The Seneca Falls Town Board held a Public Hearing and regular monthly Meeting on Tuesday, July 3, 2012 in the Town Hall Meeting Room, 81 W. Bayard Street.

Present were Supervisor Donald Earle; Councilpersons Emil Bove, T.J. Casamassima and Duane Moore. Also present were Patrick Morrell, Attorney for the Town; Steven Turkett, Zoning Officer, James Spina, Commissioner of Parks & Recreation; Donald Wood, Highway Superintendent; Patrick Cafolla, Water & Sewer Superintendent; Stuart Peenstra, Police Chief; Jeffrey Rowe Town Engineer and a Member of the local Media.

Public Hearing – AmendVillage Code – Parking: Supervisor Earle opened the Public Hearing at 7:05 P.M. relative to amending the Village Code on parking, and asked if there were any comments. Since there were no comments, Mr. Earle closed the Public Hearing, and said the Public Hearing will be continued at the next Town Board Meeting.

Supervisor Earle opened the regular monthly Meeting at 7:07 P.M. Councilperson Sauvageau was absent from the Meeting; the Pledge of Allegiance followed.

Open Bids – Highway Equipment Rental: Mr. Earle indicated that there was one bid which is from Seneca Pipe & Paving Co., Inc., Seneca Falls, New York. Mr. Wood explained that this is a list of equipment and hourly wages for equipment that the Highway Department does not have. Mr. Wood will review the bid.


Adriene Emmo – Classic Car Show: Adriene Emmo stated she is here with Committee Members Dick Giovannini and Tony Dellefave to talk about if this Car Show can become a Town event.This year will be the fifth year for the Car Show that is scheduled for July 29th. They have come upon a situation where they now need to see if the Town will agree to handle this event under their insurance. Mrs. Emmo mentioned that last year, there were 265 cars registered, and over 1,200 people walking the street. They have sent out 500 application forms, and she has 60 registrations so far. Missing from the registration form is a disclaimer which they will put on, which says the Town is not liable for any injury or damage to their vehicles. Mrs. Emmo said they are not asking for any money; they are asking that this be labeled a Town event, and Mr. Spina head this event and call upon his volunteers who are willing to work industriously to put on another successful car show.

Mr. Bove asked why this event is any different from Cycling the Erie, the Women’s Music Festival, Wedding Ceremonies – all of these events provide their own insurance. He asked what particular risk are they asking the Town to provide insurance for. Mrs. Emmo replied just to be under the Town’s umbrella should anything happen. She added they are not an organization - they are volunteers who put this on for the Village for four years. Mr. Bove stated the Town has looked into this and is able to have insurance and provide coverage, but the coverage will not provide any coverage for the volunteers – individual liability. He added the best thing they can do is get their own insurance that enumerates who is covered – that insurance is available. Mr. Bove said he doesn’t see the Town taking over and providing insurance for the event. He added it’s a fine event – the people are wonderful car enthusiasts. Discussion followed.

Mr. Casamassima asked if they are talking liability for property damage or Workers’ Compensation. Mrs. Emmo replied they are talking liability – they are asking the Town to protect itself because it should be a Town event. She added it’s a marketing tool that brings in so many people that will possibly come back here and spend money.

Mr. Bove asked Mr. Morrell if there is any risk involved in this. Mr. Morrell replied if this were to be a Town event with the Town having actual oversight of it, it would be able to cover the event and our insurance would address the event and things that may happen during the event. If there were any actions that would lead to personal liability that would not necessarily be covered by the Town’s policy. Further discussion followed.

Mr. Bove asked if the Town has a policy on events that would cover this kind of issue. Mr. Morrell replied not necessarily to address things that come up like this. He added up until now, Town events were generated at the Town Board level or came through a department to the Town Board level, not necessarily this circumstance where you have an existing organized event that is now coming to the Town Board.

Mrs. Emmo stated she is on a very short time frame; if the Board votes against this, she will be canceling the event and notifying people who have registered that there will not be a Car Show. Mr. Earle noted that this is on the Agenda later in the Meeting.

Mary McDonald – Seneca Housing, Inc. Grant Application: Mary McDonald, Executive Director, stated she is writing a grant proposal which is for the Rural Area Revitalization Program. Their vision for the building is solar panels which will cover 60%-70% of electric usage in the building, and apartments which were approved

by the Village some years ago. Ms. McDonald stated in working through the grant proposal, one of the

requirements is that the local municipality adopt a resolution in support of this grant proposal. She noted the

grant is due July 16th, so she will need a prompt response.

Mr. Casamassima referred to the residential units previously approved by the Village ZBA, and asked if there was any question as to what goes on with that now. Mr. Turkett replied it was approved in 2008; everything seems to be in order except for the permit which expired. Mr. Earle noted this is on the Agenda for action.

Approval of Minutes: A motion was made to approve the Minutes of the regular monthly Meeting of June 5, 2012 and the Special Meeting of June 15, 2012 by Duane Moore and seconded by Emil Bove. No questions. Motion carried 4 ayes, 0 nayes.


Dog Control Officer: The Dog Control Officer’s report states that five dogs were impounded and five redeemed; two Appearance tickets were issued. A total of $50.00 in fees was collected and turned over to the Town Clerk.

A motion was made to accept the Dog Control Officer’s report by T.J. Casamassima and seconded by Emil Bove. No questions. Motion carried 4 ayes, 0 nayes.

Zoning Officer: Mr. Turkett stated the Board has copies of his report of permits issued for the month of June.

Town Zoning permits issued were Permit #2432 issued to Edwin Roper, 2949 E. Bayard St.Ext., fence; Permit #2433 issued to John P. Warner, 1646 Route 414, roof; Permit #2434 issued to Bill Cram, Inc., 1913 Route 5 & 20, body shop; Permit #2435 issued to Jennifer Shumway, 3024 E.Bayard St.Ext., roof; Permit #2436 issued to Seneca Meadows, Inc., 1786 Salcman Road, relocate scale; Permit #2437 issued to Rite-Aid, 1913 Route 5 & 20, permit extension; Permit #2438 issued to William & Darlene Mumford, 2880 Noble Road, pool; Permit #2439 issued to TuyetLan Tran, 2109 Route 5 & 20, sign; Permit #2440 issued to Frederick Curry, 2407 Lower Lake Road, roof; Permit #2441 issued to John & Christine Newman, 2265 Lower Lake Road Spur, roof and Permit #2442 issued to Cayuga Nation, 3215 Lake Road, windows.

A total of $1,015.00 was collected from the issuance of these Permits, and 41 Zoning Permits have been issued to date for the year 2012.

Zoning Permits issued for properties within the former Village were Permit #31072 issued to Brian Henderson, 94 Bridge Street, pool; Permit #31073 issued to Noelle Barto, 26 Chapin St., Lot 17, repair roof; Permit #31074 issued to Tom Laughlin, 53 Garden Street, roof and windows; Permit #31075 issued to David Lousley, 21 Seneca Manor Drive, roof; Permit #31076 issued to Thomas Scattaglia, 112 Clinton Street, roof; Permit #31077 issued to John Velte, 270 Fall Street, roof; Permit #31078 issued to Leslie Sowards, 63 Chapel Street, siding; Permit #31079 issued to Brianne Berkebile, 17 Mynderse Street, replace deck & fence; Permit #31080 issued to SMS Club, 95 Ovid Street, roof; Permit #31081 issued to Michael & Christina Pagano, 2 Francis Street, deck; Permit #31082 issued to Michelle Gottschall, 10 Garden Street, storage shed; Permit #31083 issued to Lorie Mellini, 16 Chapin Street, roof; Permit #31084 issued to Joanna Leo, 4 Ridge Street, deck; Permit #31085 issued to Michael Ferrara, 168 W. Bayard Streeet, greenhouse; Permit #31086 issued to FL Christian Fellowship, 83 Auburn Road, storage shed, trailer, playground; Permit #31087 issued to Michael Poole, 48 Seneca road, pool deck; Permit #31088 issued to Santo Calcagno, 6 Haigh Street, roof; Permit #31089 issued to Stephan Skinner, 48 E. Bayard Street, pool; Permit #31090 issued to Jeff & Donna Warrick, 224 Ovid Street, garage; Permit #31091 issued to Steven C. Howe, 214 Fall Street, repair front porch & railings; Permit #31092 issued to Kim M. Butler, 55 W. Bayard Street, remove chimneys; Permit #31093 issued to Dr. & Mrs. John Clark, 61 Bridge Street, refinish deck; Permit #31094 issued to Gwendolyn Hanselman, 107 E. Bayard Street, pool; Permit #31095 issued to Seneca County Head Start, 115 W. Bayard Street, windows; Permit #31096 issued to John & Cyndi LeBlanc, 25 Maple Street, fence; Permit #31097 issued to Joan B. Hughes, 8 Seneca Manor Drive, windows; Permit #31098 issued to Richard Meyers, 19 Center Street, roof; Permit #31099 issued to Anthony Manzari, 30 Walnut Street, roof; Permit #31100 issued to Ian Spitzer, 144 W. Bayard Street, storage shed; Permit #31101 issued to Shelly Dingman, 13 Carol Avenue, roof; Permit #31102 issued to James Stevers, 33 Tall Oaks Drive, screen/roof; Permit #31103 issued to Sue Kraft, 148 Ovid Street, roof; Permit #31104 issued to Maura Lucchesi, 92 W. Bayard Street, handicap ramp; Permit #31105 issued to John Malloy, 113 State Street, demo garage; Permit #31106 issued to Mary Beth Stowell, 131 State Street, stairs; Permit #31107 issued to Carmen Caratozzolo, 7 Smith Street, roof; Permit #31108 issued to Jason Herron, 44 Spring Street, roof.

Permit #31109 issued to Bob Smith, 6 Spruce Lane, roof; Permit #31110 issued to Fran Brady, 7 Jay Street, roof; Permit #31111 issued to Deb Waite, 31 Washington Street, roof; Permit #31112 issued to August Sinicropi, 7 Throup Street, roof; Permit #31113 issued to Katia Conte, 142 Fall Street, roof; Permit #31114

issued to James Lafler, 30 Clinton Street, demo garage, build new; Permit #31115 issued to Joseph Storto, 213

Ovid Street, garage; Permit #31116 issued to Scott Johnson, 80 State Street, roof repairs; Permit #31117 issued to Phillip Moore, 59 Bridge Street, fence; Permit #31118 issued to Samuel Steele, 22 Seneca Manor Drive, roof; Permit #31119 issued to Bill Millerd, 81 State Street, repair roof, fence, door; Permit #31120 issued to Chip &

Debbie Schuyler, 3 Elwell Street, siding, front porch repair; Permit #31121 issued to Dennis Verkey, 18 Ridge Street, pool & deck; Permit #31122 issued to Lewis Archer, 14 Walnut Street, fence; Permit #31123 issued to Laura Sweeting, 56 Clinton Street, replace deck; Permit #31124 issued to Donald W. Earle, 85 Cayuga Street, deck; Permit #31125 issued to Melanie Rhinehart, 11 Tall Oaks Drive, satellite dish; Permit #31126 issued to Kevin Rhinehart, 17 Leland Drive, porch & deck; Permit #31127 issued to George Jones, 40 Chestnut Street, roof; Permit #31128 issued to Seneca Cayuga ARC, 88 Cayuga Street, chimney repair; Permit #31129 issued to Jeffrey John, 7 Boardman Street, window replacement and Permit #31130 issued to Kelsey Blowers and John Schummer, 12 Haigh Street, storage shed.

A total of $1,100.00 was collected from the issuance of these Permits, and 165 Zoning Permits have been issued to date for the year 2012.

Mr. Turkett stated the Tops Fuel Station is going to move to February or March 2013 in order to pave the parking lot before it is started. He referred to a request he has received about traffic heading on Balsley Road from Kinney Drugs to Route 414 and wanting to turn south – there is no left hand arrow turn light there. The request is to have DOT take a look at that.

Mr. Casamassima referred to roof repairs, and said he sees a fee was charged for roof repairs when damage was caused by the storm – why would people have to pay for a permit to repair damage that was done, especially by a storm. Mr. Turkett replied a repair is a repair, regardless of storm damage or maintenance. He added there is nothing in the Village or Town Code that says there is an exemption because of that condition – the way the Code addresses it is any alterations or repairs. Brief discussion followed.

A motion was made to accept Mr. Turkett’s report by Emil Bove and seconded by T.J. Casamassima. No questions. Motion carried 4 ayes, 0 nayes.

Commissioner of Parks & Recreation: Mr. Spina stated the July 4th Celebration starts at 4:00 PM at Vince’s Park. This year, they are partnering with 99.3, the Wall radio station, who (at no charge) is putting a sound track to the fireworks.

Mr. Spina mentioned that the Summer Programs start on Monday with Soccer Camp and Summer Play Program. The Summer Play Program has 175 children registered; it will probably hit 200 by next week. Mr. Spina noted that there are four Special Events applications that are on the Agenda and will be discussed later.

A motion was made to accept Mr. Spina’s report by Emil Bove and seconded by T.J. Casamassima. No questions. Motion carried 4 ayes, 0 nayes.

Highway Superintendent: Mr. Wood stated they are still cleaning up from the storm. During the storm, they took over 500 tons of brush to the Landfill – a little over 300 truckloads. They went on each street three times, and people are still putting brush out. Mr. Wood said the July 15th pickup has been changed to brush pickup; people can order a dumpster for bulky items.

Mr. Wood referred to the waterline installation, and said they are working on it the rest of the week and it should be finished Friday. The following week it will be pressured tested and chlorinated, and samples will be brought to the Health Department for final approval. As soon as they get the Health Department results and the curbstops are in, people can start hooking up. Mr. Wood has quotes for the curbstops which he would like the Board to approve so people won’t have to wait another month.

Mr. Wood stated he started painting crosswalks and parking areas, and the painting machine broke down three times; they fixed it twice, but it needs a little more work. They were going to use the chipper next week during the brush pickup, but something is wrong with it, and he hasn’t had a chance to look at it.

Mr. Wood stated all items listed on the equipment rental agreement have a per hour price; documents are signed with the Corporate seal and the non-collusive certificate of liability is included – everything is in order.

Mr. Casamassima asked about the Washington Street pipe. Mr. Wood replied he talked to Mr. Cafolla on that, and told him he will give him one person. They will deliver the pipe and put it together, and Mr. Cafolla can install it.

A motion was made to accept Mr. Wood’s report by Duane Moore and seconded by Emil Bove. No questions. Motion carried 4 ayes, 0 nayes.

Assessor: A motion was made to accept the Assessor’s written report by T.J. Casamassima and seconded by Emil Bove. No questions. Motion carried 4 ayes, 0 nayes.

Attorney for the Town: Mr. Morrell stated he has no report other than matters that are on the Agenda.

Town Justice: Mr. Earle mentioned that the Judge is home now and is doing much better.

Water & Sewer Superintendent: Mr. Earle noted Mr. Cafolla has submitted a written report. He said the amount of money saved on the additional expense of putting the waterline underneath the railroad tracks on Cayuga Street was $17,000.00.

A motion was made to accept Mr. Cafolla’s report by Duane Moore and seconded by Emil Bove. No questions. Motion carried 4 ayes, 0 nayes.

Police Chief: Chief Peenstra stated he will be putting the monthly reports on their website by the end of the month – They had the Bicycle Rodeo on Saturday; Officer Poole did a superb job of planning and hosting this Event, and Individuals from the Community Center assisted them. Donations raised from area businesses and private Citizens for the Event totaled nearly $3,500.00. They will be hosting it again next year.

Chief Peenstra said Officer Manheim is now certified to check child restraints; appointments can be scheduled with Officer Manheim to check child safety seats. He said on June 26th, the Seneca Falls Elks Lodge presented the Police Department with a check for $250.00 towards the purchase of a new automatic, external defibrillator. They have other donations, and hopefully in time they will have enough to purchase a new one.

A motion was made to accept Chief Peenstra’s report by T.J. Casamassima and seconded by Emil Bove. No questions. Motion carried 4 ayes, 0 nayes.

Barton & Loguidice: John Condino stated they have done the bulk of the detail work on the Asset Management Plan, and now have 420 items in the program. He mentioned that one of the elements is how old is the equipment; for example, some of the equipment the Town now has is beyond its expected life but still operating. They hope to finalize the plan within the next few weeks.