September 29, 2014
The County Commissioners’ meeting was called to order in their meeting room at 9:00 a.m. Karen Skoog was excused.
Board Reviews and Reports-
Items discussed were: the issue of mill foil in the rivers and lakes; the economic development in Newport and the County in regards to the Growth Management Act.
S. Kiss brought M. Manus up-to-date on the discussion with Public Works last week regarding the Chip Seal Program, the Garden Building roof repair, and the wolf issue.
M. Manus discussed Eastern Washington Council of Government (COG) meeting he attended last week in Davenport. Among items discussed was the Growth Management Act, the issues with wolves and WDFW, and the EPA studies on ecology in regards to pollution in the Upper Columbia River from Teck’s Trail Smelter, who is also participating in the studies.
Also discussed was the US Forest Service collaboration meeting. Attendees included various community leaders including speakers from Montana, Bonner County, the American Lands Council, Idaho Forest Group and from Washington D.C regarding Secure Rural Schools and Payment In Lieu of Taxes. They discussed various topics regarding the Forest Service: timber harvest to sustainable rates; recreation ATV access to forest roads; and wilderness trail access restrictions and maintenance.
County Treasurer 2015 budget review- Present were Treasurer Terri Miller, and Data Processing Coordinator Jill Shacklett.
Administrative Assistant to the Public Works Director Teresa Brooks, County Engineer Donald Ramsey, and Human Resources Coordinator Shelly Stafford gave an update on bids received last week for a third party administrator for L&I services. Three bids were received. They have set up a committee to discuss the bids and will present their recommendation to the Commissioners on Oct. 7, 2014.
The Board recessed for lunch.
Public Works Update- In attendance were Director Sam Castro, D. Ramsey, S. Stafford, Prosecutor Tom Metzger, and The Newport Miner reporter Don Gronning.
S. Castro gave details in regards to the Janitorial Service Agreement that is in the Consent Agenda for the Board’s consideration.
S. Castro provided details of job descriptions/responsibility changes to various positions in the Public Works Department. He is working with S. Stafford to document these roles.
Other topics discussed: West Branch LeClerc Bridge Number Two Project in which $120,000 in funding was secured through grants.
Fish and Aquatic Work Group (FAWG) committee; there is $2.5 million in funding available for County projects, but the County would need to have a committee member to solicit Seattle City Light for some of these funds. S. Kiss said he would be that member and look into the requirements needed.
Gary Nielsen stopped in to discuss the Renshaw Project and the Forest Service. His concern is with the transfer of roads between the County and the Forest Service, mainly keeping Rocky Creek Road open to ATV traffic. S. Castro says provisions could be added to the transfer document.
Executive Session was requested by S. Stafford and S. Castro to discuss performance of a public employee pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) for 15 minutes from 2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Also in attendance were T. Metzger and D. Ramsey.
T. Metzger provided a legal update. In attendance were Sheriff Alan Botzheim and D. Gronning. Among the items discussed were: wolves, WDFW, coordination and the need for a resolution if WDFW fails to act. T. Metzger provided a draft resolution. A. Botzheim has not received many calls regarding the wolves, but is aware of some public concerns regarding a certain wolf. He says he does have a deputy who has gone through some training with WDFW. K. Skoog called in with an update on information she obtained today and she will meet with the Director of WDFW on Tuesday the 30th. No motion was made on the resolution.
Also discussed were the Flowering Rush contract with Weeds; and the proposed change from the Auditor’s and Treasurer’s Offices in regards to changing from the Credit Card Account to a Purchase Card Account.
Juvenile 2015 budget review- Present were Probation Counselor/Diversion Coordinator Cindy Delay, Juvenile Court Administrator Paula Holter-Mehren, Auditor Marianne Nichols, and J. Shacklett.
Public Comment Period – Present were John & Geraldine Waggoner, and D. Gronning. The Waggoners want the County to provide some gravel to cover large rocks that were exposed by work the County did on a county road. The Board previously agreed with the Public Works Department that this is a level 4 (low priority) road and the use of gravel and County personnel to deliver the gravel were needed in higher priority traffic areas needing maintenance and/or repair. He wants the Board to reconsider that decision. The Board will discuss with Public Works for more details. No motion was made.
County Extension Director Mike Jensen presented the Board with a draft WSU Agreement and verified some information. Motion to sign the contract was made by S. Kiss. Seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried. The final copy will be sent over Tuesday for signatures.
Motion was made by S. Kiss to continue the meeting to September 30, 2014. Motion seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried.
September 30, 2014
The meeting resumed. K. Skoog was excused.
D. Ramsey presented the Board with a draft letter in regards to the Renshaw Vegetation Management Project EA #41515 for their consideration. The Renshaw Project is the transfer of jurisdiction of roads between the County and the Forest Service.
Consent Agenda – Motion was made by M. Manus to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried. The Consent Agenda includes today’s Agenda, the minutes of the Board’s September 22, 2014 meeting and the following items:
Investment Earnings: $ 3,334.45
Payroll Change Notice:
Sonya Gamalielson, Appraiser; Longevity $75.00/month, Effective 10-01-2014.
Public Works:
Kevin Wiklund, Road Division. Longevity $75.00/month, Effective 10-01-2014
Approval for temporary help in Counselling Services in administrative duties from October 13, 2014 to November 7, 2014.
Amendment to Agreement to Provide Flowering Rush Control and PUD Flowing Rush Work Plan between Pend Oreille County Noxious Weed Control Board and Diversified Diver Services.
Addendum to the Janitorial Service Contract between the County and Work-A-Holics, LLC. No. 2009-83 effective January 1, 2015 restoring pay rates that were temporarily reduced due in 2013 and 2014.
Interagency Agreement Between WSU and Pend Oreille County Board of Commissioners under which WSU will provide funds to enhance the space occupied by WSU Extension in Pend Oreille County.
Correspondence Received (Non-electronic):
9.11 WA. State Liquor Control Board-discontinued liquor sales Merv’s Merchantile, Newport, effective 4/30/2014
9.12 Tri-County Economic Development District, 2015 Budget Request Letter-TEDD Membership dues & Support
9.13 Law Offices of Michael J. McLaughlin, P.S., Sacheen Terrace Subdivision
9.14 HUB International Northwest LLC, Certificate of Liability Insurance for Law Office of Bajalcaliev & Scudder PS, Spokane
Correspondence Sent:
Michelle Paduani, Sullivan Lake Ranger District- Renshaw Vegetation Management Project EA #41515.
As of this date the Board approved for payment the following vouchers as listed and made available by the Auditor's Office:
Salary and Claim
Current Expense $ 76,768.96
Arts Tourism & Recreation $ 1,620.00
Emergency 911 Communications $ 8,170.18
Counseling Services $ 182.34
Fair $ 3,567.31
Road $ 119,333.93
Equipment R&R $ 25,963.10
Sheriff’s Trust $ 313.50
TOTAL: $ 235,919.32
Motion to adjourn was made by M. Manus. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried. .
ATTEST: s/______APPROVED: s/ ______Clerk of the Board Chair of the Board
Commissioners’ Minutes, September 29, 2014 Initial _____ Page 1 of 1