author and the year followed by “a”, “b”, ”c”etc..
The name of the authors is written uppercase in the body of the text. In case of word-by-word citations the text have to be written between quotation marks.
2.4.7.Internet citation, in the order of the citation I1, I2,.. .In.
2.5. References
The references have to be exact and meet with the Hungarian and international requirements. The references contain all referred studies in alphabetical order.
Studies can be in the references when the candidate used it and cited it in the thesis.
The references should contain the title of all studies exactly for the search ability of the biographical entities.
2.5.1.Tostudies published in journals: last name (uppercase),first letter of the surname, dot, colon, year of publication, title of the paper, dot, name of the journal,dot, place of publication, dot, volume, dot, issue, dot, page, dot. (PAPP Cs.-Kiss L.-Oláh P.: Búzafajták fejlődéselemzése. Növénytermelés 10. 231-244. p.). If there are more than one paper from an author in the same year, alphabets should be written after the publication year.
In case of not Hungarian author, there is a comma after the last name followed by the first letter of the surname and a dot. (DONNER,M.:2001. The Motivation ..Manage Science, N.Y. 125-130 p.)
2.5.2.Reference to books: name(s) of the author(s), colon, publication year, dot, title of the book, dot, name of the publisher, comma, place of the publication, number of pages of the book. (NEMESSÁLYI Zs.: 1982. Amelléktermékek felhasználása. Bp. Mezőgazdasági Kiadó, 151 p., vagy IZSÓ I.-SZÉP K..-MOLNÁR K.-RÉZ A.: 1961. A szántóföldi kísérletezés Bp. Mezőgazdasági Kiadó, 108p.)
If the sections of the book is written by different authors, then the name(s) of the author(s) of the section, publication year, titleof the section, name of the editor and the range (from…to) of the section have to be given. (PÁSZTOR K.: Szántóföldi kísérletek. In: Növénytermesztési praktikum. 1981. Szerk. KOVÁTS A. Bp. Mezőgazdasági Kiadó, 366-382. p.)
2.5.3.Reference to studies published in periodic publications:
To presentations of congresses and conferences: can include when the book of the congress or conference contains the full paper or abstract of the presentation. Name of the author (who took the presentation), title of the presentation, title of the congress/conference, aim of the congress (if exist and contained in the congress book), name, number (Arabic numerals), date andplace of the congress/conference, name and volume of the congress book, editor of the book, organizers of the congress, place, year, publisher of the publication, first and last page number of the presentation of the author (HEROLD I. - SZABÓ P. 1982. A bentonit, mint ásványi takarmány kiegészítő anyag hatása a sertés termelésére és takarmányértékesítésére. In: Az iparszerű sertéshústermelés tapasztalatai. Georgikon Napok. 24. 1982. augusztus 23-24. Keszthely. Szerk.: SZABÓ ÁRPÁD. KESZTHELY. 1983. KATE, 289-295. p.)
2.5.4.Referring to patents: name of the country and the keyword ‘patent’in Hungarian or other language, the number, class, group, owner, title and date of the patent. (Patent. 167 715 Dr.BOCZ ERNŐ - Dr. SZÁSZ GÁBOR Methods for irrigation of soils with groundwater at more than 2.5 m depth. 1972. 01.29.)
2.5.5.Internet referenceshaveto be handled separately in the references section with different citations with “I” referring to the Internetand numbered (e.g.:I1, I2, I3, In). In case of Internet citations, the reference has to contain the precise internet address up to the file name of the document and the date of the download.E.g.:I4: Eszterházy Károly Főiskola Andragógiai és Közművelődési Tanszék (2008). Tanszéktörténet. In: 2008. 09. 04. 12.15 h.
2.6. The student declares that the thesis is his/her own work after the References section (an example in Annex 3.).
1. sz. melléklet
1. sz. melléklet
MSc. Thesis
John Smith
If the supervisor belongs to Faculty of Applied Economics and Rural DevelopmentUniversity of Debrecen, Faculty of Applied Economics and Rural Development
Name of the Institute
Title of the thesis
John Smith
Candidate of Animal Science MSc.
Dr. John Doe
assistant professor / If the supervisor belongs to the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management
Name of the Institute
Title of the thesis
John Smith
Candidate of Animal Science MSc.
Dr. John Doe
assistant professor
Annex 3.
...... in my criminal and disciplinary perjury and certify that the dissertation is the result of my own work. Literatures were used correctly the thesis has complied with legislation.
Date of birth:.....