The Seneca Falls Town Board held a Budget Workshop on Wednesday, October 16, 2013 at the Town Offices, 81 W. Bayard Street.
Present were Supervisor Donald Earle; Councilpersons Duane Moore, Emil Bove, T.J. Casamassima and Susan Sauvageau. Also present was Beverly Warfel, Account Clerk; Steven Turkett, Zoning Officer, James Spina, Commissioner of Parks & Recreation and John Condino of Barton & Loguidice.
Supervisor Earle called the Budget Workshop to order at 12:00 P.M.; the Pledge of Allegiance followed.
Mr. Earle stated the Tentative Budget is a Budget that has been put together and is meant to be the Departments' wish list. These Workshops are intended to go through the line items and talk to Department Heads to see what is wanted and what is needed.
Mrs. Warfel explained the Project Fund Balance. The Fund Balance on hand as of August 31st is $696,230.14; Revenue is $764,097.23 (Dissolution incentive and Main Street Grant funds). The remaining estimated Revenue for 2013 is $1.6 million; total Fund Balance plus Revenue is over $3 million. The remaining Appropriations for 2013 is $1,848,400.00, leaving a Projected Fund Balance of $1,211,927.37 in January 2014. Mrs. Warfel stated this does not include the amount that the Town wants to give for the Mill Project and any other unforeseen expenditures. Discussion followed relative to the Knitting Mill Project.
The estimated Revenue for 2014 is $4,681,130.00; current Appropriations for 2014 is $5,030,090.00, leaving a Project Fund Balance in January 2015 of $862,967.37. She said we will be using $349,000.00 this next year which will bring the Fund Balance down substantially.
Mrs. Warfel went over the 2012 figures for the Projected Fund Balance. The estimated Projected Fund Balance as of January 2013 was $861,086.18; the Fund Balance ended up to be $865,000.00. Discussion followed.
Mrs. Warfel stated in order to balance the Budget (as is), we will need to use $348,000.00; the tax increase would be .05 per $1,000. Mr. Bove referred to PILOTs, and asked if they were just for School tax or all taxes; Mr. Earle replied he didn't know. Mrs. Warfel said in a PILOT, it affects Town, County and School. Mr. Bove suggested contacting the IDA as to calculating the revenue from PILOTs.
Ms. Sauvageau asked if we are using some of the Tax Stabilization reserve in this Budget or just Fund Balance. Mrs. Warfel replied she was hoping that the Board does use some of the Tax Stabilization reserve because the Auditors say we need to. Ms. Sauvageau stated that fund was set up specifically to deal with the huge issue for when we don't have the Landfill. Discussion followed.
Zoning & Planning: Mr. Turkett stated his Budget is down about $5,000.00 mainly due to the Zoning Book and Publications. Most of the line items remain the same. He mentioned that we will be extending out to the Town limits relative to delinquent mowing charges; a line item with the amount of $3,500.00 was added to the Budget for Code violations (mowing). Discussion followed relative to the revenues from mowing going into the General Fund instead of Mr. Turkett's Budget.
Mr. Bove mentioned that Mr. Turkett should be compensated in some way for all the work he did on the Code Book. Discussion followed relative to compensating Mr. Turkett.
After brief discussion, Line item A2110M for Violation Mowing Revenues was increased to $7,500.00.
Mr. Turkett stated the Planning Budget didn't change much. Mr. Bove stated there is a line item for the Comprehensive Plan. He said at the last SF Development Corporation Meeting, they are hiring Harris Beach to change the setup so that the Town Board appoints the Members of the Development Corporation with an idea towards dealing with the eventual disappearance of the Landfill fee; a couple of Board Members questioned as to whether the Comprehensive Plan should be modified. Mr. Turkett stated it was adopted in 2006, so it is pretty fresh. Brief discussion followed.
Tax Collection: The Town Clerk handed out information comparing this year's Tax Collection figures with the proposed 2014 figures. Salary of the Tax Collector was $7,880.00; she is requesting $3,000.00. Ms. Sauvageau stated what concerns her about 2013 was that it was not representative of what was happening because Mrs. Marzan's salary went over budget due to the Tax Collector not being available when she should have been.
The Town Clerk stated when you eliminate the position of Tax Collector, the title changes - the title becomes Town Clerk/Tax Receiver. Mrs. Marzan's title then becomes Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collection. The minimum salary in her Office for the Deputy Town Clerks is $12.51; she would like to raise Mrs. Marzan's salary to $12.51. She decreased her hours to 350 hours compared to 393 hours for 2013. After discussion relative to who will be collecting taxes and the number of hours Mrs. Marzan will be working, the Town Clerk stated there is definitely a savings; salaries for 2013 totaled $12,222.00, and for 2014 it will be $7,375.00, a
savings of $4,847.00. Further discussion followed.
The Town Clerk stated that Ms. Sauvageau mentioned that the penalty fees that were collected ($7,883.47 in 2013) paid for the Tax Collector's salary; if you think of it that way, all penalty fees collected will be additional revenue for the Town.
The Town Clerk stated she decreased the Equipment line item (A1330.200) to $500.00. Education (A1330.402) was reduced from $1,700.00 to $1,000.00; classes are offered in NY during the Association of Towns Meeting which she can attend while she is there for the Town Clerk classes. Total Budget savings for Tax Collection is $5,747.00.
Town Clerk: The Town Clerk referred to the Deputy Town Clerk III position, and said she will be requesting that the Board appoint Mrs. Lankford as part-time, temporary Deputy for Cemetery records; she can also work in her Office during busy times. Equipment & Software line item (A1410.200) was reduced $500.00. Brief discussion followed relative to computers and equipment that may be needed and if anything is in the Asset Management Plan.
The Town Clerk noted the remainder of her Budget is the same as this year.
Elections: Mrs. Warfel noted this is reimbursement to the County for Election expenses. Discussion followed as to the expenses which are pro-rated among the towns in Seneca County.
Records Management: The Town Clerk indicated that $300.00 was added to the budget for Equipment (A1460.200). Restoration of Books/Records (A1460.401) was reduced to $400.00.
Buildings: The Town Clerk said Custodial Supplies (A1620.400) was reduced by $500.00, and Gas & Electricity (A1620.401) was reduced from $30,000.00 to $15,000.00. After discussion relative to Gas & Electricity expenses as to what buildings it covers, it was decided to re-visit this line item after research.
Maintenance Parts/Repairs (A1620.404) was increased from $500.00 to $1,000.00. The remaining line items stayed the same as this year.
Recreation: Mr. Spina stated he decreased the line item for Laborers - Summer Help (A7110.100) by $5,000.00, and Electricity (A7110.400) was decreased to $11,000.00. Brief discussion followed.
Mr. Spina stated the Bandstand (A7110.411) has serious problems; structural wood is rotting away, and they were wondering how that's going to affect going forward regarding potential safety. Matt Fuller looked at it and gave an estimate of $20,000.00 for repairs. Mr. Bove suggested phasing it - do what has to be done this year. Discussion followed relative to cost for repairs. Christmas Maintenance (A7110.400) was decreased to $1,500.00, and all other line items in A7110 remain the same.
Mr. Spina requested that $5,000.00 be put in the line item for Visitors Center/Boaters Facility Equipment (A7989.200) because they still have the issue of getting the Facility opened. They have three bids to put an automatic timing door opener on the Boaters Facility so that at 6:00 AM it unlocks and 11:00 PM it locks. He said something has to be done. After lengthy discussion, it was decided to leave $5,000.00 in that line item.
Community Center Budget was discussed. Mr. Spina referred to the line item Senior Clerk (CR7020.102) and said because of Esther Patti's pending retirement, that will change to Clerk for the first year and it will be at a lower pay rate. Mr. Bove indicated that the right pay rate should be in the Budget. Mr. Spina said he will get with Mrs. Warfel on that. Longevity (CR7020.103) was decreased by $300.00.
NYSEG (CR7020.401) will remain the same, as well as Telephone (CR7020). Postage (CR7020.405) was decreased to $1,200.00 and Publicity (CR7020.406) decreased to $5,500.00, as they are taking advantage of Facebook and online communications. All other line items in CR7020 remain the same.
Mr. Spina stated he decreased Harbor Attendant (CR7140.102) to $2,000.00; Chief Peenstra put some in his Budget so the cost will be split between the two Budgets. Brief discussion followed relative to the Parking Attendant.
Mr. Spina referred to the line item for Fitness Equipment (CR7140.202), and said he put $7,500.00 in that line item because belts and decks have to be replaced. He put $6,500.00 in line item CR7140.203 for a mower, and $30,000.00 in line item CR7140.204 for a truck. Mr. Bove asked if it was a State bid; Mr. Spina replied yes. Mr. Bove asked if there was a standard truck that is bought for the different trucks. Mr. Spina replied pretty much - this one is a little less because they are not putting a plow on it. Mr. Bove asked where it was at in the Asset Management Plan; Mr. Condino replied it's in there - it's projected to be replaced this year. Mr. Casamassima asked if we ever looked at buying a used truck that still has some warranty; Mr. Moore replied the
State does not offer used trucks. After discussion, it was decided the line item for the truck was decreased to $28,000.00. Mr. Spina stated the Mower was one they were going to replace last year but waited. It is a John Deere mower, and will replace one that is being used at Kids' Territory and Vince's Park.
Mr. Moore asked Mr. Spina if he could take out $10,000.00 in his whole Budget. Mrs. Warfel replied the Board has already done it. Mr. Spina said he would look at it a little closer. He said what he tries to do is cut many items down, knowing that this year they have some big ticket items. He mentioned that the gym floor is going to need attention, but they put it off for a year because they are requesting other big ticket items.
Adult trips (CR7310.400) was decreased to $15,000.00. Mr. Spina said they only spend whatever comes in - that Program never costs the Town any money.
At this time (1:40 PM), Mr. Bove left the Meeting.
Vince's Park was discussed. Mr. Spina said he dropped Heating/AC (CR2-7110.408) $1,000.00, and added $250.00 to Waste Removal (CR2-7110.411) because the rates went up. Personnel fees (CR207110.101) decreased by $500.00. Custodial Supplies (CR2-7110.404) was increased by $500.00. Mrs. Warfel noted that the overall Budget for Vince's Park increased $300.00.
Mr. Spina asked if $10,000.00 was put in the Budget for a sound system. Mrs. Warfel said it should be in the Town Board Budget. Brief discussion followed.
Mr. Earle asked if the Board wanted to revisit the possibility of adding some residential fees or non-residential fees. Mr. Spina replied he was against going for free when it was done years ago for two reasons - it was a nominal fee and did bring in some revenue, and by going free, it increased the problems of proving residency. After brief discussion, it was decided to leave the fees as is.
Being there was no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the Meeting by T.J. Casamassima and seconded by Sue Sauvageau. No questions. Motion carried 4 ayes, 0 nayes.
Meeting adjourned at 2:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Town Clerk
A Bid opening relative to the Seneca Falls Waterfront Improvement Project was conducted at 2:10 P.M. on Wednesday, October 16, 2013 at the Town Offices, 81 W. Bayard Street, Seneca Falls.
John Condino of Barton & Loguidice opened the one bid that was received, which is as follows:
Slate Hill Constructors, Warners, NY - Bid No. 1, Boat Launch Facility - $83,500.00
Additive Bid No. 1, Fall Street Docking - $74,000.00
Additive Bid No. 2, Canal Street Docking - $93,000.00
Bid Security - Bid Bond
Being there was no further business, the Bid opening closed at 2:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Town Clerk