NCFOA – Forward Pass Quiz
1)A forward pass is thrown with its initial direction towards the opponent’s endline. (T/F) True 2-31
2)A12 is contacted by B23 prior to releasing his pass. A12’s arm is moving forward as the ball is released. The ball, however, ends up going backwards where it is recovered by B75. 1st and 10 for B? No, Incomplete forward pass. 2-31-2 note.
3)1/10 @ A’s 35. A’s forward pass is simultaneously caught by A88 and B21 @ B’s 40. A88 eventually pulls the ball free and advances to B’s 20. Status? 1/10 for A @ B’s 40. 4-2-2-c. Ball becomes dead when forward pass simultaneously caught by opposing players.
4)A passer continues to be a passer until his forward pass crosses the NZ. (T/F) False. 2-32-11. Until the legal forward pass ends or he moves to participate in the play.
5)When does a forward pass end? 2-31-4 When it is caught, touches the ground or goes out of bounds.
6)A12 throws a forward pass that is batted back by B75. A12 catches the ball and completes a forward pass to A88. Legal? No, 7-5-1 Only one forward pass may be thrown in the down
7)A12 throws a forward pass that is batted back by B75. A51 catches the ball and advances 12 yards. Legal? Yes. 7.5.6.b All A players become eligible when B touches a legal forward pass.
8)A12 throws a forward pass this deflects off the back of A51 who is (a)behind his LOS and (b) in or beyond his LOS. A64 catches the pass in the air and advances 12 yards. Legal? (a) No. 7.5.13 Illegal touching on A64. Not on A51. (b) No. No Illegal touching on A51, but also OPI (7-5-10-a) if caught beyond LOS on A51, possible illegal man downfield. Illegal touching by A64. Casebook 7.5.13
9)A99 who is on the end of his scrimmage line catches a touchdown pass. Ruling? TD 7.5.6.a
10)When do pass interference restrictions begin for A? At the snap, 7-5-8-a
11)When do pass interference restrictions begin for B? When the ball leaves the passer’s hand. 7-5-8-b
12)A12’s pass is tipped by B75 at the LOS. (a) A2 then interferes with B7 or (b) B7 then interferes with A2. Ruling? No PI in either a or b. 7-5-7. Importance of the U in making the ‘tip’ call.
13)B7, who knows he is beat, intentionally tackles A20 while a legal forward pass is in the air. Ruling? DPI & Unsportsmanlike on B7 both enforced.
14)B7 tackles A22 while A5’s legal forward pass is in the air. A22 is in or behind the NZ? No DPI, holding on B7 though. 7.5.7
15)A51 advances 4 yards beyond the LOS, then retreats back behind the NZ. Once he is behind the NZ, A12 completes a legal forward pass to A88 deep downfield. Legal? No. Illegal man downfield 7-5-12
16)Faceguarding is a form of forward pass interference. (T/F) True for A and B. 7.5.10.b
17)If a legal forward pass is not deemed catchable by an official on a play in which there is forward pass interference, there is no foul. (T/F) False, no such provision in NFHS.
18)A12 throws a legal forward pass to A88 beyond the NZ. While trying to make the interception B17 tips the ball in the air. While the ball is in the air, B17 pushes A88, who is trying to catch the tipped ball. B24 catches the tipped ball. Ruling? No PI. B’s ball 7.5.7. Pass interference restrictions end once the ball is touched.
19)A88 is near the sideline where he goes up in the air and makes a catch. B17 drives him out of bounds before he comes down inbounds. In the opinion of the covering official A88 would have come down in bounds. Catch or no catch? Catch 2-4-1
20)A12 is in shotgun formation. He takes the snap and immediately ‘spikes’ the ball to stop the clock? Legal? No 7-5-2-e Illegal forward pass.
21)To be considered an illegal forward pass, the passer must have both feet beyond the NZ. (T/F) False. 7-5-1 one foot.
22)3rd/1 @ A’s 40. A12 runs to A’s 47 where he’s about to be tackled. A12 throws the ball forward underhand in attempt to simulate a fumble. The ball goes out of bounds at midfield. Ruling/status? A is guilty of an illegal forward pass enforced at the spot of the pass. A still makes the 1st down. 1/10 @ A’s 42.
23)3rd/10 @ A’s 40. A12, who is pressured, gets outside of his tackles and into the flat where he throws the ball, at A’s 35, downfield in an attempt to avoid a sack. No eligible A receivers occupy the area in which A12 has thrown the ball. Ruling? Illegal Forward pass. 4th/20 @ A’s 30.
24)A12 throws a screen to A44 behind the NZ. Before the pass A75, A51 and A64 are downfield 5 yards beyond the NZ blocking for A44. Ruling? No Problem, ball has not crossed the NZ. 7-5-12
25)1st/10 @A’s 20. A75 receives the snap from center and runs to A’s 16. He then retreats back behind the NZ where he completes a TD pass to A99. Ruling. TD