Spanish II Syllabus
Mr. Foust
The School of Arts and Enterprise
2015/2016 School Year
Spanish II Syllabus
Course Description:
Students present information and ideas in the target language on a variety of topics to listeners and readers. Students engage in oral and written conversations and interpret written and spoken language.
Students know “what to do when” and “what to say while doing it” in the culture and use this knowledge to interact appropriately. They also demonstrate understanding of the roles that products, practices, and perspectives play in the culture.
Students acquire information, recognize distinctive viewpoints, and further their knowledge of other disciplines.
Students use the target language in interpersonal settings and participate in age-appropriate cultural or language-use opportunities outside the classroom.
Students use sentence level-elements (morphology or syntax or both) to understand concrete and factual topics.
Statement Objectives of Expected Student Achievement (Goals)-
By the end of the year, students will demonstrate orally and in writing the ability to:
1. Conjugate any regular verb in the present, imperfect, preterit, future, conditional, present perfect, pluperfect, present, and imperfect subjunctive.
2. Respond correctly to spoken statements and questions.
3. Understand learned conversations, dialogs, and questions.
4. Write learned material and simple sentences.
5. Expand receptive vocabulary to a minimum of 3,000 words and expressive vocabulary of 1,500 words.
6. Stress the similarities and differences between English, Spanish, and “Spanglish.”
7. Emphasize proper grammar usage.
8. Communicate with native speakers.
9. Encourage and strengthen positive self-image.
Assessment: Progress will be measured by oral and written tests, written assignments, quizzes, and assessment through homework, group work, and daily observation of class participation.
Spanish II Pacing Guide
1. Spanish Alphabet & Spanish Calendar
2. Nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs
3. Greetings
4. Verb “Gustar” and other verbs like “Gustar”
5. La ropa
6. Verbs “ser” y “estar”
7. La Hora
8. Stem Changing verbs and irregular verbs
9. Preterite tense
10. Commands and pronoun placement
11. Affirmative commands
12. Adverbs ending in –mente
13. Presente del subjuntivo
14. “Por” and “Para”
15. Future and Conditional tenses
16. Present and Present progressive
17. The Impersonal “se”
18. Past participles used ad Adjectives
Classroom Rules
1. Follow Mr. Foust’s instructions the first time.
2. Remain seated at all times.
3. One bathroom pass at a time per student, not during lecture.
4. Only water is permitted in the classroom, no other beverages.
5. Raise your hand if you have a question or comment.
6. Respect Teacher and each other
7. Everyone’s comments, questions, and opinions are important
8. Have fun and learn!
Required supplies:
· Binder
· Lined paper
· Dividers –
· Pen/pencil
Class Rules: All school policies and rules will be followed. Respect the opinions of the teacher and fellow students.
Homework Policy: Homework, participation, formative and summative assessment make up the student’s grade. If student does not come to class, points will be lost on participation and attendance.
Grading Policy:
A-85%-100 %
B-70%-84 %
C-55-69 %
F-0-54 %
*Grading Policy subject to change if necessary
Cheating and Plagiarizing
This means you copied another student’s work and claim that it is your own. This is unacceptable and you will receive no credit, a note in your file, and a call home.
General Concerns:
Express any concerns or frustrations with me at an appropriate time and I will be more than glad to make time for you.
Parent Email Address
I have read the procedures of class and do hereby agree:
Student Name Date
Student Signature Date
Parent Name Date
Parent Signature Date
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