Joint Title for:

1 & 63 Managing sex offenders across Borders

No.1 40/40 mins Split with No.63


Information Exchange And Monitoring Of Serious Sexual And Violent Offenders Who Travel Across EU Member States: Issues Of Risk, Rights, Prevention And Privacy.

Professor Hazel Kemshall, Community and Criminal Justice, De Montfort University

Sarah Hilder, Senior Lecturer, De Montfort University

Suitable for delegates with Intermediate experience


Increased travel and open borders across much of the EU has resulted in increased capacity for serious violent or sexual offenders to travel to other Member States within the EU; and in some cases such persons travel across borders without any tracking or information exchange about their known criminality. A growing number of tragic cases have resulted from this situation.

This paper presents results of an EU funded project reviewing current information systems within the EU, and the challenges and issues faced by law enforcement and probation service personnel in effectively managing and monitoring sex offenders across state borders.

No 63 40/40 mins split with No 1


Managing Offenders in Gibraltar and the Protection of its Borders

Alexander Enriles, Detective Sergeant, Royal Gibraltar Police

Suitable for all delegates


There will be an overview about how Sex Offender management is carried out in Gibraltar and how new Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements were started in 2013. The challenges that are posed by managing local offenders who can access Spain and Morocco in a short space of time and the management of foreign offenders travelling through its borders.

No. 2 and 3 have declined no longer presenting.

No 4 90 mins


Adapting Psychological Therapy For Men With Intellectual Disabilities Who Have Displayed Sexually Harmful Behaviour: Alternatives To Prison

Pam Mount, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Calderstones Partnership Foundation Trust,

Michelle Anwyl, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Calderstones Partnership Foundation Trust,

David Cryer, Assistant Practitioner ASOTP, Calderstones Partnership Foundation Trust

Suitable for all delegates


Pathways from prison, using the Mental Health Act; How to provide a learning environment that is suitable for men with borderline presentations (F.S.I.Q. scores of below 70); Promoting engagement using Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic styles (VAK's) in treatment groups to good effect; What our I.D. men tell us about what works

No. 5 will be told sorry no.

No. 6 has declined no longer presenting.

No. 7 has declined no longer presenting

Joint Title for:

8 & 35 Circles of Support And Accountability

No 8 40/40 minute Split with No.35


Evaluating the Impact of Circles of Support and Accountability in the UK

Kieran McCartan, Associate Professor in Criminology, UWE, BristolProfessor Hazel Kemshall, Community and Criminal Justice, De Montfort University

Suitable for all delegates


This paper will disseminate the findings of two pieces of empirical, government funded, research (funded by the Ministry of Justice and the Cabinet Office) by the current authors related to the social impact of Circles of Support and Accountability (McCartan, Kemshall et al, 2014; McCartan, forthcoming).

The paper will discuss the role of Circles of Support and Accountability (COSA) in the criminal justice section as well as the impact of COSA on all involved (Stakeholders, Volunteers and Core Members). The session will group the discussion of COSA research in a historical and international framework; identifying the variants that currently exist in regard to it and what this means for the relevant stakeholders, volunteers as well as Core Members. The paper will finish by discussing where next for COSA research and considering what some of the best methodologies may be.

No 35 40/40 mins Split with No. 8


Circles of Support and Accountability: The Belfast Experience

Bob Webb, Project Manager – Extern Floating Support Project

Suitable for all delegates


This seminar will present the Circles of Support and Accountability model (COSA) and relate it to the experience of the Extern Organisation. This is a registered charity which adapted and implemented the COSA model running circles in Belfast in 2002 to 2007 and again in 2013.

No 9 KEYNOTE Workshop 90mins


Assessing The Risk Of Child Pornography Offenders Using the Child Pornography Offender Risk Tool (CPORT)

Michael Seto, PhD, Forensic Research Director, Royal Ottawa Health Care Group

Suitable for all delegates


In this workshop, I will lead a discussion regarding the risk assessment of online sex offenders, focusing on empirically identified risk factors, modification of existing risk assessment tools, and then the development of the Child Pornography Offender Risk Tool (CPORT).

Joint Title for:

10 & 40 Restorative Justice and Adolesecent Harmful Sexual Behaviour

No 10 KEYNOTE Workshop 50mins shared with 40 Cherry


The Practice Implicationsof Delivering Safe Restorative Process in Cases of Adolescent Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB)

Vincent Mercer, RJ Coordinator, The AIM Project

Suitable for all delegates


This workshop will consider the practice knowledge acquired by the AIM project in delivering restorative face to face meetings in cases of adolescent HSB.

It will focus on:

  • Identifying case suitability and the challenge of restorative assessment
  • Establishing a referral pathway
  • Types of restorative approaches available
  • Practice standards
  • Participants evaluations
  • The wider RJ picture on serious and complex cases; some research and practice insights

The workshop will have elements of group participation as well as encouraging discussion. It is aimed at both RJ practitioners and those in the HSB professional community who work directly with either victims or offenders.

No 11 KEYNOTE Workshop 90mins


Improving Multi Agency Public Protection Risk Management: Using the Four Pillars of Risk Management in MAPPA decision making

Andrew Edwards, MAPPA Co-ordinator,Dyfed Powys MAPPA

Professor Hazel Kemshall, Community and Criminal Justice,De Montfort University

Suitable for all delegates


Recent inspection reports found deficits and issues in the risk management plans produced and implemented by Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) for high risk sexual and violent offenders. This workshop presents a new approach aimed at producing more holistic and balanced plans, improvements to risk assessment, and greater involvement by all relevant MAPPA agencies. The workshop presents learning and good practice from the Dyfed Powys pilot.

Joint Title for:

12 & 15 Empathy and sex offenders

No 12 Workshop 40/40 split with 15.


Empathy as a construct, association with risk and relevance of treatment in sex offenders.

Roger Kennington, Independent Consultant,Roger Kennington Consulting

Gail McGregor, Consultant Psychologist, Northumberland Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust

Suitable for all delegates with intermediate experience


This workshop will draw on various models of empathy and illustrate its multi faceted and dynamic nature. This will be used as a basis for examining the relevance of empathy to risk, and whether empathy should be a target for sex offender treatment.

Roger to look at abstract on Thursday 12th Feb..

No 15 Workshop 40/40 mins Split with No12 who has not yet agreed to present.


Victim Empathy & Empathic Concern: Therapeutic Interventions with Adolescents who have Sexually Abused Others

Rhonda Turner, Principal Clinical Psychologist,SIATT

2nd Presenter TBC

Suitable for all delegates


This workshop will explore various interventions and techniques designed to increase a young person's Empathic Concern for others; and their Victim Empathy. It will provide participants with ideas to incorporate into their own practice, either in individual or group therapy, dependent on the needs of their client. There will also be discussion around empathic abilities of those who are thought to be on the Autistic Spectrum; and the potential contra-indications of Empathy input for those who are either Anti-Social and/or presenting with Traits of Psychopathy

No 13 Seminar 90 mins


Do Rapists Present a Risk to Children?

Roger Kennington, Independent Consultant,Roger Kennington Consulting

Gail McGregor, Consultant Psychologist, Northumberland Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust

Suitable for all delegates with intermediate experience


As experts in family proceedings the authors are often asked whether men exhibiting concerns about sexual assaults on adults may pose a risk to children. This seminar will examine the dynamic risk factors associated with rape in order to develop guidance about how to address this question.

No 14 KEYNOTE Workshop 90 mins


Young People who Display Harmful Sexual Behaviour: Understanding and Caring for Peer-Peer Grooming and Cyber-Bullying within a Social Media Society

Dr. Anne-Marie McAlinden, Reader in Law and Director of Research, Queen’s University, Belfast

Dr. Libby Ashurst, Forensic Psychologist,Ashurst Associates

Suitable for all delegates


The session presents the role of social media in sexual offending by young people and conceptual and methodological frameworks for professional intervention to reduce offending behaviour within that contemporary context. Finally, it presents standards for professional training to develop the skills needed to implement those frameworks. The session explores peer-to-peer grooming in which contemporary social media tools are used for “sexting” and other sexual offending for exploitation or bullying.

No. 16 will be told sorry no.

Joint Title for:

17 & 22 Therapeutic Approaches to Harmful Sexual Behaviour

No 17 Workshop 40/40 mins split with No. 22


'The Gift': A Holistic Guide To Treating Children And Young People With Sexually Harmful Or Inappropriate Behaviours

Jock Mickshik, Risk Assessment and Treatment Specialist Social Worker,Somerset Children's Social Care

Sam Hutton, Educational Psychologist, Somerset Local Authority

Suitable for all delegates


The Gift is a child-centred treatment guide written by Jock Mickshik and Sam Hutton which gives content and structure to professionals working with children and young people who are at risk of sexual harm to others. It is a positive intervention model that helps children and young people understand in a concrete way why their own bodies and those of others are special and why they should not steal other people's 'gifts' or allow their own to be 'stolen'.

It will be of interest to any clinician and safeguarding professional looking for ideas and material to help children and young people understand and explore sex and sexuality at their appropriate developmental level within a therapeutic, shame-free structure. The Gift is now being used widely in Somerset County's Social Care and Education by a variety of child-care professionals under clincial supervision.

No 22 Workshop 40/40 mins split with No. 17


Be Safe Stay Safe Children's Programme - Replicating a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Programme for Children with Problematic Sexual Behaviour and their Parents/Carers

Jane Weeks, Child Mental Health Specialist/Therapeutic Clinician,North Bristol NHS Trust/Be Safe

Beverley Horne, Therapeutic Practitioner,North Bristol NHS Trust Be Safe Service

Suitable for all delegates


There is a paucity of research on younger children and lack of population-based figures specific to those aged under 10, although specialist harmful sexual behaviour services are seeing a considerable number of children of this age now being referred (Vosmer, 2009; ATSA, 2006; Carpentier et. al., 2006).

This workshop will describe the delivery of a manualised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Programme for children aged 8 to 12 (and up to 14 for young people with learning disabilities) with problematic sexual behaviour and their parents/carers (Silovsky, Swisher and Widdifield, 2014) within a multi-agency context and provide an overview of approaches to assessment and treatment and its application to group and family interventions, initial findings, and key learning points. Participants will also have the opportunity to practice some of the approaches used in the programme and consider their application to the children and families they are working with.

No 18 Workshop 90mins


Using Dialective Behaviour Therapy On Young People Diagnosed With Learning Disabilities and/or Special Needs Who Present Harmful Sexualised Behaviours - New Tools To Explore With This Client Group.

Anette Birgersson, Director of research and program development, Off.Clinic AB

Marie Wassberg, CBT therapist, Prev Off.Clinic AB, (Currently working in the UK)

Suitable for all delegates with intermediate experience and Advanced experience


This is a workshop for you who have experience in working with children and adolescents who have displayed harmful sexualised behaviour and/or sexually abused, and who also have learning disabilities and/or special needs. When acknowledging that the current treatment program was not helpful enough or suitable to this specific group of young people, we looked around for other approaches to use.

We became interested in Dialectic Behaviour Therapy and started to develop an adjusted treatment program for our specific group of young people. In this workshop we hope to introduce our therapy model and hopefully give you some new ideas and approaches that you can use when working with young people who have sexually abused or displayed harmful sexualised behaviour and who also have learning disabilities and/or special needs.

No 19 Symposium 90mins


Evidence Based Practice: Current Considerations

Suzanne Bowden, Forensic Psychologist, Ioan Ohlsson, Forensic Psychologist both Coastal Child and Adult Therapeutic Services (CCATS), and Dr. Carol A. Ireland, Ashworth Research Centre, Mersey Care NHS Trust, School of Psychology, University of Central Lancashire, UK and CCATS

Suitable for all delegates


This symposium will focus on the importance of evidence-based practice when working with young people presenting with harmful sexual behaviour. It will follow a care pathway approach, beginning with the importance of evidence-based assessment of treatment need and how this should then translate and follow to evidence-led therapeutic intervention.

PAPER 1: Getting it right at the start: Risk assessment tools - the importance of empirical based assessment Ioan Ohlsson

An introduction into forensic risk assessment with a range of current assessment tools specifically developed for use with adolescent populations will be explored. such as the AIM-II, JSOAP-II, SAVRY and ERASOR.

PAPER 2: Introducing the Life Minus Violence-Enhanced Harmful Sexual Behaviour programme [LMV-HSB] Suzanne Bowden,

This paper introducesa recently developed therapeutic package for working with males who present with harmful sexual behaviour: LMV-HSB. This is an adaption from the now well established Life Minus Violence Therapy Enhanced (LMV-Enhanced ®™ No. 2519445). The Life Minus Violence-Enhanced Harmful Sexual Behaviour programme [LMV-HSB] is a cognitive behavioural package focused on reducing the risk of harmful sexual behaviour in clients.

PAPER 3: Following on from LMV-HSB: The continued importance of evidence-led informed treatment Suzanne Bowden and Ioan Ohlsson,

This presentation explores further important considerations in regard to therapeutic interventions for adolescents and young people who present with behaviours of concern such as harmful sexual behaviour.

No 20 Workshop 20 min Research


A Doctoral Thesis exploring the Utility of The Polygraph in The Monitoring and Treatment of Sexual Offenders

Miss Elizabeth Elliott, Forensic Psychologist in final year of Doctoral Training, St Nicholas Hospital (Bamburgh Acute Medium Secure Unit); The University of Nottingham School of Medicine.

2nd presenter - TBC

Suitable for all delegates


This paper will present key findings from a doctoral thesis exploring the utility of the polygraph in the treatment and management of sexual offenders. It will outline research from a systematic review of the current and relevant empirical evidence both in support and opposition to the potential role of the polygraph in monitoring offenders in a UK context. My research into the bogus pipeline effect on disclosures in lie detection examinations will also be presented.

No 21 Workshop 90 mins


Implementation of the Good Lives Model Group Work Component In Relation To Working With Young Females Engaged In, Or At Serious Risk Of, Child Sexual Exploitation.

Ellen Okotie, Senior Practitioner, G-MAP and Randi Baden, Senior Practitioner, G-MAP

Suitable for all delegates


This workshop will focus on the adapted Good Lives Model (GLM) that G-MAP is working with in relation to young females who have engaged in or is at serious risk of Child Sexual Exploitation. Part of the work is focused around implementing a group-based approach to compliment individual therapy as part of the Good Lives framework. This workshop will focus on the group work component.

No 23 Poster


Piloting Reminiscence Work with Individuals with Sexual Offending Backgrounds

Tina O'Reilly, Floating Support Social Worker, Extern Floating Support Service

Bob Webb, Project Manager, Extern Floating Support Service

Suitable for all delegates


Over the coming months we are hoping to pilot a reminiscence work initiative within our project that will involve individual work employing reminiscence approaches with around 9 ex-offenders, many of whom are likely to have sexual offending backgrounds. Recent practice experience with one individual with sexual offences proved highly successful and we are enthusiastic to build on this and share our experiences whilst contributing to wider practice.

The poster presentation will seek to reflect the various dimensions of the art work and artefacts linked to memory boxes etc. It is hoped that the poster will capture significant events, common themes, positive and negative feelings uncovered in the reminiscence journey.

The value of the work to participants will be sought. Questions will be raised as to how the reminiscence work might relate to the work of other professionals working with criminal justice issues. This will be an interactive event.

Joint Title for:

24 & 37 Older sex offenders

No 24 Workshop 20/60 mins with No. 37


Older Male Sexual Offenders: What Do We Know About This Population?