The Sandusky County Safety Council is a not for profit organization that was established to provide a forum for networking and sharing of information as well as to provide education and information on Health and Safety related topics. The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation and membership dues fund the council. The Safety Council’s activities include monthly meetings and an annual awards banquet. The goals of the council include:
- Provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences on safety issues.
- To provide information and assistance to the members of the council whether through education or sharing of ideas and information.
- Promote safe positive work environments to area employers.
The Scholarship:
Applicants must be family members (children, stepchildren or grandchildren) of Sandusky County Safety Councilmember companies.At least one scholarship in the amount to $1,000.00 will be awarded for the 2018/2019 academic year. If there are other applications deemed worthy of consideration additional scholarships may be awarded. Successful recipients must be U.S. Citizens and enrolled full–time at the senior level (during the 2017/2018 school year) and must demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in the field of Occupational Safety and Health, IndustrialHygiene, Environmental Science, Risk Management, Civil and Emergency Services (e.g. Law Enforcement, FireFighter, EMT), Occupational Rehabilitation or a related field.The completed scholarship application must be received by April 2, 2018in order to be eligible to receive the scholarship. Scholarship(s) will be presented at the Safety Council Awards Breakfast Banquet at the Neeley Center, Terra State Community College,on April 18, 2018.
Minimum Criteria:
Applicants must have a recommendation by their academic advisor. They must also complete the Scholarship Application and Short Answer Questions forms.
Basis for Award:
- Content of short answer application
- Academic Excellence
- Work Experience/ Activities
- Future ambitions regarding safety programs
Required Documents for Application:
- Copy of High School Transcripts
- Letter from Academic counselor/advisor
- Completed Application
Send all applications and accompanying materials to:
Sandusky County Safety Council
215 Croghan Street
Fremont, OH 43420
Sandusky County Safety Council
Scholarship Application
A. Application Information
Name______Expected date of Graduation______
Zip Code______Phone______Other Phone______
E-Mail Address______Date of Birth______
Are you a U.S. Citizen? Yes No
B. Academic Advisor
- Educational Information
Vocational or High School Currently Attending______GPA______
College or Institution (planning to attend)______
Major field of Study______
D. Work Experience
E. Activities: Please list your non-occupational activities (in order of interest to you), in which you have been or are currently involved.
Your most significant contribution______
Your most significant contribution______
Your most significant contribution______
Your most significant contribution______
- Honors: Please list and describe any special honors or scholarships you have won. (use second page if necessary) ______
- Relative’s Employer:______Relative’s Name______
Scholarship Short Answer Questions
A. Give a brief statement expressing why you would like to receive this scholarship.
B. Why have you chosen to pursue a career in a Safety-related field?
C. Give an example of how a safety program or device has affected your life.
D. If you could do one thing (and money and time were no object) to improve the Safety of those around you, what would it be? ______