In the next several weeks the Sunday school children will be busy preparing for the White Gift Sunday service. If you know of any children who may want to join in the fun, please invite them to come out and be a part of the preparations. The children will be preparing a special drama to share with the congregation so it is important that they attend as we lead up to this exciting Sunday.

The Best Christmas Present Ever

A play by Bev Truax for White Gift Service Dec 3, 2011

Christmas Bazaar, Bake Sale, Craft Sale & White Elephant Table and Luncheon Saturday November 12, 2011, Time: 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. All Saints hall, 1 Peel Street, Penetanguishene

November 12th, 2011 - 5:00 pm. Ribfest Dinner, St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Victoria Harbour, Pre - sold tickets only, Call 526-0939 or 534-7289

International Festival of Authors: November 2 and 3rd. 7pm at the Midland Public Library. Tickets are $10 and available at the library. See poster for more information.

St. Paul’s United Church



Rev. Karen Ptolemy-Stam

308 King St, Midland, ON L4R 3M6

Office hours Mon-Fri 9-12 & 1-4pm

Phone 526-6077, Fax 526-4020

Email: stpaulsunited@ rogers.com

Website: stpaulsmidland.org

Minister’s email:




*When you see this sign, please stand as you are able.


*Processional Hymn #395 Come In, Come In and Sit Down

Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship

Lighting of the Christ Candle

As we light this Christ candle, may it remind us that Christ

is in us and in Our world.

Introit: Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place,

I can feel His mighty power and His Grace.

I can feel the brush of angel’s wings

I see glory on each face,

surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.

Opening Prayer

“Our Father, Thou in Heaven Above” Martin Luther(1483 –1546)

Our Father, Thou in heaven above,

Who biddest us to dwell in love,

As brethren of one family,

To cry in every need to Thee,

Teach us no thoughtless word to say,

But from our inmost heart to pray.

Amen, that is, So shall it be.

Confirm our faith and hope in Thee

That we may doubt not, but believe

What here we ask we shall receive,

Thus in Thy name and at Thy word

All say: Amen. Oh, hear us, Lord! Amen

Theme Conversation

Prayer with Children/Lord’s Prayer

(The children please remain for the Sacrament of Communion)

Sacrament of Communion

*Hymn # 469 We Gather Here

Sanctus and Benedictus VU# 932(sung)

Holy, holy, holy are you, God of power and might,

heaven and earth are filled with your glory,

Hosanna in the Highest!

Blessed is the one who comes in your name.

Hosanna in the highest, hosanna in the highest.

Report on Financial Contributions to October 23, 2011
2011 Budget as approved by Congregation / $220,615
2010 Actual for the year / $212,414
Budget increase for 2011 over 2010 / $ 8,201 / or / 3.9 / %
Average weekly budget required for 2011 / $ 4,243
Average weekly contribution to Oct. 28/11 / $ 3,722
Average weekly shortfall to Oct. 28/11 / $ 521 / or / 12.3 / %
Note: Expenditures are very close to budget to date for 2011
Therefore the Projected Financial
Deficit for 52 weeks of 2011 is ($521 X 52) / $27,092

Mission and Service- our budget for the year 2011 is $24,560 for M&S and World Development combined at present we have raised $20,909 towards this amount.

Go Green - Please consider using the PAR program. Have your givings come out of your bank account automatically each month, no more envelopes, no more having to write a cheque or have cash each week, join the 72 families and individuals in our church who use PAR each month. If you have not got envelopes and would like a set, please call the church office for more information on both the PAR program and envelopes.

Volunteer Opportunities: Be a Santa’s helper: The Salvation

Army is gearing up for a busy winter and it looking for volunteers: They need drivers, sorters, people to man the kettles, also people to work in the coat drives and to donate coats. Please contact Sandra at 705-526-2751 if you are willing to help!!

The Christmas Season is fast approaching and the Midland Salvation Army is looking for volunteers to assist them with a variety of jobs. Volunteer Opportunities Available:

·  Christmas Kettle Volunteer, Drivers

·  Food Sorters, Food Packers

We would like to ask local organizations to share these opportunities with your employees, volunteers, clients and any other community members you feel would like the opportunity to volunteer with the Salvation Army this season. Please contact Sandra at the Salvation Army if you are interested in any of these positions at 705-526-2751

The Canadian Food Grains Bank Please write your cheques payable to St. Paul’s United Church and place in these special envelopes that are on the back window. Thank you very much for your support in helping to reduce hunger in the world. We will be accepting donations until the end of October.

2012 Envelopes: If you presently have 2011 envelopes you will automatically be assigned a new set of envelopes for 2012. If you do not have envelopes and would like a set for 2012, please let the church office know asap. Also if you have envelopes and would prefer not to receive a set for 2012, please let the church office know at 705-526-6077. Remember the PAR program, no envelopes only an automatic withdrawal once a month!!

Prayer Matters: Please keep the following people in your prayers: Joe Lalonde at St. Mike’s, Toronto, Helen Watson at home, Tom Marr at home, Amara Van der Zwan, Doug Mosley at home, Frank Mustard at home, Joan Doolittle and Evelyn Banks in Hillcrest in our prayers and anyone else who may need our support by prayer at this time.

It is with sadness that I announce the passing of Rev. Norm Watson who was minister at St. Paul’s 1972 to 1981. His service was held in Waterloo on Oct 22. Our condolences go out to his family for their loss.

Memorial Acclamation (Sung twice)VU#933

Christ has died. Christ is risen.

Christ will come, come again.

Sharing the Bread and the Cup

Prayer following Communion

We give thanks, almighty God,

that you have refreshed us at your table

by granting us the presence of Jesus Christ.

Strengthen our faith,

increase our love for one another,

and send us forth into the world

united in courage and peace,

rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit;

through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen

(the children invited to proceed up to Sunday school)

We Hear the Wisdom of the Word

Prayer for Illumination (said by all)

As food is for the body, as sun is for the leaves, as rain is

for the earth, so your word is for our lives, nourishing,

replenishing, refreshing, and healing. For this we thank you, loving God. Amen

Psalm 107 VU pg#831 & 832 Parts 1 and 4

Anthem Come, Thou Almighty King Felice De Giardini/Patti Drennan

Gospel Reading: Matthew 23: 1-12

This is the Good News.

Praise to Jesus, the Word made flesh.


We Respond to God’s Word

Giving of our Good and Gifts:

Hymn # 262 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (words written by Martin Luther)

*Doxology: #VU 541

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures high and low; give thanks to God in love made known: Creator, Word and Spirit, One.

Prayers of the People

We Go Forth to Serve

* Hymn VU#626 I Heard the Voice of Jesus


* Sung Blessing

Go in love; have no fear.

God will guide you, He is always near.

Go in Love; take His hand.

God will hear you, He will understand.

May His light forever shine upon you.

May His peace be always in your heart.

Go in love; face each day.

God will lead you, He will show the way.

Go in love and live in faith. Amen.

(Reproduced with permission under license #c607447)

Postlude The congregation is invited to remain seated during

the postlude to allow the choir to recess, thank you


A special welcome to all new friends as we gather to celebrate God’s presence in our lives. If you are a guest, visitor or newcomer, please make yourself known to us. If you have any questions, our greeters would be delighted to help you. Please put your name, mailing address and email address in our guest book so we may have a record of your visit. Coffee will be served today in the gym compliments of our Trustees.

Ministers: All the People of God with the Rev. Karen Ptolemy-Stam

Lay Reader: Bob MacKinnon

Director of Music: Paul Sloan

Pre-Service Music Rick Taylor

Administrator Judy McConnell

Custodian Mary Ellen Petticrew

Talent Survey’s: Thank you to everyone who has filled out and returned their survey to the church, if you have not we would appreciate your assistance in filling then out and returning to the church as soon as possible. Thank You!

Mailboxes – please remember to check your mailbox for mail!!! Thank You!

The Circle is selling their famous homemade pies today after the church service. The cost will be $10 per pie on a first come first serve basis. We are not limiting how many you can buy, but please be thoughtful of others!

Budgets & 5 Year Planning - 2012 the forms have been emailed to all committee heads this week, could you please have them back in the office no later than the end of November. (If you have not received your forms, let Judy in the church office know. 526-6077. Your assistance is this matter is greatly appreciated!

Newcomers Lunch: Sunday November 13th following our service we will be having our annual Newcomers luncheon to welcome all the new people to St. Paul’s. Everyone is Welcome!!!! More information to come next week.

Bible Study is Wednesday mornings at 11:30 to 1pm in the parlour, come join us! Bring a bag lunch, coffee and tea will be provided, all are welcome!!

Fellowship Club will meet on Tuesday, November 1st at 7pm in the gym. A guest will speak on the topic of Fair Trade. Hannah Black will be the guest soloist. All are welcome!

Call for 2014 bulletin photos: If you are interested in submitting photos for the bulletin covers that the church uses on Sunday’s please find the form to submit them on the bulletin board at the Easy St entrance where the photos are. The deadline for submission is June 4, 2012.