/ Forge Valley Community School

The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment

POST TITLE / Inclusion Manager
RESPONSIBLE TO / Deputy Headteacher
PURPOSE OF JOB / Strategic Responsibility for Leading Inclusion

The postholder must at all times carry out his/her duties and responsibilities within the spirit of Forge Valley Community School and the School’s Policies and within the framework of the Education Act 2002, and School Standards and Framework Act 1998 with particular regard to the statutory responsibilities of the Governing Bodies of Schools.

A. Overall role description

The Inclusion Manager will:

Provide senior leadership in the inclusion and transition strand of the school staffing structure and have overall responsibility for the organisation and management of the provision for alternative curriculum, all aspects of behaviour for learning and strategies and systems to secure high levels of progress for students with barriers to learning

Have overall responsibility for all measures and provisions concerning the safeguarding of children including the schools response to behaviour management, attendance, substance misuse, equal opportunities and race equality, looked after children, children in need, missing/lost children and child protection.

Be a member of the senior leadership of the school and will be accountable to the Headteacher.

Report to the appropriate sub-committees of the Governing Body and provide any information requested in relation to the responsibilities and key tasks of the job

B. Specific Functions and Tasks

The specific role of the inclusion manager in each of the aspects listed above is:

1. Alternative Curriculum

In meeting the requirements within this aspect the inclusion manager will work with Pastoral Team members:

A. Strategic direction and development

a)Organise and manage, with the involvement of other colleagues, the review and where necessary the updating of the school policy for alternative curriculum;

b)Organise and manage, with the involvement of other colleagues, action plans for the development and resourcing of the alternative curriculum;

c)Monitor the progress in achieving the alternative curriculum action plan and use this information to guide further improvement;

d)Within the school’s quality assurance procedures participate in the monitoring, evaluation and review of the inclusion policy and practices;

e)Provide appropriate advice to the Headteacher and governors to ensure that the objectives of the alternative curriculum policy are reflected in the school’s strategic plan;

f)Analyse and interpret relevant national, local and school data plus research and inspection evidence to inform the alternative curriculum.

B. Provision for students

a)Within the context of the school policy and the resources available organise effective management systems to ensure that the additional educational needs of alternative curriculum students are identified and met;

b)Manage systems for monitoring and recording the progress made by the above students towards the achievement of targets

c)Help to maintain effective partnerships between parents and staff so as to promote students’ learning; manage the provision of information to parents about targets, achievements and progress;

d)Develop and implement effective procedures for liaison between schools to ensure that there is good continuity in terms of support and progression in learning when alternative curriculum students transfer;

e)Develop and implement effective liaison with external agencies in order to provide maximum support for students with alternative curriculum students.

C. Leading and Managing Staff

a)Co-ordinate and manage the work programmes of staff assigned to work with either individuals or groups of alternative curriculum students;

b)Participate in any appraisal and/or professional development procedures for staff involved in working with alternative curriculum students;

c)Organise regular opportunities for specialist teachers, support staff and other teachers to review the needs, progress and targets of students with students;

d)Arrange at least once every year an audit of staff training needs;

e)Co-ordinate the professional development of staff in relation to the effective provision for students;

f)Contribute to the support organised for newly qualified teachers.

D. Efficient and Effective Use of Resources

a)Establish what resources are needed and advise the Headteacher and governors of the priorities for expenditure;

b)Within the school’s financial procedures manage the appropriate allocated budgets;

c)Allocate the available resources to meet the objectives of alternative curriculum, and to achieve value for money;

d)Deploy staff involved in working with students to ensure the most effective and efficient provision;

e)Contribute to any necessary risk assessments relating to the provision of alternative curriculum.

2. Student Support

Line-manage the Pastoral Team with regard to the following:

a)Use of data to identify cohorts of vulnerable potentially underachieving cohorts including CLA BME EAL FSM students to ensure 3-4 levels progress;

b)Contribute to the monitoring, evaluation and reporting of the impacts of interventions for the above cohorts, including reports every half term to SLT

c)Provide appropriate advice to the Headteacher and Governors to ensure that the progress of the above cohorts and actions proposed are included in strategic planning;

d)Analyse and interpret relevant national, local and school data plus research and inspection evidence to inform policy on the above groups;

e)Establish resources needed to advise the Headteacher and Governors of priorities for expenditure for vulnerable groups.

f)Allocate available resources to meet the objectives of the school’s strategic plan for the above groups;

g)Manage the allocated budgets;

3. Parents, Community and Year 7 Transition

In meeting the requirements within this aspect the inclusion manager will work with other appropriate staff both in school and external to the school in order to:

a)Develop and maintain relationships with secondary feeder schools and ensure that procedures are in place that allow for the smooth transfer of students to these schools

b)Develop and keep under review the methods by which we seek the views of parents

c)Develop and keep under review the procedures for dealing with parental complaints

d)Maintain good working relationships with the Family of Schools, ensuring that the school maximises the benefits of Family of Schools partnership

e)Explore and build relationships with other educational providers that would be of benefit to the school, students and parents

f)Explore and develop opportunities for wider community involvement in the school, including the provision of parent learning

g)Monitor and evaluate provision for parental and community involvement

h)Manage the work of volunteers and other community workers

4. Extended Schools

In meeting the requirements within this aspect the access and inclusion manager will work with other appropriate staff both in school and external to the school in order to:

a)Maximise the opportunities that are available to the school arising from the extended schools agenda. This will include taking the lead role in developing the provision for:

A breakfast club

A study support opportunity

After school activities

5. Lunchtime Supervision

In meeting the requirements within this aspect the inclusion manager will:

a)Determine and manage routines and procedures, including staff deployment, to ensure the health and safety of students at break time lunchtime and before and after the school day

b)Provide line management for the Senior Cover Supervisor

c)Determine appropriate staffing levels for break and lunchtime supervision and provide advice on this to the Headteacher and governors;

d)Determine, organise and manage appropriate training for lunchtime supervisors

6. Safeguarding Students

In meeting the requirements within this aspect the inclusion manager will work with other appropriate staff both in school and external to the school in order to provide leadership and management in:

A. Behaviour and Anti-Bullying

a)Keep under review the behaviour for Learning policy and procedures to ensure that as far as is possible the school is free from bullying, racism and other forms of harassment

b)Regularly assess the training needs of all categories of staff in relation to behaviour management and arrange any necessary training

c)Provide line management for the House Student Support Leaders

d)Manage the work of the Pastoral team to ensure that there is:

a coherent programme to help students develop the appropriate emotional skills and attitudes that will help them form and maintain constructive relationships with others

clear procedures for early identification of students in danger of disaffection

appropriate and sufficient resources

e)In collaboration with the Deputy Headteacher

Maintain appropriate information about the behaviour of students, including the incidents of exclusions that will enable the Headteacher and governors to determine whether student behaviour is improving

Develop and manage the means through which parents can be regularly informed of the behaviour of their students

Develop and manage the means through which the school celebrates the good behaviour of students

Provide the first Senior Leadership Team point of contact with parents regarding behaviour issues

Present an annual report to governors on the behaviour of students and the actions that are being taken to maintain good behaviour

Ensure that the procedures for both temporary and permanent exclusions meet with all statutory requirements and also those of LA best practice recommendations

B. Attendance

In meeting the requirements within this aspect the inclusion manager will work with other appropriate staff both in school and external to the school in order to:

a)Ensure that the procedures for marking and the safe-keeping of registers comply with all relevant statutory requirements

b)Ensure that incidents of non-attendance are quickly followed up and reasons identified

c)Devise and manage whole school initiatives to improve attendance and punctuality, including the maintenance of an attendance notice-board and the celebration of good attendance

d)Ensure that attendance and punctuality figures for each class are collected and collated on a weekly basis and any trends identified

e)Present to the governors and SLT a termly report on attendance and the actions being taken to ensure continuous good attendance

f)Keep under review the procedures for collecting and collating attendance figures, including the use of ICT, to ensure that they are efficient and effective

g)Ensure that there is good liaison between the school and the Education Welfare Service and that the school makes full use of all the facilities of that service in order to promote good attendance.

h)Keep under review the communications sent to parents regarding attendance and punctuality to ensure that they are clear and designed to promote good attendance

i)Keep under review and where necessary implement the appropriate training and development of all categories of staff in relation to the collection and use of attendance and punctuality data

j)Liaise with SLT/Governors in determining the annual school target for attendance

C. Child Protection

In meeting the requirements within this aspect the inclusion manager will work with other appropriate staff both in school and external to the school in order to:

a)Ensure that there are effective procedures for the protection of students in line with the LA child protection arrangements

b)Act as the Child Protection Liaison Teacher and maintain up-to-date information about relevant procedures and practices. Undertake all responsibilities connected with the role of Child Protection Liaison Teacher

c)Develop and maintain good relationships with external agencies who may have a legitimate interest in matters relating to the care and protection of students

d)Ensure that all staff are aware of and know how to implement the procedures for ensuring the care, welfare and health and safety of students. Where necessary organise and manage appropriate staff training.

e)Provide annually to the governors the information required in relation to child protection.

D. Other safeguarding aspects

In meeting the requirements within this aspect the inclusion manager will work with other appropriate staff both in school and external to the school in order to:

a)Ensure the school complies with all statutory requirements and good practice within the areas of race equality, substance misuse, looked after students, students in need and missing/lost students

b)Devise and manage school procedures and practice within the above areas, include any necessary monitoring and evaluation and staff training

C. Leadership

The Access and Inclusion Manager is a member of the Senior Leadership Team and will be expected to attend all meetings of the team and fulfil all related duties.

Inclusion Manager Person Specification
Essential / Desirable
Qualifications / Educated to A level or equivalent standard /
Evidence of ongoing professional development; attendance on courses, INSET, action research, personal study etc. /
Commitment to continuing professional development, working towards standards and expectations for the role of inclusion manager /
Experience / Skills / Experience of successful leadershipand management within a school or business setting /
Ability to provide professional leadership and management of a staff team and contribute to the work of other teams to secure high quality teaching, effective use of resources and improved standards of learning and achievement for all students across the school. /
Knowledge of the range and type of interventions available and be able to apply these appropriately in the context of the School's resources and the individual students. /
Knowledge of current educational issues and their relationship to the inclusion, behaviour support and Education Welfare Services. /
Experience of inter-agency work. /
Excellent written and oral communication skills. /
Excellent presentation and inter-personal skills. /
Excellent time and task management skills. /
Ability to work under pressure and to deadlines. /
Ability to use data effectively in setting targets. /
Ability to actively engage with other schools and external agencies to build effective inclusion partnerships /