Spirituality at SJCMay 12, 2015
Beloved Retreat
Report from Andrea Gagliani:
The second Beloved Retreat for St. John of the Cross was held On April 24-26, 2015 at the newly renovated CarmeliteSpiritualCenter in Darien. The retreat was led byDr. Terry Nelson-Johnson and ten team members, including team leaders Marianne Firlit and Andrea Gagliani. There were sixteen participants.
Betsy Spiering came in each morning and led the group in Meditation.
Fr. Bob Colaresi presided at the liturgy on Saturday evening.
Some general comments were:
"The food was great, the beds comfy."
"This is a wonderful experience and I hope it will continue at SJC, because I think it could truly revitalize the parish."
"A treat for my soul"
"Thought provoking, amazing, sacred, reflective"
"I will never forget this weekend."
Book discussion: Monday Eucharist: Connecting Sunday Liturgy with Daily Work and Relationshipswith Terry Stadler. Terry reports that there have been two meetings, with a third this week, with 13 people participating in wonderful small groups. People have discovered things about Eucharist and like to talk about and share their experiences.
Book discussion of Love Beckons: God’s Gift of Prayer, with author of the book, Sr. Joyce Hajdukovic,SFCC, who earned a Ph.D. in Christian Mystical Theology from the Graduate Theological Foundation of Oxford University. The book, a practical guide to The Interior Castle of St. Teresa of Avila, incorporates true anonymous stories with spiritual signposts and practices for each of the dwelling places in this spiritual classic.
11 are participating in this 8 week study.
We at SJC are truly blessed to have these wonderful parishioners sharing their gifts with us.
Other programs continue at the Parish Center.
Prayer Shawl Ministry meets once a month, provides prayer shawls for any in need
Sunday Scripture Study –Tuesdays, 9:30–11 am mornings
Pillar Study Mission –Tuesday afternoons and evenings
Study of fundamental context of faith as found in Catechism of the Catholic church
Spiritual Journaling, Mondays, 9:30 – 11am
The Rebirthing of God by John Philip Newell
Christian Meditation Groups Mondays, 10:30 am; Wed, 2pm; Sat, 7 am
Eucharistic Adoration – Mondays, 2:30-9 pm in the Mary Chapel, rosary at 8:45
Rosary - Monday through Friday before and after the 7:45 a.m. Masses, Mary chapel
Tuesday, 9:05 with Mary group, Mary Garden or chapel
Submitted by Betsy Spiering