Scoil Treasa

Newsletter 4 January2011

  1. Our school was closed for a number of days in Decemberduring the extreme weather conditions. We reopened when it was safe to do so. Words of thanks to Floyd (Caretaker) and staff for their work in clearing the footpaths around the school to make for safe entry and exit.
  1. The school has made a donation of €730 to St. Vincent De Paul. The money was raised on our colour daybefore Christmas. The money will be used to help those less fortunate in our community.
  1. Congratulations to our Hallelujah Choir on a fantastic performance in the R.D.S on Sunday December 12th. Thanks to Mrs. O’ Neill and Ms Maguire for all their hard work.
  1. Pantomime: All classes paid a visit to ‘The Helix’ for Jack and the Beanstalk before Christmas. The children really enjoyed their day out and it was a great opportunity to view a live performance. A word of thanks to the Parents’ Association for their donation towards the cost of transport.
  1. Intel Young Scientist Exhibition: Well done to our representatives who did us all proud in Intel, Leixlip on Friday December 10th. A word of thanks to Robert Dempsey for coordinating this new initiative
  1. For over 6 years now we have tried to source funding for a perimeter fence surrounding our school. Our main concern always was the safety of your children. We have applied on numerous occasions to the Department of Education & Skills for this grant. Thankfully, at last, we have received the money and the work will begin early in the new year. This will make Scoil Treasa a much safer environment for all pupils and staff. The incidences of vandalism, graffiti etc should also be eliminated. It will also help us in developing our school yard and playing field.
  1. Text- A- Parent: This form of communication is now up and running, you should have received a text from school on December 21st 2010. If you did not, perhaps we have an incorrect mobile number or you may not have opted in to the scheme. Please check and let us know in the office. The Parents’ Association will be helping in this regard.
  1. Our school website is an excellent resource and a great way of keeping in touch with your child’s school. Check out the site at The site is updated on a regular basis with newsletters/ dates/information available.
  1. Swine Flu.: We are conscious of the prevalence of the flu. We have spoken to the pupils about hygiene and have procedures in place to help prevent any spread in Scoil Treasa.
  1. Credit Union Quiz. We will be holding the preliminary rounds of the school quiz in the next few weeks. We will then select two teams to go forward to the ‘Regional Quiz’.
  1. Our Credit Union Saving Scheme with 3rd / 4th / 5th/ 6th Class pupils takes place each week. The pupils are saving on a regular basis. We would encourage all pupils to become members. Saving takes place on assembly days.
  1. Swimming session 3 begins for the 4th Class (Ms. Maguire) and some 3rd class pupils on Tuesday January 25th in Templeogue College Swimming Pool.
  1. Our Chess Club will start again at the end of this month. We will be entering a school team in Tallaght League.
  1. Our Book Fair will take place on February 1st/2nd /3rd.The Parents’ Association will be working on these days. Times to follow at a later date.
  1. Whole School Evaluation (W.S.E.) The report of the school inspection (2010) is now available on the Department of Education & Skills website
  1. Attendance: Pupils should attend school unless they are unwell. Recently we have pupils missing school for trivial reasons. Pupils who miss 20 days or more are reported to the N.E.W.B. (National Education al Welfare Board).
  1. Punctuality: School starts at 9.20a.m. each morning. A small number of pupils are constantly late for class. This is a very bad habit, children miss out on schoolwork and classes are disturbed by late arrivals. Please ensure your child is on time for school.
  1. Behaviour: I wish to congratulate all the pupils on their excellent behaviour to date this year. This is fantastic!
  1. After a long,cold and wet winter outdoor sporting activities will resume in school after mid term in February. Hurling, camogie, basketball and gaelic football will be back. Your child will be informed of the days by the teacher involved. After school activities finish at 3.50p.m. each day. If weather is inclement the pupils will be supervised until that time. There is no need to phone the school about cancellations.
  1. Thank you for your support at all times and if you wish to speak to me or a class teacher on any matter please contact the school (4513141) to make an appointment. Happy new year!


Gerard O’ Meara
