Newsletter 2014 – 2015

Malta March 2014

Once again The GLARAC Service of Remembrance took place in The National Maritime Museum in Vittoriosa Malta. We had 80 people in attendance some of whom had travelled from The UK. Our main Dignitaries were The British High Commissioner to Malta, The Mayor of Birgu, & our old Friend and Member Fredrick Cutajar The Mayor of St.Lucia.

The Service was conducted by an old Friend of GLARAC, The Reverend Keith Boughey who originally attended as a visitor, but due to a Roman Catholic Priest not being available as The Service was due to commence, stepped into the breach and performed an inspirational Service particularly his rendition in English of The Poem Flower of The Sea,by Edward Butters. This had followed The Poem being read out in The Maltese Language. During The Service the Names of The Fallen Maltese Crewmen were read out. A Roman Catholic Priest had arrived at the last moment and he performed The Act of The Blessing at the completion of The Service.

Mrs. Mary Iraci had organised for The Last Post & Reveille to be sounded during The Service by The Hamrun Boy Scouts Buglers.

Following The Service, an inscribed China Tankard was presented toMr.SavoirAzzapardion behalf of GLARAC by David G. Emery MBE (Hon. Treasurer GLARAC) for all his endeavours in making the Occasion such a success. Mrs. Mary Iraci was also presented with a Bouquet of Flowers for all her efforts in contacting all the Maltese Members who attended.

Following the Official proceedings, a Buffet was provided & the occasion carried on Socially with everyone studying The Boards that Savoir Azzapardi had prepared, showing Photographs and a short History of The Maltese Crewmen who had been lost on board The Glorious.

Mr. David G.Emery MBE was thanked by Mr.FreddieMahlia for all the work that he had put in over The Years in arranging for The Service of Remembrance to take place & also the preparation of The Service of Remembrance.

The day proved to be a great success and it was requested that the Service take place in the following year 2015.

Service of Remembrance Martindale

A Service of Remembrance took place in The Church at Martindale Cumbria. The Church has a window dedicated to a Member of the Crew of The Glorious whose family worshipped there. In attendance were our Hon. Life President, Mr. David Woodcock, Mrs. Jane Powles our Hon. Secretary, Mr. Ian Fowlie our Hon. Distribution Manager. Other members of The Association also attended. Following The Service Members of The Association attended a Social gathering in The Howtown Hotel.

Alrewas June 6th. 2014

Memberswho were able to, met at The National Arboretum, Alrewas, & a short Service of Remembrance was held. A Cross of Poppies was placed on The Plaque by Mrs.Young of Acocks Green to Honour The Men who were lost on that fateful day, June 8th 1940. The Service had been prepared by David Emery MBE (our Hon. Treasurer) and conducted by our David Woodcock ( Hon. Life Pres.). The Last Post & Reveille was played by Malcolm Knight on his Magic Bugle. Following The Service a Presentation was made to our outgoing (Hon Secretary George Lowdon) for all The Sterling work that he had done over the years, this included the setting up of The Association and all his preparation of The Written Constitution for The Association.

All members present thanked George for everything that he had done over the years.

The Hoe Plymouth June 7th. 2014

A social gathering was held in The Holiday Inn and quite a few people renewed old acquaintances with other members of GLARAC.

Plymouth Saturday June 8th. 2014 1030 hours

The AGM took place in The Holiday Inn Plymouth.The appointment of Committee Members were approved David Woodcock (DW) would continue in his Roll of Hon. Life President, David Emery MBE (DE) would continue as Hon.Tres. VinnyMarcroft (VM) would continue as Membership Secretary, Gary Martin (GM) would continue as WEB Site Manager. Two new appointments were confirmed, Jane Powles (JP) was confirmed as The New Hon. Secretary, Ian Fowlie (IF) was appointed The Distribution Manager in place of Kevin Walsh, who had retired due to ill Health. Doug & Margaret Healis agreed to continue to Print all the mail-shots for the future and Greg Monteith agreed to continue as liaison Officer for The Service of Remembrance held at The Cenotaph in London on The Occasion of Remembrance Day.

The Treasurer (DE) gave his Financial Report which was accepted & agreed by all present. The Committee agreed that a Subscription to be a member of The Association would not be put into place but Members of The Association would be relied on to give a Donation towards The Administration & all Future Presentations that were deemed necessary to continue to perpetuate The Memory of The Crewmen who were lost on that fateful day. June 8th. 1940.

Saturday June 8th.2014 1600 hours

A short Service of Remembrance took Place on The Hoe in front of The Royal Naval Memorial. The Service took place in front of The Memorial Plaque that contained the names of The Davenport Crewmen who were lost on The Three Ships. The Crewmen of TheAcasta are listed on The Memorial at Portsmouth. The Service was prepared by our Treasurer (DE) & conducted by our Life President (DW)

Saturday June 8th.2014 1930 hours

This evening saw a gathering of many of our Members to enjoy a very happy social occasion. Our Raffle Mafia Dollies, Dorothy Emery, & Sheila Knight were on Door Duty and a very successful Raffle took place. The Raffle was drawn by (DE) most ably assisted by young Lewis Young of Acocks Green, A Model of a String Bag was given to The Association by Lewis in order to raise funds for The Association. We also had for the first time, a Memorabilia Stall, this was very ably manned by Rebecca Carter & our New Secretary Jane Powles. The sale of goods was quite successful & we were cleared of quite a substantial amount of The Stocks that we hold.

Sunday June 9th.2014 1030 hours

Our Main Service of Remembrance took place in St.Nicholas Church, HMS Drake, Davenport. The Service was combined with The Main Service of The Church. Our own part of The Service included The Laying of Wreaths by 3 Members who represented The Ships on which their relatives were killed. This was followed by The laying of Personal Wreaths. During The Service The Last Post & Reveille was sounded.

Following The Service everyone ensconced to The Warrant Officers Mess for a Social Get together, Our Life President (DW) thanked everyone for their attendance & also thanked The Committee Members for all their hard work. There then followed Presentations to Gary Martin for all his work on The WEB Site, VinnyMarcroft for all his work as The Membership Officer, & Doug & Margaret Healis for The work that they had done in Printing The Newsletter & Producing all The Address labels. A Wine Raffle took place (16 Bottles)most ably conducted by our Raffle, Mafia Dollies, Dorothy & Sheila.

August 17th. 2014

Mr.Simon Knight Man.Director of Diamond Freight Ltd. Arranged for a Dedication Service & naming of New Lorries on the occasion of his opening his New Depot, in Stoke on Trent.

Mr.DavidG.Emery MBE Chairman of The Royal Naval Ass. Uttoxeter & also The Treasurer of The GLARAC Association, Officiated for The Occasion.

6 Vehicles were present on The Occasion each one named after well known Ships of The Royal Navy,

No.1 was HMS Diamond. Introduced by Mr.Malcolm Knight, No.2 was HMS Talent A Nuclear Submarine, Introduced by Act/Sub.Lt. David Eivers RNR. No.3 was HMS Dido, Introduced by The wife of the Captain Cdr. Dave English OBE (RN) Ret. No.3.4.5. HMS Glorious, HMS ARdent, HMS ACasta were Introduced by David G. Emery MBE. Chairman of The Royal Naval Association UttoxeterHon.Treasurer of GLARAC.

As each Vehicle was introduced it could be seen that each Vehicle carried The Respective Ships Silhouette & Crest. A short description was made on the occasion of The Vehicle being presented by the people concerned of the Ships History & why The Ships were so Important to everyone.

Other Vehicles also named but not on display, HMS Warspite, HMS Hood, HMS Glowworm & HMS Renown.

After the Official part of The Event, an Official Presentation was made to Mr.Simon Knight

to mark the Occasion, this being in the shape of a two handled China Tankard suitably inscribed.

A Buffet followed that had been arranged by Mr.Simon Knight

Forthcoming Events Diary Dates 2015

Malta 75th Anniversary of The Battle. National Maritime Museum, Vittoriosa Malta Service of Remembrance 15 March 2015, 1030 Hours

Contact David Emery MBE (Hon.Treasurer) 01782 397746 or e-mail


Martindale Cumbria 75th Anniversary of The Battle Service of Remembrance

3 May 2015 1030 hours

Contact David Woodcock (Hon Life President) 01229462414 or e-mail


Holiday Inn Plymouth Social Evening 5 June 2015 2000 Hours

Holiday Inn Plymouth The Association AGM 6 June 1000 Hours

The Hoe Plymouth Service of Remembrance 6 June 2015 1600 hours

Holiday Inn Plymouth Social Evening 6 June 2015 1930 Hours

St.Nicholas Church HMS Drake Devonport Followed by a Buffet

7 June 2015 1000 Hours

Norway 2015

Following on from the successful visit to Harstad Norway in June 2010 we intend to return again in June 2015 to commemorate the 75th.Anniversary of the sinking of The Three Ships, HMS Glorious, Ardent & Acasta. We are in contact with the British Embassy in Norway and are we are hopeful that we will once again obtain their support. The visit itself will be self supporting by all who wish to take part in this Memorial Visit. To date no Programme of events has been formulated although it is expected that a Presentation to The Museum at Harstad will be made. Harstad Town being Theoriginal intended target for The German Ships Scharnhorst & Gneisenau. Harstad was also the last landfall for our Ships. Any additional people interested in the visit should contact :-

For Details Contact :-

Contact David Woodcock Phone 01229462414 or e-mail


It is imperitive that your details for all the Events listed, are entered on The Attached Forms & Returned to Our Distribution Officer As soon as possible

Entrance to HMS Drake will only be permitted to the members of The Ass. whose Names & Details requested who wish to attend, being submitted to HMS Drake in advance to

Mr Ian Fowlie Flat 43 St.Pauls Court, Congrieve Road, Stoke on Trent ST3 2HU


News of Members

We were pleased to welcome at our Plymouth Weekend, overseas Visitors from Holland

Mr.Mrs.Tookey & from Australia Mr. George Godley


During The Year we were advised that the following Members had all been either Hospitalised or had been taken ill.

George Lowden ( Past Secretary) & his wife Dorothy

Maurice Cole

Gerry Moran

David Emery MBE & his wife Dorothy

Freddie Mahlia.

Len Hare our Liaison Officer in Plymouth.

Our best wishes go out to all those who are in The Sick Bay or have been ill during The Year. We Hope that they are now all on The road to recovery & that we will see them soon.



With great sadness that we report The Death of Commander David Corkhill DSC, a great supporter of The GLARAC Association. David was Serving on HMS Devonshire at the time of The Tragedy that took place on June 08th 1940. For many years he spoke The Words of Remembrance at our Service in St Nicholas Church, HMS Drake, Devonport. David will be remembered by all that knew him & our condolences are extended to all his Family.

We also, with deep sadness, think of Anne, the wife of Rolfe Monteith Captain RCN (Ret.) Anne who passed away this year, was supportive in everything that Rolfe was engaged in, particularly in his research into the loss of The Three Ships that fateful day.

Our sincere Sympathies are extended to Rolfe & his Family for their loss.