SUPPLY MINISTER: Rev. Jim will be in the office Tuesdays and Wednesdays and lead our Sunday Services twice a month. He will assume full time duties on May 3rd and will be with us in that capacity until June 30th, 2011. Since Rev. Jim will be here most Tuesdays, anyone needing Pastoral visits is invited to please call our church office, 526-6077, to arrange a time.

Guess who’s turning 85 this year? The United Church of Canada on June 10, 2010. Preparations are underway at a national level to encourage and support local anniversary celebrations from coast to coast. Further information will be posted as received.

Ministers: All the People of God

Pastor: Reverend Jim McKean Service Leader: Andy Ahrens

Lay Reader: Echo Godsmark

Christian Education Coordinator: Andy Ahrens

Director of Music: Paul Sloan

Pre-Service Music Rick Taylor

Administrator Judy McConnell

Custodian Mary Ellen Petticrew

St. Paul’s United Church

308 King St., Midland, Ontario L4R 3M6

Phone 526-6077 Fax 526-4020

Email: ,


Office hours Monday thru Friday 9-12, 1-4p.m.

First Sunday After Easter

April 11, 2010

**When you see this sign, please stand as you are able.

The Gathering

Prelude Music

**Processional Hymn #173 Thine Is the Glory

Welcoming and Announcements

Call to Worship

When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week ...Jesus came and stood among the disciples and said, “Peace be with you.” After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” When he had said this, he breathed on them and said
to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”
Let our rejoicing be heard far and wide as we witness to our belief in the risen Lord.

Prayer of Confession

When we acknowledge Jesus Christ as our Lord and God, true Christian fellowship exists. One of the major marks of this fellowship is the sense of joy we experience as we gather to worship God, to give thanks for Jesus Christ and to witness to the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Yet, we confess that there are times when we feel afraid, abandoned, and lonely; when our lives seem bereft of God’s presence;
desolate times when faith leads to doubt and questions, rather than a sense of joy or peace of mind .
Lord Jesus Christ, unlike those first disciples, we cannot touch you or see you,
and so it is all too easy to become downcast and given to despair.
Forgive us when, like the disciples, we find the truth of Easter hard to believe.
(silent reflection)

Ummm….Spaghetti the 4th Midland Scouting will be hosting its annual Spaghetti Dinner on Thursday April 29th. The dinner will take place in the Great Hall of St. Paul’s church from 5:15pm to 8:00 pm. The menu consists of 3 types of Spaghetti Sauce, Salad, Dinner Roll, Dessert, Coffee, Tea or Juice. Prices are Adults $10.00, Child $5.00 and family $25.00 (2 adults and 2 children) tickets will be sold at the door. This year we will be having a silent auction at the dinner. All proceeds go to the youth of 4th Midland Scouting. Thank you for your continued support!

Muskoka Language International is in search of families to host international students from Goose, Japan. The students are 16-17 year old boys who will be attending an organized program during the day Monday to Friday from July 24th – Aug 13th 2010. Host families will be asked to include the students in any activities your family participates in during their stay. If you are interested in this exciting opportunity please see the flyer on the bulletin board for details on how to connect with Muskoka Language International.

Living with Bipolar Disorder: presented y John O’Rourke and Joy Irschick, BSW at Elmvale Curling Club, 14 George St, Unit A on Wednesday April 14 from 6 to 9pm. Cost is $15.00 at the door. Email or call if you want to reserve a seat call John or Joy at 519-987-4283 or email . Highlights – Definition, characteristics and symptoms of Bipolar Disorder, overview and treatment options, social implications and stigma and maintaining positive relationships.

George Hamilton IV, Country music legend in concert on Monday April 19 at 7pm at Wyebridge Community Centre, sponsored by Ebenezer United Church, Tay Township., Tickets $15 from Ebenezer church.

A Fun-Fundraiser for a good cause on June 6-8, 2010 around the Georgian Bay all two-wheel riders in the North Waters Presbytery to raise funds for the Stephen Lewis Foundation – HIV/AIDS Africa. Get sponsors and join in to this 700 km ride. Details from Wim Kreeft 705-428-3711 or 705-428-3212 or email

The Midland – Huronia Gideons will be with us April 25th to give an up-date and presentation on their local and global mission efforts. The Gideons will have Mothers’ Day cards to give away to those who wish to honour their Mothers and Grandmothers by sending bibles to people around the world. This is a great opportunity to support the missions and to remember Mom in a unique way.

UCW Penetanguishene will meet on Wednesday April 14th at 1pm at the home of Eleanor Hunter 364 Queen St, Apt 3, Midland.

UCW Harmony Unit meeting at 12:30pm on Tuesday, April 13th in the Parlour please bring a Bag lunch. Our invited speaker will talk about the Street Outreach Program in downtown Midland. All ladies are welcome to attend.

Prayer Matters: Please keep the following people in your prayers: Doris Widdes in GBGH, Mary Edwards is recovering from her Surgery, Johanna in GBGH and Ted Watson (#1 North) in GBGH. Kathie Ingram sister to Bob McVean. Marj Burton, Joan Doolittle & Evelyn Banks in Hillcrest. Please keep in your prayers anyone else who is in need at this time.

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Ernie Cowden a member of St. Paul’s. Ernie’s funeral was held at St. Paul’s on Thursday April 8th. Our condolences and prayers go out to Pat and her family for their loss. The beautiful flowers at the front of the church are in memory of Ernie.

Coffee Hour: After the success of coffee hours while we were worshipping in the Great Hall, it has been decided to continue to have this fellowship time every Sunday. The hosting group will decide whether we will be upstairs in the Parlour or downstairs in the Great Hall or perhaps outside if it’s nice. As some of the hosting groups don’t have a lot of members, and as some people are on more than one committee, we are looking for people to volunteer to help. This could be with making and serving coffee, or perhaps baking. If we are going to be getting together every Sunday, we may have to reduce our expectations of home baking!!! Please consider getting involved in this fellowship opportunity.

Come to us, risen Christ. Come through the closed doors of our hearts and minds and take away our fears and doubts.
Come to us, risen Christ. Breathe on us and fill us with the joy and peace of your presence.
Bless us all as people who have not seen you but who want to believe that you are truly the risen Christ, Son of God. Amen

Words of assurance

**Hymn #245 Praise the Lord with the Sound of Trumpet

Time with Children/ Prayer with Children

The Lord’s Prayer

(Children may go up to Sunday school after the prayer)

We Hear God’s Word for Us

Prayer for Illumination (said by all)

Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of the Holy Spirit, that as the Scriptures are read and your Word is proclaimed, we may hear with joy what you say to us today. Amen.

First Lesson Acts 5: 27-32

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.

Thanks be to God.

Responsive Lesson Psalm 118: 14-29 (VU p. 837, parts 2,3,4)

Anthem Sing, Alleluia, Sing

New Testament Lesson John 20: 19-31

This is the Gospel , the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Praise to thee, Lord Christ!

Message: About a Doubt!

We Respond to God’s Word

Prayer’s of the People

The Offering of Our Gifts and Tithes

Hymn # # 378 Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart


We give you but your own

Whate’er the gift may be;

All that we have is yours alone,

We give it gratefully.

**Prayer of Dedication

We Go Forth in God’s Name

**Hymn # 238 O Lord My God (How Great Thou Art)


**Choral Benediction

Go in love; have no fear.

God will guide you, He is always near.

Go in Love; take His hand.

God will hear you, He will understand.

May His light forever shine upon you.

May His peace be always in your heart.

Go in love; face each day.

God will lead you, He will show the way.

Go in love and live in faith. Amen.

(Reproduced with permission under license #c18681


A special welcome to all new friends as we gather as one in faith, hope and love. If you are a guest, visitor or newcomer, please make yourself known to us. If you have any questions, our greeters should be able to help you. Please put your name, mailing address and email address in our guest book, so we may have a record of your visit. If you do not have a church home, we invite you to share in our life at St. Paul’s. Join us for coffee after the service, in the Great Hall compliments of the Penetanguishene UCW.

Lenten Coin boxes/folders: So far thru your generous donations we have raised $3450.00 towards the Midland Street Outreach Program. These donations will be matched by our Special Projects fund. For a few more weeks you can still give to this local project thru St. Paul’s. Please make your cheques out to St. Paul’s and indicate that it is for the Lenten Fund.

Canadian Cancer Society: April 1st to April 30th will be Campaign Month for the Cancer Society. Thanks a bunch for your support.

Easter Food Drive: Thank you to everyone for their donations to the food drive!

Confirmation Class: Do you know anyone who might be interested in attending a Confirmation Class? If so here is some information that might help you. There is a weekend scheduledfor young people at Knox U.C. in Durham on May 14 - 15. If you are interested you could contact Andrea Wheaton at 726-1511, email: or Ann Harbridge at (705) 435-0209,email: .

Baptism Sunday will be April 18th. Anyone wishing to have their child baptised, call the church office. (526-6077) Thank you.

May Communion will be held on Sunday, May 9th. Please note this change.

New Members Sunday we have moved this date from April 18th to May 16th. If you wish to become a new member please contact the office.

Bible Study will be led by Rev. Jim McKean, starting May 5th.

A Job Very Well Done!! I would like to thank Gail Wilcox and Linda Wilcox for their dedication to our church and taking such good care of the congregation and office during my recent absence. I am happy to be back at work and appreciate all the support and good wishes I had from the congregation during my absence.