The SINTEF and NTNU CCS Award is given to individuals for outstanding achievements within the field of carbon capture, transport and storage (CCS). The achievements can be within:

  • Scientific contributions and breakthroughs
  • Novel schemes for CCS
  • Increased knowledge and dissemination of CCS
  • Promoting and initiating CCS for pilot, demo and full scale

The achievements should be of relevance to SINTEF and NTNU. How this should be of relevance, is however left for the committee to deliberate.

The award is presented by SINTEF and NTNU.

Criteria for the awards

  1. The award is given to an individual.
  1. The contributionof the candidate shall be of outstanding excellence and internationally acknowledgement according to the previous designated fields of action.
  1. The candidate shall have played a key role in the contribution or achievement.

Award frequency

The award is given every second year in connection with The Trondheim Conferenceseries on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage (TCCS).

The award is a natural part of the extensive communications effort associated with the Conference.

Procedures for obtaining nominations

A Selection Committee (hereafter: Committee) is selected among highly respected and well-known individuals with extensive knowledge and scientific excellence in the multifaceted field of CCS. The Committee representation should cover the whole value chain.

The Committee shall consist of at least 3 members, representing the international CCS community.

The Committee is ideally comprised of individuals currently or previously associated with the TCCS scientific committee, with the opportunity to recruit consultants as required.

The Committee shall ensure that the call for nominations is conducted in an open and effective manner and that anyone interested in proposing a candidate is permitted to do so. The Committee is approved by the CEO of SINTEF and the Rector at NTNU, and the Chair of the Committee will be the current Chair of the TCCS Conference or a person designated by the Chair of the current TCCS Conference.

Process for nominating Candidates

The Committee shall issue a call for nominations that will be sent to TCCS Scientific Committee no later then three months before the TCCS Conference starts. A nomination form is attached for use by the nominators. The nomination process will for all practical purposes be open for NTNU and SINTEF employees. However, the Scientific Committee members of the current TCCS conference shall have the right to also nominate candidates. The Committee may also evaluate nominees from other individuals; this is up to the Committee to decide.

A nomination deadline should be established by the Committee (approximatelyone month in advance of the TCCS Conference). The nominations will be collected and made available for the Committee work through the conference secretariat.

Process for selecting Awardees

The Committee Chairperson shall circulate the nominations to the other Committee members and request their ranking of the submitted nominations. The Chairperson shall, based on the rankings, propose a candidate and request approval from the other committee members. The basis for the selection shall be made in writing and the deliberation shall be unanimous.

The final candidate shall then be submitted to the CEO of SINTEF and Rector of NTNU for approval. The Committee Chairperson shall establish deadlines for these various steps in order to permit adequate time for preparation of the awards.

SINTEF and NTNU wants the SINTEF and NTNU CCS Award to be a prestigious prize, and therefore the requirements for being found worthy as a winner should be tough. In lack of worthy candidate, the Committee may choose not to select any candidates.

Award instrument

The award winner shall receive a stipendium of NOK 25000 and free participation at the next TCCS conference. A plaque unique for the award will be given to the awardees. A designated slot will also be made in the conference program for the awarded. This would bea lecture of 20 minutes on a topic decided by the awarded.

Cost of the awards will be absorbed by SINTEF and NTNU

Presentation of the Awards

The awards will be presented at the banquet held in conjunction with the TCCS Conference. The current TCCS Chairperson will have responsibility for arranging this presentation in conjunction with the Chairperson of the Organizing Committee.

The Committee chairperson is responsible for producing a short deliberation about the candidate. This will be announced during the ceremony, and may also be posted on the TCCS, SINTEF and NTNU website.